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Tony Neelankavil
Tony Neelankavil
Personal Data
Born on 31 May 1967 at Marathakara, Trichur District, Kerala State,
Parents: Father: Chev. Prof. N. A. Ouseph andMrs. T.J. Mary
Nationality: Indian
Priestly Ordination on 27 December 1993 at LourdesCathedralChurch,
Archdiocese of Trichur of the Syro-MalabarChurch
Positions Hold:
Dean of Studies, Theology Programme,Marymatha Major
Priest Member, Director Board, Liturgical Research Centre, St. Thomas
Mount, Kakkanad
Programme Director, Pastoral Animation Research and Outreach Centre,
Marymatha Research Institute, Mulayam.
Associate Editor: Encounter. A Journal of Interdisciplinary Reflections of
Faith and Life, a biannual journal published from the Marymatha
Seminary, Trichur
Issue Editor: Jeevadhara.
Contact Details:
Address: Dean of Studies, Faculty of Theology,Marymatha Major
Seminary,P.B. No. 7, Mannuthy, India. PIN – 680 651.
Telephone: Mobile: +91-9744787865
Office: 91-487-2315516; 2315535
E-Mail : Personal:,
School: St. Raphael’s LowerPrimary School, Ollur (1972-1974)
 LatinConventSchool, Mission Quarters, Trichur (1974-1976)
 ModelHigh School for Boys, Trichur (1976-1982)
College Studies: St. ThomasCollege, Trichur (1982-1984)
 Minor Seminary: St. Mary’s Minor Seminary, Trichur (1984-1986)
Bachelor degrees: B. A. in Philosophy: University of Kerala
 B. Ph. In Philosophy (1986-1989), B.Th. in Theology (1990-1993): St.
Thomas Apostolic Seminary, Vadavathoor
Post Graduation: M. A. in Theology, S.T.L: KatholiekeUniversiteit,
Leuven, Belgium (1995-1997). Thesis: The Method of Roger Haight’s
Spirit Christology, Leuven, 1997.
Doctoral Studies: Ph.D. in Theology, S.T.D.: CatholicUniversity, Leuven,
Belgium (1997-2002). Dissertation: Towards an Intercultural Hermeneutics
of Trinitarian Harmony. A Conversation Between Vedantic and Early
Christian Traditions in Response to the Asian Synod, Leuven, 2002.
Research Interests
Fundamental Theology: Revelation and Faith, Doctrine of the Trinity,
Pneumatology and the Theology of Grace
Pastoral Practical Theology: Theologizing in the Context of Kerala, India;
Hindu-Christian Relations – A Pastoral challenge
Other: Intercultural hermeneutics, Indian thought traditions, Theology in the
Context of Secularisation and Post-modernity.
---------------- & Nellickal Abraham (eds),Feminine Identity in the Church:
Promises and Challenges, Trichur: Marymatha Publications, 2011.
----------------Gandhijiyude India (Malayalam) [Gandhi’s Vision of India],
Deepika, 15 August 1991.
----------------Louvain Revisited: Faith and Order Discussions on
Intercultural Hermeneutics Since 1971, in Exchange.
Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research 28
(1999) 60-84.
----------------Significance of Spirit Christology for our Times in Joskiran.
Journal of Religion an Thought 3:1 (2006) 34-48.
----------------Sabha mnasantarattinte sdhakayumpritayum (Mal.)
(Church – the Practitioner and Promoter (missionary) of
Conversion) in Jeevadhara 37:220 (2007) 279-292.
---------------- &NellickalAbramam (eds),Feminine Identity in the Church:
Promises and Challenges, Trichur: Marymatha Publications,
----------------The Priesthood and the Challenges of Secularism and Postmodernity in Vidyajyoti74 (2010) 84-102.
----------------New Religious Movements: Causes and Challenges in Religion
and Society. A Critique of the Myriad Faces of Religion in India,
Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Symposium of the Indian
Leuven Alumni Assoiciation, 25th-27th September 2006),
Mangalore: Prakashalaya, 2010, pp. 56-64.
----------------Jvithagadhiyya vivasam in Katholikkasabha 34: 3 (2010)
----------------The Church and Everyday Life. Pastoral Reflections on the
Consumer Culture in Kerala in Alltagsleben: Ort des
Austauschs oder der neuen Kolonialisierung zwischen Nord
und Süd, Raúl Fornet-Betancourt (Hrsg.), Dokumentation des
XIV. Internationalen Seminars des Dialogprogramms Nord-Süd,
Denktraditionen im Dialog: Studien zur Befreiung und
Interkulturalität, Band 31,Meinz: Wissenschaftsverlag, 2010, pp.
----------------The Most Compassionate Trinity in Compassion: Passion for
Communion. Festschrift for Prof. DrGeorge Therukaattil MCBS,
Ed. by Dr Jacob Naluparayil, Kochi: Karunikan Books, 2010,
pp. 154-164.
----------------From Inculturation to Interculturality: A Methodological Move in
Asian Churches’ Encounters with Cultures, in The Church and
Culture in India, Inculturation: Theory and Praxis, ed by Paul
Pulikkan& Paul M. Collins, Delhi:ISPCK, 2010, pp. 11-24.
----------------SabhayilePrabhodhanadhikaram [The Magisterium in the Church]
in AttutheeratheVriksham. Thirusabhadarsanam [Tree at the
Riverside. The Vision of the Church], ed by Mathew
Illathuparambil, Palakkad: Logos Books, 2010, pp. 90-99.
Dimensions of the Faith in God], in Jeevadhara 41:244 (2011)
Chodyangalum [Commodification of Rituals and the Emerging
Questions] in Jeevadhara 41:245 (2011) 357-365.
DharanakalumDharanapisakukalum [Spirituality of Communion:
Perceptions and Misperceptions], in Katholikkasabha (2012
Jan) 7.
----------------SallivanteSabhayillathaYesu [Sullivan’s Jesus without Church] in
Katholikkasabha (2012 May) 6.
----------------Church’s Evangelizing Presence in Cultures – An Asian
Response to the Lineamenta in Eastern Journal of Dialogue
and Culture 5:1 (2012) 29-43.
marunnamanobhavangal [The evangelizing Presence of the
Church in Cultures: Changing Approaches] in Jeevadhara
42:250 (2012) 290-295.
----------------Pastoral Practice and Evangelizing Presence of the Church in
Asia in New Evangelization. Asian Perspectivesed by Joy
Thomas, SVD & Victor SagayamZackariaas, SVD, Mumbai: St.
Pauls, 2012, pp. 94-116.
----------------Francis Mar Pappa [Pope Francis], in Katholikkasabha (2013
----------------Twitterilsuhruthayi Francis Pappa [Pope Francis: A Friend in the
Twitter], in Katholikkasabha (2013 Aug) 12
----------------navasuviseshavalkaranavumsamskariksamvedanangalum 2012
le metransinadintevelichachathil [New Evangelization and the
Cultural Dialogue based on the 2012 Synod of Bishops] in
Jeevadhara 43:257 (2013) 339-350.
----------------Radiance of Lumen Fidei – The Light of Faith in Jeevadhara
43:258 (2013) 417-429.
----------------Francis Effect: Francis pappayudeOruvarsham (Francis Effect:
The First Year of Pope Francis), in Katholikkasabha (2014
March) 11.
darshanangalum(Pastoral Participation and the Life and Vision
of Pope Francis), in Jeevadhara44: 262 (2014) 74-82.
attended the 4th. LEST international Conference, Leuven,
Belgium (5th– 8th November 2003) and presented a paper on The
Trinitarian Harmony and the Intercultural Perspectives on
Religious Experience: A Critical Reflection on the
Intercultural Edeavours of the Federation of the Asian
Bishops’ Conferences
participated in the 55th Annual Conference of the Society for the
Study of Theology in Bodington Hall of the University of Leeds,
UK from 3rd to 6th April, 2006 on the theme, Theology and the
Religions, and presented a paper on The Trends in Spirit
Christology Today.
attended Ecclesiological Investigations 2 nd International
Conference on the theme Inculturation and Church, organized
jointly by the Chair of Christian Studies and Research, Calicut,
India and Institute of Theology, Trichur, India from 4th to 6the
January 2008 at both Calicut and Trichur and presented a paper
on From Inculturation to Interculturation. A Methodological
Move in Asian Churches’ Encounters with Cultures.
Attended a Research SeminaronEucharist organized by the
Liturgical Research Centre, St. Thomas Mount, Kakkanad,
Kerala and presented a response paper on Eucharistic
Attended the Faculty Seminar on the themeThe postcolonial
reading of Mark 10, 17-27, organized by the
UnionTheologicalCollege, Bangalore, affiliated to the University
of Serampoor, India on 14th July 2006 and presented a response
paper on Postcolonial Biblical Hermeneutics.
Presented a main paper on The Priesthood and the
Challenges of Secularism and Post-modernity in the Annual
College Seminar at KristuJyotiCollege, Bangalore, India,
organized from 22nd to 23rd September 2009.
Participated in the XIV International Seminar for North-South
Dialogue, organized jointly by the Institute of Missiology, Missio,
Aachan, Germany and Faculdades EST, São Leopoldo, Brazil at
Faculdades EST, Porto Alegre, Brazil from 18-22 May 2010 on
the theme Daily Life: Place of Exchange or of new Colonization
between North and South and presented a paper onThe
Church and Everyday Life. Pastoral Reflections on the
Consumer Culture in Kerala.
Participated in the XV Colloquium of the Bishops and
Theologians organized by the Doctrinal Commission of the
Catholic Bishops Conference of India at NBCLC from 8th to 10th
July 2010 on the theme Office and Charism within the
Understanding of the Church as Participatory Communion and
presented a paper on the Charism of the Theologian in the
Local Church.
Participated in the XVI Colloquium of the Bishops and
Theologians organized by the Doctrinal Commission of the
Catholic Bishops Conference of India at NBCLC from 5th to 7th
July 2012 on the theme Evangelization and Re-evangelization
and presented a paper on Evangelization and Reevangelization: Implications for the Pastoral Presence of the
Church in the World
Participated in the 5th Symposium ofMarymatha Encounters of
Pastoral Challenges (MEPC) on Interfacing Islam and
Christianity: Promises and Pastoral Challenges on 10th and
11thAugust 2012 and.presented a paper on Is Trinity
Monotheistic? Islamic and Christian Perspectives.
Implications to the understanding of the Person of Jesus.
Participated in the Asian Conference on New Evangelization at
Ishvani Kendra, Pune, India, from 4-6 September 2012 and
presented a paper, representing the Syro Malabar Church, on
Pastoral Practice and Evangelizing Presence of the Church
in Asia.
Participated in the International Theological Conference on The
Living Legacy of Vatican II organized by the Chair of Christian
Studies and Research, University of Calicut, in collaboration with
the Institute of Theology, Trichur from 28 February to 2 March
2014and presented a paper on the theme Between Classicist
and Fundamentalist Approaches to Culture: Legacy of
Vatican II.
Major Conferences
and Fellowships
Attended the Swanwick Christology Conference, organized by
the Churches’ Commission on Inter Faith Relations (Churches
together in Britain and Ireland) and the Church of England from
6-8 September 1999 at The Heyes Conference Centre,
Swanwick, Derbyshire, U.K..
participated in the Fifth Formation Institute for Interreligious
Affairs (FIRA V), organized by the Office of the Ecumenical and
Interreligious Affiars of the Federation of the Asian Bishops
Conferences from 23-29 May 2004 at Bangkok, Thailand.
Research scholar at Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium,
from 22 February till 5 May, 2009 and gave lectures on
Interreligious dialogue.
Participated as one of the representatives of the theologians of
India in the Colloquium of Representatives from the Holy See,
the CBCI and the Theologians of India at St John’s Medical
College, Bangalore, India, from 16-19 January 2011 on the
theme “CooperatoresVeritatis” – Seeking the Truth
Research Scholar at Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium
from 10 February till 10 May 2015 and works on the theme
Intercultural Conversations in Religions: An Antidote to Cultural
Fundamentalism in India.
was awarded the Grambrinus Fellowship of the Technische
Universiteit Dortmund and collaborates with the Faculty of
Catholic Theology in the University in April 2015.
Other Ministries:
Asst. Parish Priest, Ollur (1994-1995)
Asst. Parish Priest, Palayoor (1995)
Professor, Marymatha Major Seminary, Trichur (2002-)
Dean, Department of Theology, Marymatha Major Seminary, Trichur (2002-)
Animator, Theology Students (2002-2008), Marymatha Major Seminary,
Director, Marymatha Publications (2003-2011) and Book Stall (2003-2007)
Pro-Vicar, St. Thomas Church, Manjakunnu, Trichur (2003-2005)
Chaplain: St. Pious Convent, Koottala, Trichur (2003-2006)
Chaplain: Jesus Fraternity (Prison ministry), Special Sub-Jail, Trichur (2003-)
Member, Bishops-Theologians Colloquium
Conference of India (CBCI) (2004-)
the Catholic
Censor of Books, Archdiocese of Trichur (2005-)
Member, Doctrinal Commission of the Synod of the Syro Malabar Church
Secretary, Marymatha Encounters of Pastoral Challenges (MEPC), a series
of International Symposia annually organized at the Marymatha Major
Seminary, Trichur, India. (2008-)
Member, Presbyteral Council, Archdiocese of Trichur (2010-)
Member, Theology Commission, Archdiocese of Trichur (2012 Feb 8-)
Priest-in charge, St. Thomas Church, Nadampadam (2012 Feb 8- 2014 Feb
Member, Permanent Theological Commission, Synod of Bishops of the Syro
Malabar Church (2013-)
Programme Director, Pastoral Animation Research and Outreach Centre
(PAROC), Marymatha Research Institute, Mulayam (2014-)
Priest Member of the Director Board of the Liturgical Research Centre, Mount
St. Thomas, Kakkanad (1 Oct 2014-)