CRCT Review/final study guide #1Review game http://www.quia


CRCT Review/final study guide

#1Review game

#2 The link below has CRCT practice test on every unit we covered during our entire year with answer key

1) Tundra a. 30 to 50 cm annual precip b. -26 to 12 degrees Celsius annual temp c. Permafrost d. Plants shallow roots-mosses, lichen, willows e. Animals-thick fur; camo(white)reindeer, hares, arctic foxes; polar bear; musk oxen;

2) Taiga or Coniferous Forest or Boreal a. 35-75 cm annual precip b. -10 to 14 degrees Celsius annual temp c. Evergreens or conifers with needles to preserve water

3) Grassland a. 25-75 cm annual precip b. 0 to 30 degrees Celsius average annual temp c. Grasses have deep roots not many trees d. Large grazing animals and small seed eaters

4) Desert a. >25 cm annual precip b. 38 to 7 degrees Celsius varying daily temps c. Hot during day and cold at night d. Animals are nocturnal; burrow to fight daytime heat e. Plants have sprawling root systems and grow far apart f. Rocky, sandy soil that is not very fertile

5) Temperate Deciduous Forest a. 75-125 cm annual precip b. 6 to 28 degrees Celsius annual avg temp c. Rich, fertile soil d. Trees change colors in the Fall to preserve water and energy

6) Tropical Rain Forest a. <400 cm of rainfall annually b. Most biologically diverse; many plants and animals c. Near the equator d. Soil is not very fertile; nutrients in plants e. Animals are arboreal (live in trees)

7 ) Estuaries are where rivers spill into the oceans.

8) Swamps are wetlands with trees and vines.

9) Marshlands are wetlands with no trees and only grasses.

10) Populations come together to make a community, which interacts with the abiotic factors to make an ecosystem. All of the ecosystems of the world make up the biosphere.

Body Systems

1) digestive – a) function –Breaks down food to get nutrients into the cells b) major organs –mouth, stomach, intestines, gall bladder c) can be compared to – blender

2) circulatory/cardiovascular - a) function –transport blood with nutrients and waste b) major organs – heart, veins, arteries, capillaries c) can be compared to –well pump and water lines

3) skeletal – a) function –provides support and protection b) major organs – bones, cartilage, joints, tendons c) can be compared to – framework for a building

4) muscular – a) function –moves the body and materials inside the body b) major organs –cardiac, smooth, and skeletal c) can be compared to –conveyor belt, forklift, escalator

5) integumentary – a) function –cover and protect, regulate body temperature b) major organs – skin, hair, and nails c) can be compared to – paint on a house, insulation,

6. Nervous a. brain and spinal cord – central nervous system b. controls the bodies functions.


Nucleus -control center of the cell; cytoplasm - jelly like substance; chloroplast -uses sun’s energy to make food for the cell;

ribosomes - transports proteins; golgi bodies packages materials for the cell;

ER transport system for the cell; vacuole stores food water and waste; cell wall provides support and protection; cell membrane controls what goes in and out; mitochondria provides energy for the cell

All living things must have at least one CELL

The organization of living things is:


Animal Cell



What is a genotype? 2 letter code


What is phenotype? Characteristics of 2 letter code


What is incomplete dominance? 2 recessive alleles create different trait for offspring.


What is a dominant allele? One allele dominates another.


What is heterozygous? Gene pair with a dominant and recessive allele.


What is homozygous? Gene pair with 2 dominants or 2 recessives.


What is a recessive allele? The lesser of the two alleles.


How many pair of chromosomes? 23


What is the difference between mitosis and meisois? One sex cell


1 dominant plus 1 recessive = ? Dominant


Father of Genetics? Gregory Mendel


What did Mendel experiment with? Peas


What is the study of how traits are inherited? Genetics


What is the passing of traits from parent to offspring? Heredity


What is the difference between alleles and traits? Traits are the actual characteristics


What is an organism that is the offspring of many generations of the same traits? Purebred


What is an organism that has 2 different alleles for a trait? Hybrid


What shows a person’s 23 pairs of chromosomes on one sheet? Karyotype


What is a single celled organism? Zygote


What are the 4 phases of mitosis? Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase.


What phase is before mitosis? Interphase


Chromosome – an organized structure of DNA found in the nucleus that determines traits.


1) Archaebacteria- heterotroph, single-celled, prokaryotic, lives in extreme


2) Eubacteria- heterotrophic, single-celled, prokaryotes; can be good or bad; E. coli or L. acidophilus

3) Protista- mostly single-celled; no special tissues; eukaryotic; euglenas, amoebas, paramecium, protozoans

4) Fungus- multicellular heterotrophs with cell walls; eukaryotes, mushrooms, lichens, yeast, mold

5) Plantae- Autotrophs multicellular, eukaryotes, cell walls, moss, ferns, trees, fruits, vegetables

6) Animalia- multicellular, heterotrophs, eukaryotic, have sense organs can be vertebrates or invertebrates. The vertebrates include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, the invertebrates include: sponges, cnidarians, annelids, mollusks, arthropods, flat worms, echinoderms



Autotrophic – uses photosynthesis to feed itself.


Photosynthesis – sun + rain + Co2 = Oxygen and sugar energy (food)


Commensalism – one organism benefits and one not affected.


Parasitism – one benefits and one harmed


Mutualism – both organisms benefit


energy pyramid – diagram that shows the amount of energy that moves from one trophic feeding level to another.


food chain – Series of events shown in a strait line in which one organism eats another and obtains energy.


food web – Consist of many overlapping food chains in an ecosystem.


Natural Selection – a process by which individuals that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce than others of the same species.


Primary producer – photosynthetic autotrophic organism that is bottom of energy pyramid.

(converts sunlight into stored energy)


Primary consumer- heterotrophic herbivore that feeds on primary producers.


Secondary consumer- carnivore or omnivore that feeds on primary consumers.


Tertiary consumer – carnivore that feeds on secondary consumer.


Quaternary consumer – feeds on anything it wants. (top of food chain)


Predation – predator/prey relationship


Scavenger – heterotrophic carnivore that feeds on dead animals.


Decomposer – heterotrophic organism that feeds on feces or dead (bacteria is example)


Ecosystem – all the biotic (living) and the abiotic (nonliving) features of the environment.


Evolution – the gradual change of a trait in a species over time.


estuary – mixture of salt and fresh water.


biome - Large geographical areas that have similar climates and ecosystems.


climax community – a place where animals and plants have reached a stable stage.


Temperate Deciduous Forest - biome has trees where the leaves fall off in the winter and covers the south east part of the United States including Georgia?


Competition – when two or more organism of the same species fight over limited resources.


Tropical rain forest – most diverse biome with the greatest number of different species.


Desert – driest biome


Herbivore – organism that eats plants or primary producers.


Carnivore – organism like a wolf that eats other consumers (animals)


Omnivore – can be primary and secondary consumers (eats plants and animals)


Sun – provides the energy for producers to make food. (original source of all energy)


Habitat – where an organism lives and finds food and shelter.


Pioneer species – first organisms to move into an ecosystem.


Limiting factors – anything that decreases the population of a species.


Biotic – living organisms in the ecosystem.


Abiotic – nonliving features of the ecosystem.

Cell Processes-

1) binary fission-process prokaryotic cells use to reproduce; asexual reproduction; one cell makes two identical cells

2) mitosis- type of cellular division in which eukaryotic cells divide; asexual reproduction; one cell makes two identical cells

3) meiosis- type of cellular division in which sex cells are created.

Sexual reproduction; one cell divides two times to make 4 new cells with ½ the number of chromosomes

4) Photosynthesis-process producers use to capture the sun’s energy and convert it into food. Happens in the chloroplasts of cells.

Sunlight + carbon dioxide+ water glucose + oxygen

5) cellular respiration-process all cells use to convert glucose into energy, occurs in the mitochondria glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide + water + ATP (energy

6) endocytosis or exocystosis-process cells use to move large particles into(endo) or out of (exo) the cell.
