state of minnesota - Rochester Community and Technical College

Rochester Community and Technical College
Employee Name: Vacant
Department/Division: Student Affairs and Enrollment
Date Prepared:
☒Exempt: ☐Executive ☐ Professional ☐ Administrative
☐Unlimited ☐ Seasonal ☐Temporary ☐Limited
Position Control Number:
Classification Title: MMA Supervisor 3
Working Title: Director of Admissions
If Exempt, attach required documentation
☒Full-time ☐Part-time ☐Intermittent
Percent if not full-time ____ %
Prepared By: Vice President for Student Affairs
and Enrollment
If seasonal, list months during the season worked
This position description accurately reflects my current job.
This position description reflects the employee's current job.
Employee Signature
Supervisor Signature
The position of Director of Admissions leads and directs the admissions process by collaborating with the
institutions Strategic Enrollment Management Council (SEMC) on the design and implementation of a
comprehensive enrollment plan for Rochester Community and Technical College. This individual establishes
admissions objectives, leads efforts, designs strategies, and implements services aligned with
departmental/college goals. The Director provides enrollment data analysis for key decision makers as well as
maintains ongoing continuous improvement of the enrollment process. In addition, the Director oversees the
implementation of RCTC’s enrollment plan as well as provides leadership, management, oversight and ongoing
evaluation of enrollment and admissions staff. This individual works collaboratively with the RCTC Marketing
Department, staff, faculty, high schools, Strategic Enrollment Management Council and external stakeholders.
This person has a key role in developing innovative approaches to expand access to RCTC, recruitment,
orientation and registration for prospective and current students.
1. The Director of Admissions leads the development of a collaborative comprehensive enrollment
management plan to align with the College’s strategic priorities. The Director in conjunction with SEMC will
develop annual and long range measurable enrollment targets for the college, its programs and departments, and
design and implement innovative strategies in order to provide data driven decision-making. This individual
collaborates on the development and implementation of communication tools (correspondence, internet, websites, and outreach) to applicants and accepted students, as well as integrating web-based recruitment software.
They will review, analyze, and evaluate admission policy, procedures, and practices and devise enhancements
consistent with the enrollment management plan. In addition, s/he develops collaborative relationships and
outreach with area high schools, agencies, and internal and external stakeholders to expand the college’s
admission services to prospective students as well as work closely with grant programs which focus on
underserved populations. They will manage the appeal system for policy exceptions and make informed
decisions on a case by case basis. The Director will also act as Systems Administrator for all Information
Director of Admissions & Records 090214
Technology systems which are utilized by the Admissions and Records Office (including, but not limited to,
ISRS, ImageNow, Replicated Database, AdHoc reports, etc.) so as to accurately document both student
eligibility for Admissions and continuous enrollment, as well as the RCTC’s compliance with applicable rules
and regulations.
Priority: Essential
Percent of Time: 40%
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
An enrollment plan with targets and measures is developed including the tracking of conversion rates. Communication tools are
utilized efficiently and information is disseminated in a timely manner.
Innovative approaches to prospective students will be managed effectively.
Participation on policy committees as needed and will develop relationships with the community and other stakeholders.
Data for reports will be compiled accurately and submitted by established deadlines.
Decisions on appeals will be made in a timely manner.
2. The Director provides leadership in the implementation of the college’s student enrollment experience.
S/he collaborates with the College’s Strategic Enrollment Management Council on comprehensive enrollment
goals as part of the enrollment management plan which includes the use of recruitment software. Continually
review, analyze, and evaluate enrollment efforts and devise enhancements consistent with collaborative
recruitment goals and ongoing services to students and develop and supervise the registration process. Manage
the exploration, development, and implementation of unique and innovative approaches to reach out to
prospective and current students. The Director fosters relationships with the business community (clubs,
Chamber of Commerce, industry/business visits) in order to expand enrollment of adult learners. Enhance
relations with other provider institutions concerning RCTC’s prospective and current students’ needs.
Percent of Time:
Measurement of customer driven direct service satisfaction for key stakeholder groups will be analyzed for continuous quality
Students will be admitted to RCTC and to programs according to established policies and within a timely manner.
The Director will work to maintain effective relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
The Director will participate on RCTC, MnSCU and local committees to favorably represent RCTC in the community.
Reports will be submitted to RCTC, MnSCU, state and federal agencies as requested.
3. The Director of Admissions will exercise supervisory authority and provide leadership for the Admission
and Records Staff and the Enrollment Service/Welcome Center staff. The Director fills vacancies in
compliance with established bargaining contract policies as well as serve on college assigned search
committees. Evaluate employee performance, effectively recommend promotion, suspension, or discharge
based on performance annually. Mediate and resolve problems and issues that arise within the work area.
Assign job duties, train, foster ongoing development, and direct employees in the execution of responsibilities.
To perform all supervisory functions in accordance with equal opportunity, affirmative action, non-harassment,
and other safety policies and procedures.
Priority: Essential
Percent of Time: 20%
Ensure all vacancies are filled in a timely manner.
Director of Admissions & Records 090214
Supervisory authority will be exercised so that applicable labor agreements and plans are equitably administered and employees
effectively perform assigned job duties to achieve the annual objectives of enrollment and admissions offices.
Performance reviews are conducted annually on all direct report employees.
4. The Director coordinates RCTC’s comprehensive assessment programs to include overall management of
all assessment sessions for new and current students. Interact with other staff in monitoring assessment,
conducting research or considering changes in the assessment process or programs.
Priority: Essential
Percent of Time: 20%
New students will be assessed in a timely manner using current assessment program in compliance with MnSCU policy.
5. The Director will ensure Diversity and Affirmative Action through the following: Ensure compliance
with college affirmative action program and equal treatment of all employees; assist in identifying and
resolving problems and eliminating barriers which inhibit equal opportunity; encourage the hiring and
promotion of qualified protected-class members where disparity exists; communicate the college’s
affirmative action policy to unit staff; perform other duties to support affirmative action as assigned by
the college president.
Priority: Essential
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s degree
3 years’ professional experience in college admissions in higher education.
2 years’ supervisory/management experience (e.g. hiring, professional development planning, decision
making, discipline, budgeting)
Knowledge of and experience in effective systems for college admissions and recruitment strategies.
Excellent communication skills in written, oral, human relations, and leadership settings.
Ability to lead, motivate, change systems, solve problems, improve service, resolve conflicts and work
Experience working with diverse student populations.
Preferred Qualifications (desired but not expected to have to enter job)
 Masters in Student Affairs, Marketing, Education or other related field.
 Supervisory/management experience in a union setting, dealing with multiple contracts.
Director of Admissions & Records 090214
This Position Reports to:
Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment
Academic Professional 1 (5.0 FTE) 5
Academic Professional 3 (1.0 FTE) 1
College Registrar 3 (1.0 FTE) 1
OAS Senior (1.0) 1
OAS, Intermediate (.13 FTE) 1
OAS (2.0) 2
CSS Senior (1.0) 1
CSS (2.92) 3
Internal and External Clientele and Purpose of Contact
The Director of Admissions will meet and communicate with potential high school students, high school
counselors and parents in order to educate and recruit students to RCTC. The Director of Admissions may need
to communicate with current students in regards to the admissions and registration process to keep them
informed. The Director will also meet and communicate with external stakeholders, RCTC faculty, and other
RCTC student services staff to evaluate the office’s effectiveness and to enlist these folks to assist in recruiting
students for RCTC
Creativity represents a major opportunity for this position. The incumbent will be responsible for collaborating
in the development of a flowing process from inquiry to admission to registration as well as retention strategies
related to the admissions and registration process such as Orientation. These activities represent major strategic
goals for the college and major initiatives to be addressed by the incumbent.
Budget $1.5 Million
Decision(s) Position Makes and Decision(s) Referred to Higher Authority
Free to act and make decisions within principle area of responsibility. Operates independently on a day-today basis within established policy. The Director works with the Vice President of Student Affairs to ensure
the work of the Admissions/Enrollment office is aligned with the College’s mission, vision and goals.
Consults with Chief Officer in matters which are outside of or which change a major policy that affects the
division. Laws regarding record keeping are determined by the Federal Government and regulated by the
U.S. Department of Education and the State of Minnesota, but the Director of Admissions is responsible for
determining, developing and implementing Policy and Procedures to define how these laws and regulations
are applied at Rochester Community and Technical College. The Director’s actions and decisions must
remain within the laws, rules and regulations of all Federal, State or local authorizing agencies.
All employees must comply with department and institution procedures and policies, MnSCU policies and
procedures, as well as local, state and federal laws, regulations, guidelines and business and industry standards.
Director of Admissions & Records 090214
This description is intended to indicate the kinds of tasks and level of work difficulty required of the position. It
is not intended to limit or modify the right of any supervisor to assign, direct and control the work of employees
under his/her supervision. The use of a particular expression or illustration describing duties shall not be held
to exclude other duties not mentioned that are of similar level of difficulty.
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities is an Equal Opportunity employer/educator committed to the principles of diversity.
Director of Admissions & Records 090214