
Lab: Density of a metal sample
Using your measuring and analytical skills you will find the density of
2 metal samples that are actually elements. Different groups will use different
amounts of the metals to determine if the density depends on sample size. Finally
the calculated density will be used to identify the metals.
Hypothesis: Does density depend on the size of the sample.
Materials: Balance, 50-mL graduated cylinder, metal samples.
1. Obtain metals from your teacher. Mass the sample as directed and record in
data table.
2. Find the volume of the object using water displacement:
a. Add 20.0 mL of water to graduated cylinder. Check the meniscus carefully.
Record the volume in data table as Initial Volume.
b. Carefully slide the metal into the grad. cylinder as it rests against the
gas nozzle. Record volume in data table as Final Volume, making sure to
estimate to the “tenths” place. Have your partner verify the reading.
c. Dump the water out of grad cylinder, remove the metal.
d. Place metal in designated area.
3. Repeat with second metal sample.
Physical Description
Mass of sample (g)
Initial Volume (mL)
Final Volume (mL)
Final Volume – Intial Volume
(Objects volume) (mL)
Sample 1
Sample 2
Calculations: (Note: Be sure to watch your Sig Figs carefully. Below is an example
of how your calculations should look.)
(sample calculation)
sample 1
D = mass =
10.234 g = 5.18 grams/mL
sample 2
D = mass
10.234 g = 5.07 g/mL
2.02 mL