Social Science

Course Code: SOC101
Course Title: Basics in Social Science
Chapter-1: Introduction
Sociology is the scientific study of human social behavior and its origins, development,
organization and institutions.
According to R. D. Schaefer, “Sociology is the scientific study of social behavior and human
growths. It focuses on social relationships, how those relationships influence people’s behavior
and how society developed and changes.”
Social Science:
 The social science may be defined as the study of human society.
 The social science is a particular area of study that relates to human behavior and society.
Nature of Sociology:
1) Sociology is an independent science: It is not treated and studies as a branch of any other
science like philosophy or political philosophy or history.
2) Sociology is a social science, not a physical science: It studies human beings, the social
behavior, social activities as well as social life.
3) Sociology is the pure science, not an applied science: Sociology is a subject where there are
no practical works. Sociology observes the society in a theoretical way but not in practical
4) Sociology is abstract science, not concurred one: Sociology does not confine itself to the
study of this society of that particular society or social organization, or marriage, or religion,
or group and so on. It is in this simple sense that sociology is neither an abstract nor a concrete
5) Sociology is all about generalizing, not particularizing or individualizing: Sociology tries to
find out the general laws or principles about human communication and association, about the
nature, from, content and the structure of human groups and societies. It tries to make
generalizations on the basis of the study of some selected events.
6) Sociology is a categorical or positive science not a normative one: It concerns with what is
like but should be.
7) Sociology is not rational and empirical science: it is dynamic with relations and the
theories and observation, experimentation.
Importance of Sociology:
1) Scientific study of society: Before the emergence of sociology, there was no systematic and
scientific attempt to study human society with all its complexities. Sociology has made it
possible to study society in a scientific manner. This scientific knowledge about human society is
needed in order to achieve progress in various fields.
2) Sociology studies role of the institutions in the development of the individuals: It is through
sociology that scientific study of the great social institutions and the relation of the individual to
each is being made. The home and family, the school and education, the church and religion, the
state and government, industry and work, the community and association, these are institutions
through which society functions. Sociology studies these institutions and their role in the
development of the individual and suggests suitable measures for re strengthening them with a
view to enable them to serve the individual better.
3) Study of sociology is indispensable for understanding and planning of society: Society is a complex
fact with a large number of details. It is impossible to understand and solve its numerous
problems without support of sociology. It is rightly said that we cannot understand and mend
society without any knowledge of its mechanism and construction. Without the investigation
carried out by sociology no real effective social planning would be possible. It helps us to
determine the most efficient means for reaching the goals agreed upon. A certain amount of
knowledge about society is necessary before any social policies can be carried out.
4) Sociology is of great importance in the solution of social problems: The present world is
suffering from many problems which can be solved through scientific study of the society. It is
the task of sociology to study the social problems through the methods of scientific research and
to find out solution to them. The scientific study of human affairs will ultimately provide the
body of knowledge and principles that will enable us to control the conditions of social life and
improve them.
5) Sociology has drawn our attention to the essential worth and dignity of man: Sociology has
been instrumental in changing our attitude towards human beings. In a specialized society we are
all limited as to the amount of the whole organization and culture that we can experience
directly. We can hardly know the people of other areas intimately. In order to have insight into
and appreciation of the motives by which others live and the conditions under which they exist
knowledge of sociology is essential.
6) Sociology has changed our outlook with regard to the problems of crime etc: It is through the
study of sociology that our whole outlook on various aspects of crime has change. The criminals
are now treated as human beings suffering from mental deficiencies and efforts are accordingly
made to restore them as useful members of the society.
7) Sociology has made great contribution to enrich human culture: Human culture has been
made richer by the contribution of sociology. The social fact is now understood in the light of
scientific knowledge and enquiry. According to Lowie most of us port the comfortable vision
that our way of doing things is the only sensible if not only possible one. Sociology has given us
training to have rational approach to questions concerning oneself, one's religion, customs,
morals and institutions. It has further taught us to be objective, critical and dispassionate. It
enables man to have better understanding both of himself and of others. By comparative study of
societies and groups other than his existence, his life becomes richer and fuller than it would
otherwise be. Sociology also impresses upon us the necessity of overcoming narrow personal
prejudices, ambitions and class hatred.
8) Sociology is of great importance in the solution of international problems: The progress made
by physical sciences has brought the nations of the world nearer to each other. But in the social
field the world has been left behind by the revolutionary progress of the science. The world is
divided politically giving rise to stress and conflict. Men have failed to bring in peace. Sociology
can help us in understanding the underlying causes and tensions.
9) The value of sociology lies in the fact that it keeps us update on modern situations: It
contributes to making good citizens and finding solutions to the community problems. It adds to
the knowledge of the society. It helps the individual find his relation to society. The study of
social phenomena and of the ways and means of promoting what calls social adequacy is one of
the most urgent needs of the modern society. Sociology has a strong appeal to all types of mind
through its direct bearing upon many of the initial problems of the present world.
Scope of Sociology/Social Science:
The Scope of sociology can be divided into two categories. They are:
1) Formalistic/ Specialistic school of thoughts: The formalistic school of thoughts is the subject
matter of sociology consists of forms of social relationships. These sociologists want to keep the
scope of sociology as pure or independent. Sociology studies in such relation with other sciences
as in analogues to the relation holding between the physical sciences and geometry. Sociology is
a specific social science which describes, classifies analyzes and delineates the forms of human
relationships or forms of social process. Some sociologists are on the side or they are the
advocates of formalistic or Specialistic school of thoughts and they are as follows:
i) George Simmel
ii) Max Webber
iii) Vier Kandt
iv) Von Wiese
v) Ferdinand Tonnis
And due to the some criticism the specialists or formalistic school of thoughts cannot take a right
position in the scope of sociology. Some of the criticized are as follows:
Other sciences also study forms of social relationship.
The conception of pure sociology is impractical.
Forms of social relationships differ from the forms of geometry.
Separated from the concrete relation, abstract forms cannot be studied.
Formalistic school has extremely narrowed the scope of sociology.
2) Synthetic School of Thoughts: As against the specialist school the synthetic school wants to
make sociology a synthesis of the social science or a general science. Sociology is the science of
sciences and all the sciences are included in this scope, it creates all of them. According to the
synthetic school of thoughts, the scope of sociology is encyclopedic and synoptic. The view
points, which are reflected in geographical, biological and economic determinism, these
sociologists have advised to make sociology comprehensive and wide. Some sociologists are on
the side or they are they advocates of synthetic school of thoughts and they are as follows:
Emile Durkheim
Morrico Ginsberg
Reuter & Hart
Hob House
Thus, this school of thoughts wants sociology to be the synthesis of all social science. It attempts
to wider the field of sociology. It views that society and in parts are so closely related that they
are difficult to understand the separation.
Relationship of Sociology with other Social Sciences:
Sociology is the wider and broader in scope and it was related or interlinked with many others
social sciences. Sociology is the science of the society and in society many kinds of things were
happens to fulfill the whole society and there is co-operation between sciences like as follows:1) Political Science: Political science and sociology are very closely related. Political science
deals with the political activities of man. It studies social groups organized under the rule of the
state. Sociology is the science of state and government. Sociology is the young science and
political science is older science.
2) History Science: Sociology and history are very much interrelated. Like political science,
sociology is becoming one of the most genuine fruits of history to which it is well connected.
History is the reconstruction of man's past. It is the story of the experience of mankind and the
record of the human past. History is the microscope of the past, the horoscope of the present and
the telescope of the future. Sociology is the science of society, on the other hand is interested in
the present. It tries to analyze human interactions and interrelations with all their complexity and
3) Anthropology: The relation between sociology and anthropology is widely recognized today.
Anthropology is concerned not with particular man but with man in groups, with races and
peoples and their happenings and doings. Sociology has borrowed many concepts log, cultural
patterns, cultural configuration, etc., from socio-cultural anthropology. Anthropology as a
discipline is so closely related to sociology that the two are frequently impossible to differentiate.
4) Psychology: Sociology and psychology are causal sciences. Psychology has been defined as
the study of human behavior. Social psychology helps us a great deal in facing several social
problems. Sociology analyses social processes but social psychology analysis mental processes
of man.
5) Economics: Sociology and economics as social sciences have close relations. Sociologists
have contributed to the study of different aspects of economic organization. Sociology studies all
kinds of social relationships but economics deals with only those social relationships which are
part of economic.
Engineer Science
Web Science
Medical Science
Forest Science
Law Science
Human Science
Above all the sciences are interrelated with sociology in different ways. Thus that sociology is
the wider in concept too.
By- Sheikh Mohammad Farshid
Short Notes:
Basic Sociology:
Sociological investigation conducted with the objective of gaining a more profound knowledge
of the fundamental aspects of social fact. It is also known as pure sociology.
Applied Sociology:
The use of discipline of sociology with the specific goal of yielding practical applications for
human behavior and organizations.
The worldwide integration of government policies, cultures, social movements and financial
markets through trade and the exchange of ideas.
Macro Sociology:
Sociological investigation that concentrates on large scale Phenomena/fact or entire civilizations.
Micro Sociology:
Sociological investigation that stress the study of small groups, often through experimental
Natural Science:
The study of the physical features of nature and the ways in which they interact and change.
Social Inequity:
A condition in which members o society have differing amounts of wealth, prestige or power.
By- Sheikh Mohammad Farshid