Sample Research Notes and Checklist

English 9
Mrs. Sharp
Would You Rather?
Research Project
Research Notes
Use the pages to keep track of ALL the information you find from ALL of your research sources. You may include
quotations and/or paraphrase the information into your own words. If using a PRINT source, make sure to write down
the PAGE NUMBER with each piece of information. In all cases, include the SOURCE NUMBER with the notes you take.
RESEARCH QUESTION/TOPIC: What are the ingredients in Purell/perfume?
- Active Ingredients:
Ethyl alcohol, 62% - "mother nature's disinfectant." According to the American
Journal of Infection Control, Aug. 1995, "Alcohols applied to the skin are among the
safest known antiseptics."
- Inactive Ingredients:
Denaturant/bittering agent (small amount of Isopropyl Alcohol), Moisturizers
derived from plant materials, Propylene Glycol, Isopropyl Myristate (Thickener)
Carbomer (Fragrance)
What are these chemicals/compounds? What effect do these have on the body when
“alcohol poisoning can result”
“A hand sanitizer pump dispenses approximately 2.5 mL of liquid. If one pump of a
62% ethanol-containing hand sanitizer was ingested by an average 2 year old
weighing 15 kg (33 lbs), a blood alcohol level of 17.3 mg/dL would be expected,
considerably below a toxic level of 80-100 mg/dL. The same child would have to
drink approximately 4-5 teaspoons of the sanitizer to produce toxic effects requiring
medical attention.”
Cologne poisoning may result in a condition similar to being drunk (alcohol
intoxication) to severe breathing problems, seizures, and coma. A product with more
isopropyl alcohol may potentially cause a more serious illness.
Natural fragrances are essential oils and isolates derived from botanical ingredients
that are harvested from the earth such as: flowers, fruits, sap, seeds or skin of the
plant, as well as the bark, leaves, roots, resins or wood of certain trees and not from a
lab (synthetic).
name: Sample
English 10
Mrs. Sharp/Ms. Edwards
Would You Rather
Research Check List
Before you conclude your research and begin creating your brochure, take a moment to organize your ideas from your
notecards and check to make sure you have covered all sides of your argument.
Would you rather choices:
Drink a bottle of Purell
Your decision:
Drink a bottle of perfume
Perfume is safer__________________________________________________________________
Logical Appeal #1
Evidence: Purell
Source # 1
contains Ethyl alcohol, 62% and Isopropyl Alcohol
Cologne poisoning may result in a condition similar to being drunk (alcohol intoxication)
to severe breathing problems, seizures, and coma. A product with more isopropyl alcohol may
potentially cause a more serious illness.
Natural fragrances are essential oils and isolates derived from botanical ingredients that
are harvested from the earth.
Explain the evidence. What does this show/prove/mean? Purell
contains a highly toxic ingredient
(Isopropyl alcohol) which may cause “serious illness.” Perfume may cause intoxication, but
natural perfumes contain botanical ingredients that are harvested from the earth, so they
are likely safer than chemicals.
What makes this a LOGICAL appeal? It
makes logical sense that a natural ingredient is less
dangerous than a chemical compound. Isopropyl alcohol has been proven to be poisonous.
There is scientific proof that the isopropyl alcohol in hand sanitizers can cause “serious
illness,” while the alcohol in perfumes may just cause “intoxication.”