Council Meeting 29 June, 2015 NEW MILTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NEW MILTON TOWN COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY 29 JUNE 2015 AT 6.30PM IN THE TOWN HALL, ASHLEY ROAD, NEW MILTON Councillors: p p p p p p p p G C Beck G R Blunden S J Clarke K E Craze R B Dagnall S P Davies W Davies D E Hawkins B Murrow p p p p p R A Reid A W Rice D A Rice-Mundy A D O’Sullivan Mrs V E Schooling S P Short D N Tungate J G Ward Vacancy In Attendance: Officers: Mr G P Flexman - Town Clerk Elaine Reed - Administrator _______________________________________________________________________ CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chairman welcomed councillors, members of the public and a member of the press to the meeting. Sgt Beale of New Milton Police reported on recent Safer Neighbourhood issues. The Chairman thanked him for his informative report. 15. APOLOGIES Cllrs S Davies, S P Short, D N Tungate, J G Ward 16. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS/MAYOR’S ENGAGEMENTS 23 May - opened the New Milton Rotary Market 27 May – attendance at Love Your Local Market obtaining feedback from residents on the local weekly market. 28 May – Masons Presentation Evening. A cheque was received by the Mayor to donate to the First Opportunities Special Needs Playgroup. 13 June – Opened the Rugby Fun day at Ashley 16 June – Presented the cheque to the First Opportunities Playgroup. 19 June – Open Day at Bethel House Care Home and Newbiz charity tea and cakes. 22 June – Afternoon tea dance at Kingfishers Care Home 27 June – Opened the Skate Park: A great afternoon, with demonstrations and competitions. The Chairman thanked all councillors who were able to attend and particularly thanked the Estates & Facilities Manager and grounds team as the Recreation Ground and the Skate Park looked fabulous. Musical entertainment by CODA was provided for the early evening. 17. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None 8 Council Meeting 18. 29 June, 2015 MINUTES The Chairman referred to the minutes of the Council meeting held on 19 May 2015. Minute 3 – Cllr Beck referred to the current composition of standing committees. The Chairman said that membership of standing committees is in line with the Standing Orders of New Milton Town Council. It was RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 19 May, 2015 having been circulated, be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. The minutes were duly signed. 19. CORRESPONDENCE a) An e-mail from Kevin Ings, Community and Social Care Transport Manager informing the Council that following representations from a number of Cango users, the County Council has agreed to look, with interested parties, at the feasibility of a locally based booking service for the Lymington Cango and whether other partners might be prepared to fund this. Whilst these investigations are being progressed the Lymington Cango will continue to operate in its current format with one change to the current arrangements. From Monday 6 July bookings for the Lymington Cango will need to be made Monday – Friday, between 8 am and 5 pm. Journeys for Saturday travel will therefore need to be booked by the previous day. An update on how the discussions regarding a local booking solution progress will be provided in due course. b) The Underlease for land known as the Lower Field adjoining Ashley Junior School has been received from New Forest District Council. It was agreed that this may be signed by the Town Clerk on behalf of New Milton Town Council. c) Cllr Beck suggested establishment of a commemoration ceremony for Armed Forces Day in New Milton. The Chairman said that this will be considered for inclusion in the Civic Diary. 20. QUESTIONS None 21. COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Planning Committee Cllr S J Clarke, Chairman of the Planning Committee, submitted the minutes of the Committee Meetings held on 19 May, 4 and 18 June, 2015 and moved their adoption. Minute 19 – Cllr Clarke informed members that the Neighbourhood Plan will be an agenda item at every Planning Committee meeting. There will be a dedicated website for the Neighbourhood Plan. It was then RESOLVED: That the Minutes 1 to 22 inclusive be received. 9 Council Meeting b) 29 June, 2015 Amenities Committee Cllr G R Blunden, Chairman of the Amenities Committee, submitted the Minutes of the Committee Meetings held on 19 May and 1 June 2015 and moved their adoption. Minute 16 – Cllr Blunden informed members that the Performance Pavilion is in use for many dates during the summer including the New Milton Pedal Car Grand Prix, a brass band concert, and a fund raising barbecue for Cancer Research. Cllr Blunden said that the tenders for works around the War Memorial will be considered by the Amenities Committee at the end of August. The plaque to commemorate Col Wheeler V.C. is on order. It was then RESOLVED: That the Minutes 1 to 24 inclusive be received. c) Finance and General Purposes Committee Cllr O’Sullivan thanked the Town Clerk and his staff for their work in obtaining an excellent internal audit report with no action points outstanding. Minute 16 – In regard to Youth Grant Aid, information received from Reach – Summer School and Community Activities is sufficient for the Grant Aid to be awarded. It was then RESOLVED: That the Minutes 1 to 21 inclusive be received. d) Executive Committee Meeting Cllr D E Hawkins, Chairman of the Executive Committee submitted the Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 22 June 2015 and moved their adoption. It was RESOLVED: That the Minutes 1 to 10 inclusive be received. 22. SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS The Schedule of Payments endorsed by the F&GP Committee on 20 April, 2015 was submitted for Council approval. It was unanimously RESOLVED: That the Schedule of Payments S/No 01/15/16 totalling £124,810.55 for the period 1 to 30 April, 2015 be approved. The Schedule was duly signed. 10 Council Meeting 23. 29 June, 2015 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 The Chairman referred to Appendix 1 previously circulated. It was RESOLVED: That the Financial Statements for 2014-2015 be approved. 24. INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT The Chairman referred members to Appendix 2, previously circulated. Report for 2014-15 was noted. 25. The Final ANNUAL RETURN The Chairman referred to Appendix 3, previously circulated. It was RESOLVED: That the Annual Return for 2014-2015 be approved. The accounting statements and annual governance statement were duly signed by the Chairman and Town Clerk. 26. NEW FOREST NATIONAL PARK – SW QUADRANT ELECTIONS After a ballot, Philip Daubeney of Burley Parish Council was nominated as the preferred candidate of New Milton Town Council for Election as Hampshire Parish Representative to the South West Quadrant of the New Forest National Park Authority, with Harry Oram of Brockenhurst Parish Council second choice. 27. ELECTORAL REVIEW The Chairman referred to Appendix 5, previously circulated. After discussion, It was RESOLVED: That the submission to the Electoral Review of Hampshire from New Milton Town Council that the status quo remains as far as the current boundary and numbers of members for the purposes of elections is concerned. 28. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS SERVING ON EXTERNAL ORGANISATIONS. Cllr A D O’Sullivan reported that new staff had been appointed to the Forest Arts Centre and a high number of visits to the centre were recorded. Cllr G C Beck reported that a certificate was awarded to New Milton Town Council commending their work in regard to local speedwatch at an event attended by Simon Tribe, Chief Inspector of the New Forest District, Hampshire Constabulary. Cllr Beck also attended a meeting of the Hampshire Association of Local Councils on 20 June, 2015. This Association provides support to New Milton Town Council. 11 Council Meeting 29. 29 June, 2015 REPORT FROM TOWN DEVELOPMENT OFFICER Plans for the Christmas Festival are progressing with the date set for the festival for 28 November 2015. The Love Your Local Market event was successful with surveys carried out on weekly market customers. A French market was held recently. Three new windows have been installed at the Memorial Hall and there will shortly be an Annual General Meeting of the Memorial Hall Committee to revise the current Deed of Trust. An Abba tribute band concert will be held on 2 July, 2015. Work continues with New Milton Culture & Heritage Trust, progress on setting up a Dementia Friendly Town, and the Silver Surfers training group. The New Forest Advice Service may be amalgamating with the Silver Surfers to address issues around only being able to access Universal Credit on line. 30. REPORTS BY COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS County Cllr Kendal reported that submission was made from Hampshire County Council to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, Review Officer (Hampshire) indicating that no boundary change is necessary for the area. The deadline for submissions is 10 July. In regard to education, Cllr Kendal said that many academies and free schools purchase services from Hampshire County Council. Cllr Kendal has donated £3,000 to New Milton Neighbourhood Care towards a recent move from their previous offices, and informed members that no further payment will be made to superfast broadband provider until targets on broadband speeds are reached in rural Hampshire. If target speeds are not attainable other solutions may be considered such as satellite or WiFi for rural businesses. Cllr Kendal informed members that 30 June, 2015 is the deadline for the current SWITCH arrangements to enable residents to change power suppliers. County Cllr Rice reported the following: Roadworks in Fernhill Lane are now complete. He attended a flag-raising ceremony at the Castle, Winchester for Armed Forces Day. He feels that proposed works at the junction of Manor Road, Avenue Road and Fernhill Lane may create a build-up of traffic and he will make representations to the County Council about this. Attended a meeting of the Library Panel at Winchester In regard to the Local Government Boundary Commission Electoral Review of Hampshire, Cllr Rice felt that there was no need to make any changes to the current boundaries. District Cllr Beck attended New Forest District Council Covenant of Armed Forces at the Gosport Submarine Museum. Cllr Beck left the meeting at 7.55 pm. District Cllr Blunden attended two meetings of the General Purposes & Licensing Committee. The prohibition of sky lanterns at NFDC events was adopted. He also attended a Scrutiny Panel, an Environmental Overview Task & Finish Group and will attend a meeting of the New Milton and Barton on Sea Residents’ Association on 7 July to be addressed by Steve Cook, the Coastal Engineering Team Leader, New Forest District Council. 12 Council Meeting 29 June, 2015 District Cllr Clarke attended two meetings of the General Purposes & Licensing Committee, some training sessions and Task & Finish Groups on Coastal Erosion, Child Poverty and Car Parking. Cllr Clarke also attended his first meeting of the Police Commissioner’s Crime Panel. District Cllr O’Sullivan chaired the Audit Committee, attended a Communities Committee meeting, a Child Poverty Task and Finish group and a Citizens Advice Bureau meeting as a New Forest District Council representative. 31. ANY ITEMS WHICH THE CHAIRMAN CONSIDERS URGENT - None 32. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Town Council will take place on Monday 10 August, 2015 in the Town Hall, 2 Ashley Road, New Milton at 6.30 pm. The Meeting was adjourned at 8.00 pm for the Democratic Half Hour. DEMOCRATIC HALF HOUR No members of the public wished to speak. The Chairman thanked the public for attending. A proposal by the Chairman to go into Private Session was agreed by members. Public Bodies (Admissions to meetings) Act 1960 RESOLVED that: Pursuant to Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and press be excluded from the Meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. 33. CASUAL VACANCY Following a vote, it was unanimously agreed Cllr Blunden be appointed to the F&GP Committee having resigned from Planning. After presentations by 3 applicants, discussions were held and after a ballot Caroline Hexter was elected by members to fill the casual vacancy as a councillor for Becton ward representing Barton on the Planning Committee. The Chairman thanked members for attending and closed the meeting at 8.32 pm. Chairman __________________________ Date ____________________ Distribution: Town Councillors District Councillors Mrs C V Ward, Mrs J L Cleary County Councillors M Kendal, K Thornber New Milton Library New Milton Police Press 13