INSTRUCTOR MANUAL HEAVY METALS IN LAKE NAKURU ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY Q1. Give the electron configuration for sodium (Na, element number 11). In what atomic orbital does the electron with the most energy reside? The electron configuration for sodium is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1. The highest energy electron is located in the 3s orbital. Q2. For the sodium atom, if an appropriate amount of energy were absorbed, to what atomic orbital would an electron be promoted if the lowest energy excited state were the result of the absorption? The next highest energy atomic orbitals after the 3s are the 3p orbitals, to which the transition representing promotion of an electron to the lowest energy excited state is given by 3s1 3p1 Q3. Given that the energy difference between the ground state and the first excited electronic state (E) for the sodium atom is 3.373 × 10-19 J, calculate the frequency, , corresponding to a photon possessing this energy. Next, calculate the wavelength (in nm) for this photon. E = h= (3.373 x 10-19 J) = E / h = (3.373 x 10-19 J) / 6.626 x 10-34 J s) = 5.091 x 10-14 s-1 E = (hc) / = (3.373 x 10-19 J) = (hc) / E = [(6.626 x 10-34 J s)(3.00 x 108 m/s)] / (3.373 x 10-19 J) = 5.89 x 10-7 m = 589 nm Q4. A common unit for metal analysis is parts-per-million, or ppm. For solids ppm is expressed as mg/kg while for aqueous solutions mg/L is used. The current maximum contaminant level (MCL) set by the EPA for lead in drinking water is 0.015 mg/L.2 At this concentration, how many atoms of lead are present in 1 L? (0.015 mg/L)(1g/1000mg)(1 mol Pb/207.2g)(6.022 x 1023molecules Pb/1 mol) = 4.4 x 1016 molecules Pb/L Q5. A common wavelength used for measuring lead emission is 220.353 nm. a. Calculate E for this transition. b. Calculate the ratio of atoms in the excited state to atoms in the ground state for this value of E at room temperature (298K). c. Repeat the calculation at 6000K, a routine operating temperature for an ICP torch. d. Can you hypothesize as to why atomic emission measurements are generally made at high temperatures? a) = (220.353 nm)(1 m/ 109 nm) = 2.20353 x 10-7m E = (hc) / = [(6.626 x 10-34 J s)(3.00 x 108 m/s)] / (2.20353 x 10-7m) = 9.02 x 10-19 J b) (Nexcited /Nground ) = e -E/kT = e -(9.02E-19 J) / (1.381E-23 J/K)(298K) = e -219 = 7.75 x 10-96 c) (Nexcited /Nground ) = e –(9.02E-19 J )/ (1.381E-23 J/K)(6000K) = e -10.9 = 1.85 x 10-5 d) Emission measurements are made as excited state electrons relax back to ground state, releasing excess energy as photons. Unless a very high temperature is employed, the signal will be too small to measure accurately. Q6. What are molecules? Molecules are compounds that result when bonds are formed between atoms. Q7. Consider the relative temperatures of the three atomization sources described in the previous section. Are there cases in which higher temperatures might cause something other than atomization? What group(s) of elements would you expect to be most susceptible? The next level of energy above that required to promote electrons to higher atomic orbitals leads to the loss of an electron from the atom, or ionization. The elements with the lowest ionization energies are those found in Group I and Group II of the periodic table (alkali and alkaline earth metals). Q8. Speculate as to possible sources of background interference when using FLAA. How might they be eliminated or reduced? Interference of two types may be present: spectral and non-spectral. Most obvious spectral interference is the continuum output of the flame itself, which may reduce the analyte signal at the source wavelength. A second interference of this type can arise from un-atomized molecular forms of the analyte, whose absorption spectra are broad and may include the wavelength of the atom. Both can be solved by separating the continuum spectrum from the atomic absorption of the analyte. This is most commonly achieved by alternating between two sources, the hollow-cathode single wavelength source and a source lamp whose emission is a continuum across a wide range of wavelength. Subtraction of one signal from the other at the detector allows a correction. Non-spectral interference sources include the formation of thermally stable compounds from analyte and interferent. Matrix modifiers are available that preferentially bind the interferent while allowing atomization of the analyte. Increased temperature of the flame can also allow atomization from the refractive compound. This commonly means substituting a nitrous oxide/air mixture for acetylene/air. Ionization of analyte, more common for alkali and alkaline earth metals, can depopulate the ground state, leading to a reduced number of atoms that can absorb radiation from the source. Ionization suppression can be accomplished by the addition of an easily ionized element, which maintains a large number of free electrons within the flame, and reduces the ionization of analyte. Matrix differences between the sample and standard solutions can often lead to differences in the observed signals for each. Generally, the matrix of the standard is as close a match as possible to the sample. In some cases, it will be necessary to use the method of standard addition to correct for serious matrix effects. A complete discussion of background correction in FLAA can be found in Chapter 3 of reference 6. Q9. How does the design of the graphite furnace allow for such improved sensitivity for metals over flame AA? The entire sample is atomized instantaneously in the confined space of the graphite tube, leading to a much larger population of analyte atoms and hence a larger measured signal. Q10. For the metals in Table 4, use the average final dry concentration to calculate the dissolved concentration (mg/L, ppm) of each metal in a liquid sample prepared from 5.00 g of dried sediment or suspended solids diluted to a final volume of 50 mL for analysis by atomic spectroscopy. Chromium in dry sediment: [(67 g/g) x (5.00 g) x (1g/1000 g)] / ( 0.050 L) = 6.7 mg/L = 6.7 ppm ______________________________________________________________________________ Concentration 5.0 g dry sediment in 50 mL final volume (mg/L) Concentration 5.0 g suspended solids in 50 mL final volume (mg/L) Trace metal Average Average Chromium 6.7 0.83 Copper 2.4 1.9 Lead 2.2 1.17 Zinc 14.7 7.4 ______________________________________________________________________________ Q11. If no further information were given, which technique would be your first choice in measuring the four metals in both of the matrices if you were to perform a follow-up study to that done by Nelson? Explain your answer. The concentrations of each metal following the preparation method in Q10 are easily measured by all three techniques. If all three are available, the best choice in most every instance is the ICP-OES, which combines a wide dynamic range, with effective elimination of most chemical interferences, and in many cases simultaneous multi-element analysis. Q12. What are matrix effects? What about the chemistry of Lake Nakuru might be the cause of the severe matrix effects observed for measurements of Cr, Cu, and Pb by atomic spectroscopy? Harris defines a matrix effect as “a change in the analytical signal caused by anything other than analyte”.14 In atomic spectroscopy, examples of matrix effects include the suppression of analyte signal as atomization is limited by the formation of a refractive compound (a phosphate salt, for example) or a contribution to the observed signal from the continuum spectrum of an un-atomized species. Lake Nakuru is known to be highly alkaline, with extremely high concentrations of dissolved ions10, likely causes of the observed matrix effects. Q13. Which of the three methods you have studied is best able to overcome matrix effects? Why is this so? ICP-OES has the best capabilities for overcoming matrix effects. Most chemical interferences are eliminated by the high temperature of the plasma. Background emission from the plasma itself can be easily removed by subtraction of the emission intensity at a position away from an emission line of interest from the intensity at the emission line. This is especially straightforward for one of the solid state detection techniques that measure a continuous background across a band of wavelengths. Spectral interferences can most often be minimized or eliminated by selection of a different wavelength band for the observation of emission intensity for an element of interest. Having multiple bands to choose from for each element also lends itself well to improving linearity of response, where a weaker emission band can be chosen for high concentration species in the sample. Q14. If the original 50 mL digestion solution, for which you calculated metal concentrations previously, were further diluted by a fact of 50x to reduce matrix effects. Would this alter your answer(s) from Q11 as to choice of method for Cr, Cu, and Pb? The concentrations that result from further dilution of the sample are given in the table below. ____________________________________________________________________________ Concentration 5.0 g dry sediment in 50 mL final volume (mg/L) following 50x dilution Concentration 5.0 g suspended solids in 50 mL final volume (mg/L) following 50x dilution Trace metal Average Average Chromium 0.13 0.017 Copper 0.048 0.038 Lead 0.044 0.0234 ______________________________________________________________________________ Looking at the concentration levels of the solutions analyzed (ppb level) ICP-OES would be the method of choice as it can accurately measure metals in the ppb range. This is also the best method for measuring multiple elements in a complex matrix. The choice of method has not changed from Q11. Q15. Suppose you were to construct calibration plots for each of the four metals of interest in this study between the LOD and LOL values suggested in Method 200.7. Would 1 gram samples of Lake Nakuru sediment with the metal concentrations found in the 1998 report (Table 4 of this module), diluted to a final volume of 100 mL, have analyzed values that fall between the limits on these calibration plots? Table 1 of EPA Method 200.7 gives the following detection and calibration limits for the four metals of interest: Limit of Detection (g/L) Limit of Calibration (mg/L) Chromium 6.1 5 Copper 5.4 2 Lead 42 10 Zinc 1.8 5 Calculation for Cr in dry sediments: (1 g x 67 g/g) / (0.100 L) = 670 g/L which lies between the LOD and the LOL for this metal by this method. Similar calculations for each of the other metals in both matrices give the same result. Q16. Use the graphical method for multiple standard additions to constant final volume to determine the concentrations of each of the four metals in Lake Nakuru sediments and suspended solids. This graphical method is discussed in Harvey, Chapter 5.12 Prepare a table of concentrations similar to Table 4 in this module for the most recent concentrations. How have the concentrations of each changed since 1996? All samples were analyzed sequentially using the ICP-OES conditions specified in Sections 10.1 and 10.2 of Method 200.7.11 A spreadsheet file was supplied to you that contains tables of emission intensity, corrected for background, as a function of added standard concentration of each element. Standard addition plots and calculations of current-day concentrations are found in a second supplied spreadsheet file. Table 4b. Metal Concentrations in Lake Nakuru Sediments and Suspended Solids found in Nelson Study and in Current-day Study ______________________________________________________________________________ Concentration in dry sediments (g/g) Concentration in suspended solids (g/g) ____________________________________________________________ Trace metal Nelson 1996 Current-day Nelson 1996 Current-day Chromium 67 81.6 8.3 21.1 Copper 24 92.4 19 24.5 Lead 22 55.1 11.7 20.1 Zinc 147 197 74 71.6 ____________________________________________________________________________