Kristen Hood 8 grade Social Studies Lesson Plans: October 27-31

Kristen Hood
8th grade Social Studies
Lesson Plans: October 27-31
Monday October 27, 2014
Learning Target: I can review key leaders, events, and important features that led to the
American Revolution and establishing peace.
Study Guide
Review Day
Tuesday October 28, 2014
Summative Exam- American Revolution
Wednesday October 29, 2014
Learning Target: I can analyze my exam and determine the correct responses.
Constructed Response Day- “No taxation without Representation!”
Thursday October 30, 2014
Learning Target: I can describe the government under the Articles of Confederation
and the problems created by a weak central government.
Begin Chapter 7: Creating the Constitution
Section 1: Governing a New Nation
Friday October 31, 2014
Learning Target: I can describe the government under the Articles of Confederation
and the problems created by a weak central government.
Begin Chapter 7: Creating the Constitution
Section 1: Governing a New Nation
Chapter 5: The Road to the Revolution
1. I can identify the reasons why fighting broke out between France and Britain in North
America. This means I can describe the early defeat of the British by the French and I can
explain how the British gained victory, and explain the results of the French and Indian War.
2. I can explain the conflict between Native Americans and British settlers in 1763. This
means I can describe how the colonists responded to the British tax laws and the events that
took place during the Boston Massacre.
3. I can identify the causes of the Boston Tea Party. This means I can explain how the
colonists protested the Intolerable Acts and describe the events of April 19, 1775, at
Lexington and Concord.
4. I can identify the issues facing the 2nd Continental Congress. This means I can describe the
differences between Patriots and Loyalists, the Olive Branch petition and explain why it
failed, and the significance of the Battle of Bunker Hill.