Disability Benefits Support Contract Committee Meeting Minutes Date and Time: Location: Attendance: Excused: Absent: October 3, 2014, 2:00pm-3:15pm Ralph Carr Judicial Center – 1300 Broadway, Room 1F In-person: David Henninger, Donovan O’Dell, Julie Farrar and Marty Zimmerman (staff) Phone: Kristin Lupfer, Clif Croan, Mark Simon (joined at 2:15), Melissa Umenphour (joined at 2:45) Donna Downing (joined at 2:55) Guests: Chris Hinds, Kristin Rozansky, Caitlyn Darla Stuart, Josh Winkler Donna Downing, Melissa Umenphour Notes: Meeting was called to order by at 2:51pm when quorum was reached. Marty explained that the previous meeting on September 5th was considered to have never happened because it was posted on the DPA website for September 12th and never changed which is a violation of the Colorado Open Meetings Law (COMA). After a conversation between Marty and Kyle Dumler, DBSCC’s liaison to the Attorney General’s office, specific steps were stated that will correct such violations including new discussions and new votes on any motions previously made at the meeting in violation. Marty explained that there was a possible second violation related to the DBSCC’s grants sub-committee based on a complaint from the public. Because the grants sub-committee discussed finances and trade secretes it cannot be shared. However, COMA only excludes organizations like this from falling under COMA if they are a non-profit, which DBSCC is not. Because the opening up of this information to the public could possibly violate privacy laws or the integrity of the process, the issue has been brought to the attention of the attorney general’s office and DBSCC has asked for a written ruling on how to proceed. The recommendations from the last grants sub-committee meeting will not be presented at this meeting, but will be on the agenda for the next meeting. The committee reviewed the minutes from meeting on 08/01/14. David made a motion to accept the minutes with the following changes: 1. The minutes needed to record names of people who are opposed/against and those who abstain for the vote for Domino Dog Service. The Darla and Lynn were opposed to the vote. 2. Chris was thought to be on the DBSCC at that time due to an error by the Governor’s office. As a result his vote was mistakenly counted. Donovan seconded the vote. The motion to accept the amended 8/1/14 minutes passed unanimously. The minutes from the September 5th meetings we voted on. However the vote was meaningless, because of the COMA violation. Marty gave an LPAG update. The biggest issue they are facing is a potential patent infringement. Marty asked for a volunteer to assist with the event and Melissa volunteered. Mark explained that the Governor’s office is interested in working with DBSCC, LPAG and Governor’s Advisory council in addition to 12 other entities who are all focused on disability. The idea is to reform the advisory council and make it a central conduit/umbrella for all kinds of different entities. Most do not have a conduit to the legislature to provide uniform information. Mark explained that they must involve the disability community from the very beginning if they want this effort to be successful. They will need representatives of all of the councils and from numerous leaders in the DD community and they will need dedicated staff assignments. For DBSCC this puts us in a holding process for the long term, but nothing will happen until next session. Julie wants to be chair until January. She stated that she wants a retreat to draw lines of distinction about where we do and how we interact with people. She wants us to move forward in a positive way and recommended DBSCC having a retreat. Mark made a motion for Marty to arrange a ½ day retreat for DBSCC with a focus on the larger strategic picture. David seconded the motion. Motion Passes unanimously. Mark made a motion that we elect a new slate of officers at the November 7th meeting and that these positions will go into effect for January. As part of this motion, 1. Marty will send job descriptions for the positions in advance; 2. Individuals can nominate themselves or others 3. All nominations will be sent out to everyone at least one week in advance. David seconded the motion. Clif opposed the motion. No Abstentions. The motion passed. David made a motion that Marty sets up an additional meeting in the next week to address the other issues from this agenda and the previously negated meeting. Donovan seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Marty commented that he will send out a doodle and meeting materials on Sunday so that we can set up the meeting as soon as possible. This is important because rejection and award letters have gone out. Mark made a motion to authorize payment for Zim Consulting. David seconded the motion. Marty left the room for the vote. The motion was unanimous. After returning, a question was asked about the number of hours Marty was spending weekly with potential grantees. Marty responded that he included time on the phone with DBSCC members in those areas and that he will track more specifically who the conversations were will in the next week. Marty mentioned that his contract will expire on November 26th. Because of this, he will send out a proposal prior to the November 7th meeting for renewal discussions at that meeting. Meeting adjourned at 4:37 pm.