Marketing Strategy 2009-2014

Marketing Strategy
2009 – 2014
Marketing Strategy 2009-2014
Table of Contents
Executive Summary...................................................................................................................................... 2
Section 1 – Achieving Corporate Strategy Aims through Marketing Strategy ................................................ 3
Role and Enabling Framework .................................................................................................................. 3
Methodology and Ethics ............................................................................................................................ 3
The University’s Corporate Strategy - Making Knowledge Work 2009 -2014............................................. 3
Section 2 – Marketing Strategy – Context ..................................................................................................... 4
Marketing Strategy 2004-2009 .................................................................................................................. 4
Section 3 – Marketing Strategy 2009 -14 ...................................................................................................... 5
Vision ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Enablers and Ways of Working..................................................................................................................... 6
Monitoring Progress .................................................................................................................................. 7
Aim 1 - Student Recruitment .................................................................................................................. 8
Aim 2 - Development and Alumni Fund Raising ................................................................................... 10
Aim 3 - Improving University and City Reputation ................................................................................ 11
Aim 4 - Positioning Research and Knowledge Transfer ....................................................................... 13
Aim 5 - Improving Student Experience and Retention .......................................................................... 14
Aim 6 - Delivering Professional Event Co-ordination............................................................................ 15
Development of Area / Function Strategic Plans ..................................................................................... 16
Executive Summary
The University will pursue a marketing strategy designed to underpin specific elements of the Corporate
Plan, whilst maintaining essential areas of existing communication and event activity.
A market segment approach will determine overall action plans, with a key focus on recruitment of groups
determined in the Corporate Plan.
There will be a specific focus on Research and Knowledge Transfer which will deliver marketing strategies
for the overall offering and agreed action plans for appropriate RKT Centres.
Fundraising and Alumni relations will continue to feature prominently across all activity and events, and the
events operation itself will be overhauled to increase university reputation and improve efficiency.
Reputation of both City and University will be of paramount importance in achieving all the above through
better student satisfaction, key message development, working with external partners to draw positive
attention and developing strong online promotion.
Marketing Strategy 2009-2014
Section 1 – Achieving Corporate Strategy Aims through Marketing Strategy
Role and Enabling Framework
The Marketing Strategy defines the channels through which exchanges with all types of stakeholder will
achieve the greatest impact to support the University in delivering its Corporate Strategy.
Methodology and Ethics
The Marketing Strategy will focus on the priorities established within the Corporate Strategy in applying
resources and the changing communications skill-base required.
The Marketing Strategy will seek to embrace and embed the Corporate Values of the University in all its
activities. This will include ensuring that: all developments are achieved through briefing and consultation
with the current and prospective parties involved; they are impact assessed and fit for purpose; they are
both aspirational and sustainable to ensure progress towards targeted, relevant and timely outcomes.
The Marketing Strategy will monitor progress and direction of all its encompassing strategies in conjunction
with the targets set for Student Recruitment and Retention, Research and Knowledge Transfer, remaining
alert to the developments within other University strategies and frameworks, especially the Academic Policy
Framework 2009-2014 and the Research and Knowledge Transfer Strategy Raising our Ambitions 20092014. The strategy seeks to be flexible and allow for changes in the socio-political landscape.
The Marketing Strategy seeks to provide accessible, timely and well informed support and guidance and
ensure that policies, processes and procedures are continuously reviewed and improved in light of
stakeholder feedback, reflection and best practice.
The University’s Corporate Strategy - Making Knowledge Work 2009 -2014
The Strategic Aims of the University
Aim 1
Aim 2
Aim 3
Aim 4
Aim 5
Aim 6
To provide all our students with a first-class learning experience and excellent employment prospects.
To be a research-active University supporting high-quality research, its application and dissemination.
To make knowledge work through effective knowledge transfer between the University and private, public, voluntary and
community sectors.
To invest in the welfare and support of our students and staff by optimising talent, increasing efficiency, developing
potential and supporting well-being for all.
To be outward facing, collaborating with our graduate alumni, our local and regional communities, and national and
international partners.
To deliver professional and customer-focused services and an appropriate and supportive infrastructure which
communicates guides and governs effectively.
The Corporate Values of the University
Value, harness and utilise the diversity of our students and staff and celebrate the benefits they bring
Be open, transparent and respectful, protect freedom of thought and be a force for social change
Be a learning organisation with ambition which fosters curiosity, enquiry and innovation
Nurture a learning and working environment based on principles of trust, mutual respect and support
Be flexible and responsive in our working practices and seek to work effectively with others
Seek to be world-class and embed sustainable development within our culture
Marketing Strategy 2009-2014
Section 2 – Marketing Strategy – Context
As the Higher Education environment features increasingly rapid and far reaching changes, as documented
in the ‘Key Challenges’ report, the Comprehensive Spending Review and the Government responses to the
Browne Review, so marketing communications must remain adaptable and able to respond quickly to
situations that impact on the established strategy and resulting action plans.
The Marketing Strategy is informed through a review of the following;
The Corporate Strategy
Academic School plans and the shared aims contained
Academic Policy Framework 2009-2014
The Research and Knowledge Transfer Strategy
‘Higher Ambitions’ previous government paper
The Coalition: Our Programme for Government
Student Number Targets
The Internationalisation Strategy
Admissions Developments
The Browne Review and subsequent Government Announcements
Marketing Strategy 2004-2009
The above was appropriately focussed on growth of the UG market and the targets were met.
Cohort : Student Entrants: Students on first year of a course
Number of students
Academic Year
Data from Data Centre and includes overseas students
Other key areas of focus were improvements to the reputation of the University and the City of Bradford.
Target 1:
Responders stating “Reputation of University is good” increased from 56% in 2004 to 71% in 2005, 62% in
2006, 65% in 2007 and has been maintained at 69% in 2008 and 2009, delivering above the targeted 4%
Target 2:
Students declining due to “Reputation of City”/ “City I don’t want to be in” increased from 36% in 2004 to 41%
in 2005 and 2006, 43% in 2007 decreasing back by 5% to 38% in 2008 and 2009.
Since this period of activity, there has been an increased focus on:
Internal Communications
Events Co-ordination and management
Development (Fund Raising)
Additional focus on RKTS, Internationalisation, New Build, University Initiatives
Marketing Strategy 2009-2014
Section 3 – Marketing Strategy 2009 -14
To have a widely respected academic institution with strong internal and external communication channels,
running relevant and reputation-enhancing activities and delivering to successful income generating
strategies through student recruitment and retention, RKTS, Development and Events.
Aim 1 - Student Recruitment - To recruit quality students to agreed targets
The marketing strategy will ensure the relevant marketplaces are targeted. Positioning and segmenting
work will encourage better quality of entrants to align with targets.
Aim 2 - Development and Alumni Fund Raising - To deliver significant growth
To build a vibrant and active alumni community providing opportunities and services which will benefit our
graduates personally and professionally. To enable people to support the University of Bradford through
financial donations and other gifts, which will be used to extend the University’s mission to deliver high
quality education and an outstanding student experience to talented individuals from all backgrounds. To
establish a framework which positively encourages and facilitates financial support from individuals, grantmaking trusts, companies and any other interested organisations for strategic developments within the
University in an effective and professional manner.
Aim 3 - Improving University and City Reputation – To contribute to an improved reputation for both
City and University
Key Messages for agreed points of distinctiveness will be used to drive our national and international
reputation. With the development of new media and Web 3.0, managing this important area becomes quite
an art form, involving on-line monitoring and well judged intervention in addition to strong key message
delivery. Working with partners on a regional and national basis activity and events will be promoted to
maximise reputation building opportunities.
Aim 4 - Positioning Research and Knowledge Transfer - To enhance the profile and reputation of
Research and Knowledge Transfer
Put Research & Knowledge Transfer at the heart of the University offer, through establishment, storage and
use of agreed key messages to enable consistent communication. Support the RKT Centres of Excellence
and, through the clusters, promote remaining RKT activity. Raise the profile of Researchers at the
University and improve awareness of the Entrepreneurship and Business offering to students. Raise the
profile of the International connections / collaborations and regional industry connections. Identify the
motivators for working with the University in a B2B capacity & promote these alongside quality contributions
leading to the REF. Support the delivery of events to promote an enterprise and innovation culture within
the University and raise awareness as an organisation which develops young researchers. Maximise
funding opportunities
Aim 5 - Improving Student Experience and Retention – To contribute to the student experience and
help increase retention
Develop a strong working relationship with the University of Bradford Students’ Union and through them the
student body. Enhancing the student experience to assist in retention is championed by the Internal
Communications and the Events Co-ordination teams, working closely with the Academic Development
Unit and UBU.
Marketing Strategy 2009-2014
Aim 6 - Delivering Professional Event Co-ordination - To deliver a robust and high profile events to
enhance the University’s reputation
Through the Events Working Group co-ordinate a series of policies, procedures, systems and marketing
activity to deliver a robust event operation to enhance the University’s reputation further and optimise the
usage of the University’s space to generate income.
Enablers and Ways of Working
The success of this strategy depends on the adoption of new ways of working and communicating. The
Marketing, Communications and Events functional areas will deliver a series of on-line tools, guides,
systems and resources to facilitate access and production of timely communications and events, using the
agencies and systems available. The challenges anticipated include communicating these systems and
processes effectively to the relevant communities within the University, gaining their trust and confidence in
the efficacy of the systems and ease of use and monitoring the outputs to maintain standards of quality
The tools include:
1. Content Management System - A fundamental part of the Web Action Plan for the University, generating all the
University web pages into the CMS system with specific groups, across campus, assigned the responsibility for
regular updating as and when any changes are made or developments announced
2. Customer Relationship Management Database – the CRM for all Alumni and Development Prospects and Donors
to enable relationship building in a strategic and regulated manner can be extended to a wider group of University
communities. Currently plans include RKTS, Dementia Studies and the Events Community, with further
developments possible and parties alerted.
3. Events Co-ordination System – joining up current University software systems with linkages and on line
development, to deliver an easily accessible venue and facilities booking service, promotional channels and
delegate management
4. Market Research Tool – part of the new Market Research website this tool enables course designers to validate
the case through access to relevant information stores
5. In anticipation of a course database develop Single Point of Truth (XCRi compliant) CMS course areas to house
real time, accurate course information for use in a variety of marketing campaigns and material formats for all
student courses
6. Brand Management System – to house all brand policies and logos, mandatory inclusions for promotional
materials, copy guidelines, official ‘Key Message’ banks and marketing policies
7. Image Library - an area of the web to house all official images to be used in promotional materials, ensuring
access to all promoters within the university with the essential permission and tracking tools
8. Video Bank – an area of the web where moving image files will be stored and can be accessed to enhance and
update CMS web pages and communicate our profile more effectively
9. A new Marketing and Communications website to organise information and provide easy access to appropriate
tools, guides, resources and systems
10. A new Events website to organise information and provide easy access to appropriate tools and systems
There will be other tools developed as new media and on-line channels become the established, and
regular, communication methods amongst the University communities. Adoption of these systems and
embracing their use will remove outmoded reliance on old technologies and methods and ensure the
University presents a vital, progressive and professional image both internally and externally, allowing the
strategic aims as defined to be pursued appropriately.
Marketing Strategy 2009-2014
Monitoring Progress
The routes through which progress will be monitored, demonstrates the need for a variety of flexible
monitoring tools. The development of a new Marketing and Communications website and a new Events
website will ensure current aims and progress towards them are reported regularly in a meaningful way.
Marketing Strategy 2009-2014
Aim 1 - Student Recruitment
To recruit quality students to agreed SNC targets
Objective / Target
Support student
Benchmark 2009
Inconsistent use of
CMS and regularly
updated web pages
Target by 2014
Agreed protocols for online
publication and maintenance
How Achieved
Clear information CMS updated web
pages maintained by each area of
Measured By
Web checks
Emerging social media
Strategic, measured and
targeted social media in place
New Media presence and promotion /
damage limitation
Inadequate media
monitoring system
Better tracking system in place
for online and offline media
Report positive off and on-line media
Media coverage
Sporadic use of online
channels for
advertising of random
Planned integrated annual
campaigns, including SEO and
online channels, events and print
Online targeted campaigns for all course
Web tracking
and applications
Traditional print heavy
focus on comms
Targeted and reduced
publications with greater reliance
on accessible and current
information online and at events
Review and refocus materials and
distribution of printed information to visits
and events
Survey results
and feedback
No online lecture and
seminar work properly
utilized for marketing
Regular Elluminate sessions and
other online forums for prospects
in place
Development of online seminars
(Elluminate) and forums in conjunction
with Academic staff
levels and
Marketing Strategy 2009-2014
Objective / Target
Supporting improved
quality of applications
Benchmark 2009
Target by 2014
How Achieved
Measured By
Inconsistent course
information in CMS
Agreed protocols for online
publishing and maintenance
Working into a group of representatives
to ensure sufficient executive authority
governing ongoing key messages
development and brand/ web issues
Web checks
Clear course information in CMS updated
web pages, with appropriate areas
maintained by each Academic school
Emerging new media
Measured and targeted social
media presence in place and
Clear information and video footage on
student life in CMS updated web pages
maintained by areas of operation.
New Media presence and promotion /
damage limitation
Supporting developing
areas of PGR and
Employer Engagement /
Inadequate media
monitoring system
Better tracking system in place
for online and offline media
Positive media coverage
media coverage
Traditional print heavy
focus on comms
Targeted and reduced
publications with greater reliance
on accessible and current
information online and at events
Review and refocus materials and
distribution of printed information to visits
and events
Survey results
and feedback
No definitive post
graduate area on the
Accessible and informative web
presence developed for
postgraduate study at Bradford
Clear information and video footage for
the postgraduate market in CMS updated
web pages, maintained by areas of
Web check
Traditional print heavy
focus on comms
Targeted and reduced
publications with greater reliance
on accessible and current
information online and at events
Review and refocus materials and
distribution of printed information to visits
and events
Survey results
and feedback
Marketing Strategy 2009-2014
Aim 2 - Development and Alumni Fund Raising
To deliver significant growth
Objective / Target
Raise Funds to optimize
‘Match Funding’ whilst
maintaining positive
affiliation to the University
through Alumni and Capital
/ Academic Excellence
Benchmark 2009
£70k in donations and
pledges in 2010
Target 2014
£247,500 (based on using external
agency + track date / trends of
How Achieved
Annual Fund campaigns
Measured By
Financial Results
Completion of funding
Reduced number of
£0 from major donors
Capital campaigns – targets to be
set on a project by project basis
Development Plans
Financial Results
Donor and Prospect Relation
Positive Feedback
Raise Future Funds through
10 legacies pledged
Legacies programme launch
and support
Pledges received
Building fundraising
capacity and understanding
throughout the University
No systems in place to
support philanthropic
giving, very low levels of
understanding and
acceptance, no systems
to monitor any donations,
no CRM system in place
All senior team and key council
members received fundraising
Senior Team active in
Success stories
All types of donation possible –
legacy, payroll giving, DDs, major
Financial systems in place on
Development web pages
Financial Reports
Effective CRM system with strict
rules of engagement
Schools and CS Liaison
All senior team donated and
performing ‘the ask’ as appropriate
Positive Feedback
Success reporting
Marketing Strategy 2009-2014
Aim 3 - Improving University and City Reputation
To contribute to an improved reputation for both City and University
Objective / Target
Improve reputation
of the University
Benchmark 2009
No Key messages agreed
Target 2014
Agreed Key messages used
repetitively and consistently
in all communications
How Achieved
Direct the development of key messages,
with reviews scheduled
Measured By
Survey Results
Online Monitoring
Number of complaints
received / reported
Brand development
inconsistent and without
controls in place
Revised Brand Guidelines in
use and consistent and
strong brand in place
Direct the development of the university
brand, with reviews scheduled
Active usage of brand
guidelines with regular
No broad based activity with
private and public sector in
Establishment of ‘Positive
Bradford’ initiative and
results feeding through
Repetition of key messages across
internal and external communications
platforms to ‘drive home’ messages and
Event delivery and
reporting on and off line
Sporadic events
Robust calendar of University
and wider City events
Adoption and usage of on line tools for
brand management
Event delivery and
reporting on and off line
Overall Acceptor/Decliner
feedback. University Good
Reputation score 69%.
Negative City scores at 38%
Overall Acceptor/Decliner
feedback. University Good
Reputation score 74%.
Negative City scores at 33%
Closer working with city partners to help
address negative perception of city
Positive Feedback
through surveys and
Various evaluation
mechanisms in place
Consistent evaluation and
Event management to ensure reputation
upheld / awareness of key messages
Positive Feedback
through surveys and
Positive Feedback
Marketing Strategy 2009-2014
Objective / Target
Delivering High
Profile and
To support a well
informed and
engaged staff
community who
are and able and
ambassadors for
the University
Benchmark 2009
First Gala Dinner established
summer 2009
Target 2014
Robust calendar of targeted
How Achieved
Working with colleagues and partners
generate positive and well attended events
Strong attendance from key
groups and individuals
No evaluation of internal
comms performance
Framework document and
action plan
No agreed consultation
process in operation
HEliX benchmark completed
and reviewed every 2-3
Measured By
Number of Events
Attendance of target
Relate all priority areas to completed HEliX
system and measure on going
Internal Comms strategy
2009/10 to 2014/15 in
evidence. New strategy
developed for 2015-2020
Trackable emails
Collecting data from
VC blog
Number of complaints
Suite of consultation tools in
use and working effectively
Raise the quality of consultations and
ensure staff are aware of and take
advantage of feedback processes
Feedback and survey
Inconsistent news
Revised internal web pages
and shared best practice in
ensuring all staff are covered
Review of Staff briefings, suing more pod
and video casts, RSS feeds etc.
Survey results and
Email overload reported as
major concern for staff
Reduction in untargeted
email issue and more
responsible usage of email
and other methods of
Guidance and training established with
best practice shared and other channels
developed for optimum information
dissemination and communication
Survey results and
No strategic planning of
internal messages
Strategic key messages
agreed and reviewed
throughout the years as
changes occur
Provide opportunities for more tailored
Usage reports and
Staff report feeling feedback
not used process in place
Create content and channels to allow all
staff to become effective University
Marketing Strategy 2009-2014
Aim 4 - Positioning Research and Knowledge Transfer
To enhance the profile and reputation and Research and Knowledge Transfer
Objective / Target
Gain national and global
recognition for the RKTCs
Benchmark 2009
No marketing strategy
in place in 2009
Target 2014
Appropriate marketing
strategy in place for
‘Research at Bradford’ as
a whole and key RKTCs
as appropriate
How Achieved
Develop marketing strategy
for RKTC in conjunction with
staff and in line with RKT
Strategy Raising our
Measured By
Action plan delivery
Survey Results
Online Monitoring
Promotion of research to
stakeholders, consumer and
business markets.
Generate positive research
success stories across all
forms of media and online
Good results in press
coverage but ad hoc
in approach
Media relations activity
focused on supporting
research marketing
Working with colleagues and
partners generate positive
stories and distribute them in
appropriate media
Number of stories
Delivering High Profile and
Professional Events
Basic Research
Showcases and award
events in a robust
calendar UK and
Working with colleagues and
partners generate positive,
effective and well supported
Number of Events
Mixed attendance
Strong attendance from
key groups and
individuals and work
Marketing Strategy 2009-2014
Aim 5 - Improving Student Experience and Retention
To contribute to the student experience and help increase retention
Objective / Target
To support student well-being
and enhance the student
experience from perspective
through effective internal
communications and events
co-ordination in line with
Academic Policy Framework
communication requirements
and future developments
Benchmark 2009
No sustained
connection with Uni
and UBU comms
Target 2014
Strong relationship
between marketing and
How Achieved
Work with the Academic
Development Unit and UBU to
create internal communications
environment and campaigns to
encourage student participation
in a variety of student activities
Measured By
Participation levels
NSS results – 67% in
2009, 66% in 2010
NSS target – 70% IN LINE
WITH Academic Policy
Framework target
Encourage positive completion
of the NSS Survey and so affect
league table scores
Survey Results
Operate the HEA PRES
and PTES (PG Experience
Surveys)in conjunction with
PG marketing colleagues
Encourage positive completion
of the PRES /PTES surveys to
generate benchmarking
opportunities and key strengths
First involvement in
student Kapoww event
Develop Kapoww as an
annual programme
Run continuously improved
annual Kapoww event with and
for students in conjunction with
ADU, UBU and The Hub
Online Monitoring
Minimal contact with
Separate but
complementary corporate
and UBU communication
channels in operation
Establish stronger relations with
the UBU and through them the
student body
Feedback from Dean of
Students and UBU
No PG Response
mechanism in place
Duplication with
Campus News
Number of complaints
received / reported
Marketing Strategy 2009-2014
Aim 6 - Delivering Professional Event Co-ordination
To deliver a robust and high profile events to enhance the University’s reputation
Objective / Target
Enable delivery of short
courses from point of
Benchmark 2009
Sporadic and
various systems in
Target 2014
Co-ordinated and
uniform system in
Enable the rapid
response to external
enquiries to deliver
booked events
How Achieved
Create and collaborate an easy-to-operate systems
for self booking of venue, facilities, promotion and
delegate management,
Consult and communicate this across internal users
and train/ provide guidance and support
Measured By
Participation levels
Survey Results
Online Monitoring
Number of complaints
Feedback from users
Ensure all legal
requirements are
covered for each event
Inconsistent use of
varied ‘risk
Consistent use of
uniform ‘risk’
Develop on line booking form with mandatory
sections to ensure observation of critical
preparation for the delivery of professional events
Completion levels and follow
action plans
Ensure awareness of
the unique aspect of the
University venues for a
variety of events
amongst key target
No overall
marketing strategy
for events
Annual strategy in
place covering all
Development of marketing campaign to deliver on
this objectives
Bookings received
Events completed
On line Surveys
Generate prospective
audiences for new /
repeat course delivery
and contact routes
Data subjects on
Data subjects on
one uniform
Develop the Alumni / Development CRM database
to include data subjects from previous events and
other prospect databases and facilitate on line
professional mailing tools
CRM data subjects counts
Usage of the systems
Results of delegate booking
and attendance
Well communicated and
managed event
No current event
Accessible webbased calendar of
Develop the software to ensure all services are
involved and consulted to deliver for each event
Delivery records of all
facilities by event
Develop links to the web calendar module of the
CMS system to generate a real time events
calendar with access to all 24/7
Accuracy and usage of web
Allocation of budget to deliver exposure
Number of complaints
Marketing Strategy 2009-2014
Development of Area / Function Strategic Plans
The following action plans and strategies will derive from the Marketing Strategy and will be developed in consultation with appropriate
colleagues across campus: The Research and Knowledge Transfer Committee are already in existence and we are working into this group with
the emerging strategy. Periodic Task Groups will be requested to work alongside the CS marketing team and other members of the marketing
community to deliver on specific areas to achieve these action plans and strategies.
Development and Alumni Strategy
Events Working Group Action Plan
Individual Academic School Marketing Action Plans
Internal Communications Strategy
Online and Digital Strategy
Postgraduate Recruitment Strategy
Research and Knowledge Transfer Marketing Strategy
Undergraduate Recruitment Strategy