Plantwise Country Plans 2014 Country: Vietnam CABI Region: South East Asia Year: 2014 Plantwise start date: January, 2012 Team: Siva Annamalai, Malvika Chaudhary 1. Developing/Strengthening national partnerships Conduct a 1-day meeting with National Steering Committee (NSC) and NCU members to discuss ways and mechanisms towards national ownership of PW using national resources (1.4) Conduct a 1-day national forum of stakeholders for 20 people representing Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences (VAAS), PPD, Plant Quarantine Diagnostic Center, PPD (PQDC-PPD), Southern Horticultural Research Institute (SOFRI), Northern Mountainous Agriculture and Forestry Science Institute – NOMAFSI universities (e.g. Hanoi Agriculture University), agrodealers and others to constitute a National Steering Committee (NSC) of 8 members (1.5) Plan and conduct a 1-day workshop for the newly constituted NSC of 8 members to develop their TORs and communication strategy and to identify a National Data and M&E Manager (1.5) Describe and characterise existing plant health system stakeholders, considering their mandates, responsibilities/functions and linkages (1.5) 2. Trainings Plan and conduct 1 Module 1 training(s) for 25 trainees (1.8) Plan and conduct 1 Module 2 training(s) for 25 trainees (1.8) Plan and conduct Data Management training module for 10 participants (3.1) Train 10 plant doctors, supervisors and selected members of the support network in the Monitoring Plant Clinic Performance module (5.2; 5.3) 3. Establish network of plant clinics Identify and set up PCs in 1 new province (Son La Province, mountainous region in the Northern Vietnam) for scaling out activities in addition to the 4 provinces (Ben Tre and Tien Giang in the South and Hung Yen and Vinh Phuc in the North) that currently run (1.9) Establish and operationalise 25 new PCs (5 each per province) after training in Module 1&2 (1.9; 1.10) Establish 2 plant clinic clusters, hold 1cluster meetings as a feedback mechanism for performance monitoring, quality assurance, and data information review. 4. Support materials for plant doctors and farmers Identify key crops/pests and develop 15 new Pest Management Decision Guides by trained national experts (2.7; 4.4) Identify key crops/pests and develop 15 new factsheets by trained national experts (2.7; 4.4) 5. In-country data management Identify national extension-related information sources and materials (4.5) Train data management staff and Plant Doctors on plant clinic data validation for quality assurance (4.6) 1|P a g e 6. Monitoring, evaluation, and impact assessment Identify personnel to conduct plant clinic monitoring (5.1) Conduct workshop with national partners to conceptualise and agree on monitoring systems (5.1) 7. Plant clinic linkages Linking plant clinics with agro-input suppliers Prepare guidelines for plant doctors to create directories of input suppliers and their inventories from each clinic. (2.3) Consultative workshop to strengthen the linkages between PCs and agro-dealers in each PCs location (2.6) Linking with diagnostic services Initiate a 3-day workshop/training with relevant national diagnostic laboratories to review protocols and methods for diagnostics, issues related to sample submission and analyses and feedbacks from laboratories (3.6) Plant health rallies and mass extension campaigns Hold 3 plant health rallies with 211 farmers (3.3) 8. In-country scaling-up of Plantwise Backstopping national trainers through method and material support, performance review & feedback, exchange visits and provision of training materials (1.7) 9. Advocacy and public awareness Public awareness With help of VAAS publicity material would be produced Embedding Module 1&2 and PHS approaches in diploma or degree level training No activity planned for 2014 10. Review and planning Conduct a 1-day meeting with the national coordination unit (National Coordinator, National Data Manager, National M&E Manager) to internalise the 2014 plan and develop workflows (1.4) 2|P a g e