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Our ref: 4188/4449874

8 August 2014

Northern Australia Taskforce

Department of the Prime Minister & Cabinet

PO Box 6500


Submission: Green Paper on Developing Northern Australia

The Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils (FNQROC) would like to thank the Federal Government for this initiative and the opportunity to contribute to its development. e support the submissions made by Advance Cairns and the Far North Queensland and

Torres Strait Regional Development Australia (FNQ&TS RDA) and as such our submission is limited to focus on additional local government concerns as a result of developing Northern


General Comments:

The focus within the document appears to be on low or no cost infrastructure and policy. It appears the difficult higher cost ‘catalytic’ infrastructure investment is not a priority. It is concerning that this may be a deterrent to potential investors. Land tenure issues also appear to be diluted; arguably this is due to the difficult nature of resolving this issue.

On page xi it identifies what the White Paper will do. There is no mention of infrastructure or developing plans for future infrastructure, only policies.

We fully support the comments about greater cooperation between all levels of government. In doing this, decisions need to be made taking into account the impact on local governments in Northern Australia. In opening Northern Australia there will be consequential impacts on local government infrastructure needed to service this growth. This will be on high cost infrastructure such as roads connecting to transport routes, increased water and waste facilities which need to accommodate the risk associated with being close to two World Heritage areas and Biosecurity.

Biosecurity does not seem to focus strongly enough. This region is the frontline for new or sleeper pest weeds and animals. The impact of pest weeds and animals on agriculture and the environment is well documented. The White Paper needs to acknowledge this risk and how it will managed or mitigated.

Phone: (07) 4044 3038

Fax: (07) 4044 3836

P O Box 5638 Cairns QLD 4870


Section C and D

The submissions to be made by Advance Cairns and FNQ&TS RDA will answer this in more detail however the major barriers to further economic development and the impact on infrastructure is that the methodology for determining infrastructure investment does not take into consideration the potential impact (proactive), it only takes current impact which is reactive. The areas in Northern Australia do not have the population density levels to provide

‘band aid’ solutions in the interim.

Some of this proactive infrastructure for this region includes additional water storage for urban and agricultural use, upgrading of an inland road route to Melbourne to mitigate the risks and reduce time on the coastal road route, and essential infrastructure such as sewerage treatment facilities. A significant proportion of our existing essential infrastructure was funded by State and Federal Governments and local governments simply do not have the population densities to support replacement or upgrades. With successful implementation of the White Paper we are hoping to achieve this, however in the meantime councils will struggle.

Again, thank you for the opportunity to contribute to this paper and we hope the collaborative efforts in this region show that we are willing and able to drive this agenda for the benefit of all.

Should you require any further details please contact me on xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Yours sincerely

Darlene Irvine

Executive Officer

Phone: (07) 4044 3038

Fax: (07) 4044 3836

P O Box 5638 Cairns QLD 4870

