SYLLABUS Fall 2015 EDN 586: Speech Communication in Education Mount Marty College: 1 credit hour Instructors: Leo Kallis, M.A. Debbi McCuin, PhD Cell ph: 605-660-1886 e-mail: COURSE DESCRIPTION: Participants in the Speech Communication Association of South Dakota 2015 convention held on September 11 and 12, 2015 will expand their understanding of current best practices in speech, debate and theater either in the classroom or in the extra-curricular areas. Further, they will develop an understanding of the issues facing speech and debate teachers and coaches. They will demonstrate their ability to apply these practices in their classroom or extra-curricular area through completion of the required assignment COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. Participants will explore current best practices in speech, debate, or theater classrooms or extracurricular activities 2. Students will develop a plan to apply best practices and current research to their classrooms. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: ENJOY THE CONFERENCE! I. All students are required to attend the keynote sessions, the banquet and business meeting which features the careers of several successful educators, and one session during each of the seven breakout sessions. Attendance: To record student attendance at sessions, students must obtain the signature of the speaker or room coordinator of each session. For keynote sessions, signature may be obtained from Leo Kallis or another member of the SCASD executive committee. II. For graduate credit students will write a 4 page paper summarizing, reflecting, and expanding on your experience at the Conference. All 3 requirements A – C are required of all participants seeking credit. Your paper must be typed and should include: A. An overview of the keynote session presented by Hugh Weber B. Breakout Topics: Reflections/reactions over at least 7 of the Breakout Sessions attended C. Integration: Explain how ideas presented in two sessions will be implemented in the classroom or extracurricular activity III. Papers are due by September 25, 2015 and should be submitted by email to GRADING: The grade will be determined by the review of the sessions and integration of best practices learned, and professionalism (appropriate research citation, grammar, style, spelling, etc.) Grading Scale: This course is offered on a Pass/Fail basis. To receive a passing grade, the paper must receive a grade of C or above. COURSE POLICIES: Academic Responsibility: Plagiarism and Ethics Academic responsibility includes your commitment to put your best effort into a course in order to receive the greatest benefit and learn the most that you can from it. Academic dishonesty includes using someone else’s work as one’s own, falsifying work or data, sharing your work with another student, etc. You must credit sources if you quote information from published material. Even if you summarize published ideas you need to carry a source reference. Plagiarism or “student dishonesty” of any kind will result in failure of that assignment; any further problems or issues will follow the procedures of the MMC Handbook. Assignments Assignments have identified criteria which need to be met. This includes the date the assignments are due. The quality of the papers need to reflect professionalism and college level skills and abilities. No late assignments are accepted without prior arrangements and contact with the instructor. Technical Problems with Registration Please call the Mount Marty Help Desk at 605-668-1561. Electronic Recordings Students may not make electronic recordings of sessions without prior consent of instructor and students. Administrative Withdrawal of a Student: A student may be administratively withdrawn from college after two consecutive weeks of no communication on-line or via telephone regarding status or progress in the course. The course design may be subject to change according to the discretion of the instructors. Students will be informed of the changes. MMC Mission Statement: MOUNT MARTY COLLEGE, an academic community in the Catholic Benedictine liberal arts tradition, prepares students for a contemporary world of work, service to the human community, and personal growth. I am interested in receiving college credit for this year's conference: To Register:: Complete MMC Registration Follow Syllabus requirements Cost: $50 Payable to Mount Marty College Name Contact: Leo Kallis Email/ph#