Yoga Mind * course overview

Yoga Mind – course overview
Yoga Mind – course overview
An exploration of yoga philosophy, psychology and the process of awakening.
This programme follows on from the Yoga Body series and continues the exploration of the process
of personal evolution through yoga. It combines elements of asana, pranayama and meditation
practice with an accessible and practical introduction to the philosophy and psychology of yoga. It is
grounded in personal practice and is intended to inform and deepen your practice and
understanding of yoga.
Please note that the course is not intended to be an authoritative academic programme relating to
yoga philosophy or psychology. It is rather a pragmatic exploration of selected texts, concepts and
practices organised around the central principle provided by Patanjali (amongst others) that :
‘Generally as humans we have a skewed view of our universe that leads to us living in
ways that are often self-limiting in some way. But equally it is possible to shift our view
to a way of seeing that is more supportive of contentment and peace in our lives and in
the universe as a whole.’
Programme format
Starting in September 2013, the course will comprise six standalone one day workshops (see below
for exact dates) spread over 9 months. The venue will be the Yoga Studio, Rhyd Lanau Barn, Forest
Coalpit, Abergavenny. Outlines for each workshop are provided below.
Participants will be given a series of suggested inquiries between workshops. These will involve
some practices, contemplations and reading suggestions. There is no assessment or mandatory
nature to these inquiries but participants attending all of the workshops and engaging with the interworkshop inquiries can expect to get most from the course.
Yoga Body 2013-14– course dates
Sundays 9.30am-4.00pm - 29-Sept, 17-Nov, 12-Jan, 16-Mar, 27-Apr, 8-Jun
Yoga Body 2013-14 – course cost and payment terms
Workshops are booked individually via our normal website booking process and places are
confirmed on receipt of payment by cheque or BACS (£50 per person per workshop). Cheques
should be made payable to A. Belcham. Students wishing to book places on the whole programme
are encouraged to do so immediately so that we have an idea of workshop numbers. You may then
send in payment for each date individually – please do so by one month prior to each workshop date
to confirm your place.
Students who set up a standing order system to do this will receive a 10% discount ie £45 per
workshop. The payments would be spread over 9 monthly instalments of £30 paid on the 1st of the
month commencing 1st September 2013 and ending 1st May 2014. If you wish to take advantage of
this arrangement please send a single e-mail confirming your intention and then set up the standing
order to the following account commencing 1st September. We will enter your details into the
website booking system.
Bank details for BACs payments and standing orders :
Account name - A. Belcham
Sort code - 51 61 02
Account no. - 69295506
The Yoga Studio, Rhyd Lanau Barn, Forest Coalpit, Abergavenny, NP7 7LH
Yoga Mind – course overview
Tutor qualifications
Yoga experience
I have been practicing the Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga form daily since 2000
and teaching regularly since 2004 after completing the British Wheel of
Yoga Teacher Training Diploma. I have spent extended periods studying
with very experienced teachers, initially John and Lucy Scott and since
2004 with Nancy Gilgoff. From 2009-11 I spent several months each year
practicing with the sangha at Richard Freeman’s Yoga Workshop in
Boulder, Colorado. I also studied mindfulness meditation and Buddhist
philosophy under the guidance of Sonia Moriceau, a blessing which
touched me deeply and for which I am immensely grateful.
Bodywork experience
From August 2009 to March 2010 I trained at the Guild for Structural Integration in Boulder,
Colorado and was awarded their Diploma qualification. Since then I have worked as a Structural
Integrator using the pioneering ideas and methods developed by Dr. Ida Rolf. In July 2012 I
completed a two year part time training in biodynamic cranio-sacral therapy with the Karuna
Institute in Devon and now employ both modalities in my bodywork practice (see for details).
My understanding of the human system and the role of asana is constantly evolving but integrates
elements from the esoteric and ayurvedic understanding of yoga, the western anatomy and
innovative connective tissue models from Structural Integration and the energetic ideas and subtle
perceptions of cranio-sacral biodynamics.
Non-yoga teaching experience
For the past 15 years I have been lead tutor with Cambio Environmental Ltd responsible for the
development and delivery of environmental training courses to public and private sector
organisations. I still regularly deliver classroom based courses to environmental professionals. My
experience in setting up and running multi-week training programmes provides a solid grounding for
the planning and delivery of an extended training set in the yoga context.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me by e-mail
( or phone 05603 152215.
Overview of the 6 session Yoga Mind programme :
Each day (9.30-4.00) starts with an assisted self practice (approximately 1 ½ hours) – students
undertake their daily asana practice and I will assist each person as required. Although I practice and
teach in the Ashtanga Vinyasa lineage, practitioners from other schools of yoga are welcome to
follow their own asana practice in this time period. The rest of each day will be a mix of tutor
presentation, group exercises, discussion and practical sessions on and off the mat.
The whole course is firmly based around the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali but is heavily influenced by
western science and anatomy, the holistic bodywork approaches of Structural Integration and
Cranio-Sacral Therapy, and my own eclectic mix of inspirations (from Buddhism to Hollywood!).
The Yoga Studio, Rhyd Lanau Barn, Forest Coalpit, Abergavenny, NP7 7LH
Yoga Mind – course overview
Session 1
and suffering
Links to yoga body programme
The human state – a story around a line
Scope and limits of the YM programme –
an inquiry at a personal level not an
academic philosophy / psychology course
Yoga as philosophy vs yoga as a tool for
The yogic concept of ignorance
Seeds and karma – the cause and effect /
‘free will’ debate
Summarise the physical, psychological
and emotional evolution that occurs
through a human life
Summarise the yogic and Buddhist
concepts that everyday perception is
generally flawed or partial
Summarise the law of karma and its
influence on how we see and respond
to the universe
Summarises and builds on the idea of
personal evolution introduced
throughout YB and then focuses on
Patanjali’s view of ignorance (the Great
Mistake) and karma
Mind vs consciousness – the metaphor of
the layers of seeing
I.6 patterns of perception
II.3 Kleshas – examples focusing on i-ness
and mental constructs
Granthis, chakras and bandha – the
psycho-energetic world and its blockages
Finding the key obstacles in our particular
Ashtanga yoga as presented in the sutras
with an explanation of the expanded role
of asana
Samyoga as a state of being and seeing
Focus on pranayama as an additional limb
/ practice
Acknowledging the human tendencies
that funnel our perception and feed
the process of karma
Step back and see which are
particularly relevant to us
Builds on the concepts of :
Develop a view that there are paths to
overcoming the obstacles and that it is
possible for us to walk them
All paths in a sense involve a
cultivation of mindfulness and a
‘letting go’ of the stories that define us
Revisits the 8 limbs introduced in YB3 and
then focuses on pranayama as a practice
Session 2
The human
dilemma –
obstacles to
Session 3
The path (I) –
ashtanga yoga
The Yoga Studio, Rhyd Lanau Barn, Forest Coalpit, Abergavenny, NP7 7LH
body-mind and function of mind
introduced in YB2
Kleshas introduced in YB3
Purusha-prakritti introduced in YB5
Yoga Mind – course overview
Session 4
The path (II) –
kriya yoga
and the yogas
of the Gita
Links to yoga body programme
A clear view that there are many paths
leading to a refined view of the human
A clear understanding that the
different paths do not represent
distinct options but might be best
thought of as varying recipes for living
A sense of the possibility of a personal
Revisits 8 limbs introduced YB3 and then
focuses on mantra as a practice
development – linked to the cultivation
of pratyahara and dharana
A deepening sense of what it means on
a day to day basis to tread a spiritual
Consideration of the practicalities of
practice and change in our lives and
Revisits 8 limbs introduced YB3 and then
focuses on meditation as a practice
development – linked to the cultivation
of samyama
A bringing together of the process of
awakening in a way that allows each
person their own view of where they
are and what their next step might be
Consideration of the awakened state
and what that might mean
Returns to the brahmavihara (introduced
in YB3 as a tool) but now considers them
as an outcome or state of wise living.
Samyama as a doorway to awakening focus on mantra as an additional practice
The path of kriya yoga from Patanjali –
discipline, self-study and surrender
The different yogas of the Bhagavad Gita
Session 5
The path (III)
– the 8 fold
path of
Session 6
Awakening –
watching the
patterns and
resting in the
Samyama as a doorway to awakening focus on meditation as an additional
An outline of the 8 fold path presented by
the Buddha
An exploration of the links between yoga
and Buddhism and the pros and cons of
considering them as complementary paths
Flower symbols of Buddhism and Yoga
practice seen together
The image of spirals of awakening
The fruits of awakening – dwelling in the
sublime abodes – seedless existence –
freedom to be here now.
The Yoga Studio, Rhyd Lanau Barn, Forest Coalpit, Abergavenny, NP7 7LH