Mesopotamia Test Study Guide

Mesopotamia Quiz 1
Multiple Choice
1. What does the word Mesopotamia
a. Fertile Land
b. Land of rivers
c. Land between rivers
d. First Land
2. The Tigris and Euphrates empty into what body of water?
a. Indian Ocean
b. Persian Gulf
c. Mediterranean Sea
d. Red Sea
3. Benefits/Achievements from Mesopotamia include which of the following?
a. Irrigation
b. Writing
c. Laws
d. All the above
4. What type of Climate does Mesopotamia have?
a. Hot and Wet
b. Warm and Dry
c. Hot and Dry
d. Tropical
5. The worlds first known empire was?
a. Akkadian Empire
b. Babylon Empire
c. Sumerian Empire
d. Roman Empire
6. Who was the King of Uruk?
a. Hammurabi
b. Sargon
c. Gilgamesh
d. Nebuchadnezzar
7. The first emperor of the Akkadian Empire was?
a. Sargon
b. Hammurabi
c. Akkad
d. Sumer
8. Mesopotamian religion was________, which means belief in many gods.
a. Monotheistic
b. Polytheistic
c. Polyreligion
d. Akkadians
9. The first King of Babylon was whom?
a. Hammurabi
b. Sargon
c. Gilgamesh
d. None of the above
10. Sumerians believed that the earth floated on what?
a. Clouds
b. Fresh water ocean
c. River
d. Atmosphere
11. A mixture of rich soil and tiny rocks is called what?
a. silt
b. fertilizer
c. Fertile Crescent
d. agriculture
12. All of the following ancient civilizations developed in Mesopotamia except the?
a. Akkadians
b. Babylonians
c. Egyptians
d. Sumerians
13. In this chapter, you learned about agriculture in Mesopotamia. During what period
of prehistory was agriculture first practiced?
a. Megalithic Era
b. Mesolithic Era
c. Paleolithic Era
d. Neolithic Era
14. Hammurabi’s code had how many laws?
b. 282
c. 1000
d. 60
15. A skull from a human who lived during the Neolithic era would be considered a?
a. tool
b. artifact
c. fosil
d. secondary source
16. You know that history is the study of people and events from the past. To learn
about prehistory, historians would likely study all of the following except
a. graves
b. journals
c. bones
d. art
17. What Mesopotamian God supposedly gave the code of laws to Hammurabi?
a. Shamash
b. Anu
c. Enlil
d. Akkad
18. Early form of writing that used wedge shaped markings is called what
a. cuneiform
b. hieroglyphics
c. pictorgraphs
d. None of the above
19. The Sumerians created a math system based on what number?
a. 12
b. 60
c. 282
d. 90
20. Babylon was located on the Euphrates river just south of what modern day city?
a. Iraq
b. Syria
c. Baghdad
d. Istanbul
II. True or False (write the word)
21. The area called the Fertile Crescent lies between Asia Minor and Persian Gulf. _________
22. At its height Babylon was the largest city (by population) in the World. ________
23. Hunter Gather groups first settled in Mesopotamia more than 12,000 years ago. ________
24. Babylon was located on the banks of the Tigris River. _________
25. Many cities formed in Northern Mesopotamia in a region known as Sumer.___________
26. City States got along and rarely fought. ___________
27. The city of Akkad was the center of the world’s first Empire. ______________
28. King Nebuchadnezzar eventually brought all of the Mesopotamia under his control._______
29. The social hierarchy of Mesopotamia consisted of 3 classes. ______________
30. Religion was rarely in the public or private life in Sumerian Society. __________
31. The Sumerians were Monotheistic. ____________
32. The Sumerian Gods often had human characteristics. _____________
33. Sumerians believed in genies, demons, and evil spirits. _____________
34. Sumerian people often went inside of the Ziggurats for worship. _________
35. The God Shamash was the Sumerian God of Wisdom. ________
III. Fill in the Blank
Wedge Shaped
Diorite Stele
36. _______________________ allowed framers to grow plenty of food.
37. Mesopotamian city centers were dominated by great temples called __________________.
38. The name Cuneiform means ___________________________________.
39. Life in Mesopotamia was made easier through ________________________.
40. The Sumerians created a math system based on the number _______________.
41. Babylon is located near ________________________ in Iraq.
42. ___________________________________ is a large stone that had Hammurabi’s Code.
43. The Diorite Stele was found in the ancient city of _____________________.
44. The code of Hammurabi is one of the ________________________ deciphered writings in
45. ________________________ was the King of Uruk and had a Epic story written about him.
IV. Short Answer
46. What invention or advancement of the Sumerians do you think is most important
and why?
47. Describe the Diorite Stele (you can include the Code of Hammurabi).