AP Scheduled Lessons and Topics by Month

Ms. Milton
AP Language Scheduled Topics
 Introduction to the course exercises
 Rhetorical Précis
 Tone vocabulary and sentence patterns--simple, complex
 Introduction to The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
 Pre-twentieth century multiple choice practice
 Argumentative essay (Free Response Question 3)
 ACT grammar bellwork
 Rhetorical Triangle
 Rhetorical Appeals--Ethos, Pathos, Logos (lecture and analysis)
 Argument terms--claim, warrant, backing, deduction, induction, syllogism, major &
minor premise/proposition, refutation, concession, fallacies, counterargument,
evidence/grounds (Q-Notes and Face Off Challenge)
 Tone vocabulary and sentence patterns--compound, compound-complex, loose
 The Great Gatsby class discussions and journal assignments
 Pre-twentieth century multiple choice practice
 AP Saturday (October 3, 2015 in the media center from 8 AM to 12 PM)
 ACT grammar bellwork
 Common fallacies—Ad hominem, Ad populum, Ad verecundiam, Begging the question,
Either/Or Thinking, Hasty generalization, Non sequitur, Oversimplification, Post hoc,
Red herring, Misleading statistics (Lecture, discussion, identification and application)
 Three argumentation models: Classical, Toulmin, Rogerian
 Defend, refute, qualify
 Mini-Research paper: Argumentative Synthesis--Benjamin Franklin vs. Steve Jobs—1 to
2 pages in length; use one of the following models for argumentation--Classical,
Toulmin, or Rogerian--in MLA format with parenthetical citations (assigned)
 The Great Gatsby test
 Introduction to Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and Journal Assignments
 ACT grammar bellwork
 Counterargument and Refutation
 Tone vocabulary and sentence patterns--parallel/balanced, inversion/anastrophe, periodic
and parenthesis
 Pre-twentieth century multiple choice practice
 Fahrenheit 451 class discussions and journal assignments
Synthesis essay (Free Response Question 1)
 ACT grammar bellwork
 Fahrenheit 451 test
 Tone vocabulary and sentence patterns-- asyndeton, polysyndeton, review all previous
sentence patterns
 Pre-twentieth century multiple choice practice
 Kaplan workbook extra credit--exact due date TBD (pages 3-171 completely annotated,
highlighted, questions answered, essays written on notebook paper inserted in
 Review for Midterms
 Mini-Research paper: Argumentative Synthesis--Benjamin Franklin vs. Steve Jobs (due
December 14, 2015)
 ACT Grammar bellwork
 STAARS: Contemporary and Pre-twentieth century Multiple Choice practice bellwork
 Introduction to A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines
 A Lesson Before Dying class discussions and journal assignments
 Tropes: alliteration, allusion, analogy, antithesis, apostrophe, epithet, hyperbole,
metaphor, metonymy, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, personification, rhetorical question,
simile, understatement, litotes, synecdoche, juxtaposition
 Elements of Rhetorical Analysis: Analysis Overview, Tone, Detail
 Element of Rhetorical Analysis: Tone—“I have a Dream” Speech by Dr. MLK, Jr.
 Pre-Twentieth century vocabulary and sentence patterns-- anaphora, epistrophe, simple,
complex, compound, loose, periodic
 AP Saturday (January 23, 2016 in media center from 8 AM to 12 PM)
 ACT grammar bellwork
 STAARS: Contemporary and Pre-twentieth century Multiple Choice practice (with
footnotes) practice bellwork
 Elements of Rhetorical Analysis: Diction, Figurative Language, Syntax
 Opposing Viewpoints (Comparison and Contrast) research paper in MLA format with
parenthetical citations, 5 to 7 pages in length
 Rhetorical Modes (lecture, model reading and analysis)—Narration, Description, Causal
Analysis, Definition, Comparison and Contrast, Illustration, Process Analysis)
 Pre-Twentieth Century Vocabulary and sentence patterns--parallel/balanced,
inversion/anastrophe, asyndeton, polysyndeton, parenthesis, compound-complex,
anaphora, epistrophe
 A Lesson Before Dying class discussions and journal assignments
 STAARS: Contemporary and Pre-twentieth century Multiple Choice practice (with
footnotes) bellwork
 Final ACT preparation (exam on March 15, 2016)
 A Lesson Before Dying test
 Rhetorical Analysis essay (Free Response Question 2)--précis with structure, diction,
syntax, tone (ethos, pathos, logos), figurative language, conclusion
 Visual rhetoric (OPTIC analysis of political cartoons, advertisements, photographs)
 Socratic Seminar discussions on current national and global news stories
 Elaboration Argumentation (Free Response Question 3)
 Pre-Twentieth century vocabulary and sentence patterns—review all sentence patterns
 Comparison and Contrast research paper in MLA format with parenthetical citations—
due on March 14, 2016
 Introduction to The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton
 The Age of Innocence class discussions and journal assignments
 STAARS: Contemporary and Pre-twentieth century multiple choice practice (with
footnotes) bellwork
 Multiple choice strategies and tips
 The Age of Innocence class discussions and journal assignments
 Pre-Twentieth century vocabulary and sentence patterns--review all sentence patterns
 Review year-long concepts of rhetorical keystone—appeals, modes, strategies,
techniques, devices—and argumentation
 AP Saturday (on April 23, 2016 in the media center from 8 AM to 12 PM)
 College Board Exam (May 11, 2016 at 8 AM to 12 PM in auditorium)
 Kaplan workbook extra credit—(pages 176-331 completely annotated, highlighted,
questions answered, essays written on notebook paper inserted in workbook) due on
May 13, 2016
 The Age of Innocence test or Socratic Seminar on exam day (exact date TBD)