Eastern Cougar http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/wildlife/information/?s=050112 What does a Eastern Cougar look like? The eastern cougar is a tawny colored animal. They stand 2.0 to 2.5 feet tall at the shoulders. Adult males is around 8Ft. long nose to tail, they weigh about 100-150 pounds. Their feet are 26-30 inches. The inside of their ears are 1. Tawny-of a dark yellowish or dull yellowishbrown color. 2. ConsumedTo take in as food; eat or drink up. 3. Home RangeThe geographic area to which an organism normally confines its activity. light colored with a blackish color behind their ear. http://www.patc.us/resources/florafauna/cougar.html Where does a Eastern Cougar live? http://www.google.com/#hl=en&safe=active&tbo=d&output=search& sclient=psy-ab&q=shenandoah+national+park+map They have been seen at Shenandoah National Park and in Bedford, Amherst, Albemarle, Alleghany, Amherst, Augusta, Bath, Bedford, Botetourt, Bland, Brunswick, Craig, Fauquier, Floyd, Franklin, Giles, Grayson, Highland, Louisa, Nelson, Orange, Page, Rappahannock, Roanoke, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Spotsylvania, Suffolk, Madison, and Warren counties. http://img.ehowcdn.com/article-new/ehow/images/a06/0s/f0/cougars-northcarolina-800x800.jpg What Diet does a Eastern Cougar eat? Deer are the main prey, but smaller animals such as raccoons, opossum, skunks, rabbits, beaver, coyotes, and rodents are also important, especially for younger cats who are not experienced in hunting. Adult cougars kill an average of about one deer every seven to ten days. All parts are consumed except for bones, hair and intestines. http://www.patc.us/resources/florafauna/cougar.html biogeonerd.blogspot.com What are The Eastern Cougar’s predators? The eastern cougar does not have any predators, but they do compete with other animals. What are some interesting facts about The Eastern Cougar? The young remain with their mother for 1-2 years. The home range of the female is 5-20 square miles, with 25 square miles or more for the male. pinterest.com