AHSDFA ALBERTA HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION PROVINCIAL FESTIVAL INFORMATIONAL PACKAGE2015 PROVINCIAL FESTIVAL Thursday, May 7 through Saturday, May 9, 2015 THE ARTS CENTRE 100 College Ave, Red Deer College RED DEER, ALBERTA This information package is for anyone wishing to attend the AHSDFA Provincial Festival, whether attending as performers or audience members. Bruce MacDonald CO/FESTIVALDIRECTOR Airyn Street CO/FESTIVALDIRECTOR Gera Allen, AHSDFA President Amy Burns, AHSDFA Past President www.albertadrama.com 2 TABLE of CONTENTS AHSDFA Contact Information .............................................................................................. 3 The AHSDFA Festival General Details .................................................................................. 3 Adjudicator Biographies ...................................................................................................... 4 Registration Information ..................................................................................................... 5 Festival Registration CHECKLIST ......................................................................................... 6 Model Release Forms ................................................................................................. 7 Festival Schedule ................................................................................................................ 8 General Information and Banquet/ Awards ........................................................................ 9 Student Workshops ........................................................................................................... 10 Public/ Private Adjudications............................................................................................. 10 Theatre Etiquette............................................................................................................... 10 Tech Information ............................................................................................................... 11 Tech Time............................................................................................................... 11 Load In ................................................................................................................... 11 Dressing Rooms ..................................................................................................... 11 Scheduling.............................................................................................................. 12 Tech Information and FAQs ................................................................................... 12 Accommodations ............................................................................................................... 13 Zone Report Form ..................................................................................................... 14 3 AHSDFA Provincial Festival General Details Contacts: Festival Co-Director Bruce MacDonald Technical Director Festival Co-Director Airyn Street Front-of-House Artistic Adjudicator Lynda Adams *Please send scripts asap before May 4, 2015! Technical/Backstage Adjudicator President Past President Secretary Vice President PROVINCIAL FESTIVAL ADDRESS Heather Cornick Gera Allen Amy Burns Arlene Orchard Trina Penner This is usually needed for you to receive a cheque from your school to pay for the festival fees. bruce.macdonald@aspenview.org airyn@platinum.ca Lynda.Adams@rdc.ab.ca Lynda Adams C/O Theatre Performance Creation Program Box 5005 100 College Blvd Red Deer, AB, T4N 5H5 heather.cornick@rdc.ab.ca gera.allen@rdpsd.ab.ca aburns@rockyview.ab.ca Arlene.orchard@ffca-calgary.com trina.penner@rdpsd.ab.ca Tara Koett c/o LTCHS 4204-58 Street Red Deer, AB T4N2L6 AHSDFA Provincial Festival Description: The AHSDFA (Alberta High School Drama Festival Association) Provincial Festival is a One Act Play Festival that celebrates the excellent theatre that is happening from around Alberta, in our High Schools - Public, Catholic, Private, and Charters. In April, schools from around the province participate in zone festivals (their local areas), then the Outstanding play(s) chosen by an adjudicator is produced at Red Deer College to showcase the work on the Provincial Festival stage. AHSDFA Mission: To promote interest, involvement, and development in all phases of drama and theatre for students and teachers in Alberta high schools through the sponsorship of annual drama festivals. It is to be understood that all involvement in AHSDFA sponsored festivals - Zones and Provincial - is for the betterment and development of students and that all involvement will be underscored with integrity, flexibility, and co-operation. Website: www.albertadrama.com Dates: Thursday, May 7- Saturday, May 9, 2015 Registration begins at 10am on Thursday, May 7. Location: Red Deer College Arts Centre, 100 College Ave, Red Deer, AB 4 Adjudicator Biographies Artistic Adjudicator: Lynda Adams is a professional director, choreographer, performer, movement specialist and creator of new works who has worked in the performing arts, film and television industry for over 30 years. She has a master’s degree, in Movement for the Actor, from the Laban Centre in London, England and was artist in residence at Victoria School of the Arts (1989 – 2002) and the Artstrek Curriculum Director (1995 – 2009). Lynda has taught in drama departments at the University of Alberta, University of British Columbia, Douglas College, MacEwan U (formerly GMCC) and the Citadel Theatre School. She was the artistic associate at Northern Light Theatre, in Edmonton, Alberta, before becoming a full time faculty member in the Theatre Performance and Creation program at Red Deer College where she teaches movement, acting, business of theatre and play analysis. Lynda has also directed numerous RDC productions including The Seagull, Village of Idiots, Cabaret, The Sound of Music, Little Shop of Horrors, Toad of Toad Hall, Alice Through the Looking Glass, Summertime, Pride and Prejudice and the world premieres of Mieko Ouchi’s The Dada Play and Vern Thiessen’s adaptation of Wuthering Heights. Technical Adjudicator: Heather Cornick, Head of Lighting, RDC; Theatre & Entertainment Instructor Throughout her 20 year career, Ms. Cornick has worked in theatre, film, television, circus, rock and roll, corporate events, dance, cruise ships, and opera as a lighting designer, technician, stage manager, carpenter, props builder, puppeteer, instructor and donkey wrangler. Her passion for theatre was fostered through participation in her high school drama club; a highlight of which was the yearly Sears Ontario High School Drama Festival. She holds a diploma in technical theatre from Humber College, Toronto and in 2012-13 was a member of the inaugural cohort of the Bachelor of Performing Arts Degree at Capliano University, North Vancouver. Currently Heather is the Head of Lighting and an instructor with Red Deer College. She is fond of both pie and pi. 5 Festival Registration Information Participation as Performers: Register online through this form: http://goo.gl/forms/cPHxgA3QUQ If you are the chosen outstanding production at your Zones festival, you are automatically able to perform your production at the Provincial Festival at the Red Deer College Arts Center. To register as a performer, please follow the directions outlined below. Registration Fee: $60/ student $30/ adult, supervisor, teacher, etc. A production registration fee of $150/ play Deadlines: Please register by April 30, 2015. Please send all scripts to the adjudicator by May 4, 2015. See page 3 for Adjudicator address. Production types permitted in the Festival: All productions should be one act plays, limited to 65 minutes or less. One act plays can be musicals, dramas, comedies, student written work, published and non-published work, collective creations, etc, as long as a script is provided to the adjudicator by the submission date (information provided upon registration). Attending the Festival as NON Participants and as Audience Members only: You are always welcome to participate as audience members at the Provincial festival! Non Participants are welcome to attend the Provincial Festival and maintain full festival privileges, including workshops, all shows, the banquet, the dance, and the awards ceremony. o Please email Arlene Orchard to register as Non Participants: arlene.orchard@ffca-calgary.com If you have friends/ family members that wish to only come to one Performance Session, the cost is $5/ student $10/ adult. No registration necessary. Tickets available at the door. 6 FESTIVAL REGISTRATION Festival Checklist for Performance Groups: To complete before the festival: Register online through this form: http://goo.gl/forms/cPHxgA3QUQ Courier or Express post 1 copy of your winning play script ASAP to the Provincial Adjudicator (see page 3 for contact information) by May 4, 2015. She would prefer to receive them earlier, if at all possible! Reserve accommodations for students and chaperones To bring with you to the festival: One copy of your production licensing Zone Report. You may need the help of your Zone Head. *You will not be able to perform without this Zone Report. Please bring this with you to the registration desk, Thursday, May 7. A letter from your school’s principal indicating that all cast &crew members meet the definition of “high school students” as defined by Alberta Education. For example: Dear AHSDFA Directors, The following students will be performing in the AHSDFA Provincial Festival from May 8-10, 2015. All students attend this high school: Names Here Signed by Principal of your school Model Release Forms for each Festival Participant. This allows the students to be photographed and photos shared on our website. 200 copies of your playbill which includes the following info: o Playwright and publisher o The Production’s creative team (indicate students or teachers) o The School’s name and community name (make sure to include city) o Zone Number o Warnings about language or mature content/ fog/ strobe A cheque from your school for the registration fee. It is $60/ student and $30/ adult, and a fee of $150 per play. **Each Festival registrant receives a Festival Button which allows him/her to participate in workshops, performances, the banquet/ dance, and the awards ceremony. 7 Alberta High School Drama Festival Association Model Release Form Provincial High School Drama Festival (TEACHERS ----- Please duplicate and have every member of your ensemble complete one!) School: ____________________________________ Name: __________________________ Age: ______ I, ______________________ (parent, guardian) hereby authorize the AHSDFA or persons authorized by them, the use of any photographs/film associated with this project without compensation for use in publications, web sites, & / or promotional materials. I understand that signing this release does not guarantee the publication of photos/film/footage. It is understood that all copyrights remain the property of AHSDFA when used on the AHSDFA web site. Please fill out the section that applies to the participant: 1 If Participant is UNDER 18 years of age, their parent / guardian must give consent as follows: Name: _________________________ Telephone: ( ) Please Print Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________ Please Print Signature: _____________________________ Date: __________________ 2 If Participant is 18 years of age OR older: Name: _________________________ Telephone: ( Please Print ) 8 General SCHEDULE for the Festival: Performances at the Provincial Festival plays begin on Thursday May 7 at 12:30 p.m. sharp. There are 5 performance sessions in total, with generally 3-4 plays per session. Performance Sessions last approximately 3-4 hours. There is a public adjudication at th end of each performance session. Thursday, May 7 10am- noon 12:30pm-4:30pm (approx) 4:30pm (approx)- 7:30pm Friday, May 8 8pm- 10:30pm (approx) 8:30am 9-11am 11am-noon 12-12:30pm 12:30pm- 4:30pm (approx) 4:30-8pm Saturday, May 9 7:30pm-10:30pm (approx) 8:30am 9-11am 12:30pm- 4:30pm (approx) 4:30-6pm 6-8pm 8pm- 10pm (approx) Registration Tech for Performance Session1 productions Performance Session 1 Dinner Break Free Time Tech for Performance Session 2 productions Performance Session 2 Registration for Workshops Student Workshops Tech for Performance Session 3 Productions Improv Jam in the lobby (no registration required) Lunch Performance Session 3 Dinner Free Time Tech for Performance Session 4 Productions Performance Session 4 Student Workshop Registration Student Workshops Teacher Meeting (AHSDFA AGM) Tech for Performance Session 5 Productions Performance Session 5 Free Time (get ready for banquet/ dance) Banquet and Dance Awards Ceremony 9 General Information and FAQs: When will we receive the formalized schedule for the festival (with performances/ tech times)? If you are a performing group, you will receive your tech rehearsal time and production time schedule during the week of May 4, prior to your arrival. If you are participating as an audience member, you will receive an email confirmation and tentative schedule upon receiving your registration form At the festival, all participants will receive a finalized schedule of events, complete workshop descriptions and a map of the campus. Is the schedule “set in stone”? Every attempt will be made to run on schedule, however, we must all be aware of variables and intangibles. The focus of the festival is to share our work with one another and to maintain the integrity of the participants, the playwrights and the productions. If, for whatever reason, we are not able to stay on the exact schedule, we will all have to make efforts to be co-operative. Banquet/ Dance: There will be a banquet for everyone at the festival. Saturday, May 9, 2015 6pm Food is served A DJ is hired for students to dance Most people “dress up” for this experience in semi-formal wear Awards Ceremony: There will be an awards ceremony following the banquet. After the banquet 8pm start Awards are given to tech, directing, and acting No “outstanding” or “winning” production is named This usually lasts about 120-150 minutes Is there a “winning play” chosen at the Provincial Festival? No. This festival is a showcase of all the best productions in Alberta. A significant number of awards including honourable mentions are available in the following categories: acting, directing, ensemble work, playwriting, song/instrumental performance and various technical theatre areas such as stage management, set design, lighting and sound. Awards and certificates of achievement will be presented. The categories and number of awards in each category will be determined between the Artistic & Technical adjudicators and the AHSDFA Directors and President. 10 Student Workshops & Teacher AGM Workshops occur Friday and Saturday morning from 9-11 a.m. These workshops are facilitated by professional theatre artists in a myriad of disciplines: fight combat, voice, singing, dance, theatre for young audiences, image based theatre, stage management, theatre makeup, acting, improvisation, and costuming. PLEASE PICK UP TWO COPIES OF THE CLINCIANS’ INFO @ THURSDAY’S REGISTRATION TO SHARE WITH YOUR STUDENTS. THESE HAVE THE INSTRUCTORS’ BIOS, HEADSHOTS & WORKSHOP DESCRIPTORS. Registration for Workshops: Registration for workshops occurs @ 8:30 a.m. in the Arts Centre lobby Friday & Saturday morning. This is usually a mad-rush, so be prompt! Workshop registration is first-come first served but please encourage students to take risks and register in different workshops from each other. The workshops allow three things: a) meeting others b) gaining skills c) taking risks outside your comfort zone Each school is asked to try and divide their participants as equally as possible throughout the available workshop sessions. PUBLIC & PRIVATE ADJUDICATION To meet our mandate of theatre education, a short public adjudication will follow each performance session. This will be for everyone’s benefit. Private Adjudications with casts and crews will meet in reverse order from performance or at times determined by the Backstage Festival Director, Bruce. THEATRE ETIQUETTE Exemplary theatre etiquette is the expectation: please impress this on your students and convey this to family members. Latecomers can only be admitted at the discretion of RDC’s Front of House Manager. No talking during the performance. Cell phones, pagers & watch alarms are to be turned off during all performances. No resting feet/shoes on the chairs in front of you. No in-and-out privileges during performances (e.g. bathroom breaks) No flash photography during performances. In fact, videotaping is not allowed. NOTE THAT RDC’s Front of House Manager has control over all aspects of the performance and is the final authority regarding access to the theatre. The Festival attempts to run on precise time butparents should be cautioned to arrive early for their child’s performance. 11 TECHNICAL INFORMATION The tech specifications for the Arts Centre can be found on our website www.albertadrama.com under festival information, or by clicking on this link: http://www.albertadrama.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/Mainstage_Tech_Specif ications.29134744.pdf If you have questions that are not answered on this site, please contact Bruce MacDonald, our tech director: bruce.macdonald@aspenview.org For our festival, here is some information not on the website: 1. Your TECH TIME Each show will be given 45-60 minutes of tech time with the professional technicians at RDC; you will be emailed your tech time one week prior to the festival. This time is for: introductions to the technicians and setting of cues. It is not to provide full runs of shows on the stage. If you come with all your cues written down, it makes it easier to set and rehearse a cue to cue. Please come prepared. During your tech time you will meet with the tech crew and go over any elements in your show that may be of concern to the crew. Eg. Liquids, fire, food, glitter, paint, fire arms, smoking, etc. Once introductions are made your crew will load in your set and your tech crew will be taken to the booth to get your show set up. RDC has a lighting and a sound technician that will assist your crew and help make your show fabulous. Although we try and keep to the allotted times, the intention is to make sure that shows get the technical requirements that they need. 2. LOAD-IN/SET DELIVERY Load-ins for each show will happen generally throughout the day on Thursday during the tech times or upon your arrival at the festival Load-ins do not interfere with tech times There is ample room in the Arts Centre to store all sets Sets are to be delivered to the back of the Arts Centre (northwest corner). If you are unable to deliver your sets on Thursday, please contact Bruce MacDonald to make special arrangements. bruce.macdonald@aspenview.org You will be shown where to store your set and be assigned a dressing room at time of load-in. Details will be included with the Master Schedule 3. DRESSING ROOMS A dressing room will be assigned to each show during your scheduled tech time Dressing rooms are to be kept clean at all times, including the waiting area outside the rooms. This area must be cleared immediately after your performances. No food will be allowed in the dressing rooms. 12 4. SCHEDULING for Festival Tech Rehearsals and Performances: 5. It is important that you indicate your preferences for performance slots including your alternate choices on your registration form, as every effort will be made to accommodate special needs and requirements (e.g. geography, time conflicts). Everyone needs to be flexible It is prudent to try and schedule the show with the heaviest set to tech in the last tech slot and perform in the first performance slot to ease the change over between shows. Technical rehearsal length will vary depending on your technical requirements. The minimum will be 40 minutes and the maximum will be 60 minutes. Remember this time is for quickly establishing lighting areas and levels, drapery positions, and audio levels etc. Please keep your specials to a minimum. This time is not for general rehearsing. Morning technical rehearsals should run on schedule but afternoon tech times are dependent on the running times of the afternoon shows. All afternoon techs will begin on the scheduled time or immediately following the public adjudication (whichever is earliest). Master Schedule for Tech & Performance will be emailed to the show contact person ASAP. Fill out your forms as completely as possible, please! FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) Are set placements limited by anything? Sets must not straddle the fire curtain; they can be on either side but not straddle the fire curtain line. If we have a large set, do I need to let someone know? Large sets should be indicated to the backstage coordinator. How are show times determined? When you fill in your registration form, you will indicate your time/ day preference. Shows are placed in this order: first to tech last to perform. This is so that shows with large sets can be last to tech first to perform. At the end of our performance session, what should we do with the sets? At the end of each session, your sets should be completely removed from the stage area. I want to use specials; am I allowed? Specials are handled during your tech time; lights can be refocused, but it does eat away at your tech time. Is there a lighting plot I can look at? RDC has a general lighting plot with various areas that can be used to light your show. There isn’t an official lighting plot, as they can accommodate basically any of your needs. Will my group be able to use a fly system? The fly system may only be operated by the professional RDC tech crew; however, if you bring the rigging, items can be flown in and out. Does the orchestra pit raise/ lower? The orchestra pit can be dropped to give your show a true proscenium look. Accommodations: These are the hotels that are located near the festival venue: 1. Red Deer Lodge and Conference Center 4311 49th Ave, Red Deer 403-346-8841 Includes breakfast, hotel, hot tub, internet 2. Super 8 Motel (formerly Ramada) 4217 50th Ave, Red Deer Includes breakfast No pool/ hot tub 3. Black Knight Inn 2929- 50th Ave Includes breakfast, pool, hot tub 4. Sandman Hotel 2818 Gaetz Ave Includes pool, hot tub, free internet No breakfast included 5. Travel Lodge 2807 50th Ave, Red Deer Includes hot breakfast, pool, hot tub, internet 6. Holiday Inn Express 2803 50th Ave, Red Deer Includes hot breakfast, pool, hot tub, internet 7. Capris Hotel and Conference Center reservations@capricentre.com 1.800.662.7197 Reserve by April 12 3310 50 Avenue 8. For on-campus housing at RDC (very limited), please contact Tim Siemens Timothy.Siemens@rdc.ab.ca 14 ZONE REPORT – AHSDFA PROVINCIAL FESTIVAL 2015 The following report must be completed at the Zone Level for Provincial Regulations and the AHSDFA Bi-Laws. All information is used for our membership list and are necessary for membership. Please bring this report with you to the registration desk upon arrival at the provincial festival. YOU WILL NEED THIS REPORT TO REGISTER FOR FESTIVAL. You will not be allowed to perform without this Zone Report. PART A: ZONE INFORMATION CONTACT INFORMATION Zone Number Zone Contact Zone Contact Email Zone Contact Home Address Zone Contact Home Phone Number Hosting School of Zone Festival Primary Contact (Hosting School) School Phone Number for Primary Contact (Hosting School) Email for Primary Contact (Hosting School) Home Address for Primary Contact for Hosting School Home Phone Number for Primary Contact (Hosting School) Principal of Hosting School Address of Hosting School Dates of Zone Festival 15 ZONE FESTIVAL STATISTICS Number of Plays at Zone Festival Number of Schools at Zone Festival Number of Student Actors Number of Student Technicians Number of Student Directors Total Number of Student Participants Total Number of Adult Supervisors Zone Adjudicator ZONE FESTIVAL PLAY INFORMATION Winning Play #1 Name of Play Playwright Presenting School Name of Director (Student or teacher) Awards Received Winning Play #2 (if applicable) Name of Play Playwright Presenting School Name of Director (Student or teacher) Awards Received PART B: INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL INFORMATION Please complete the following statistical information for all schools participating at the Zone Festival. Then complete the table for all plays presented at the Zone Festival. ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY. SCHOOL 1: NAME OF SCHOOL: _______________________________________________________ TEACHER CONTACT: ____________________________________________________ DID THIS SCHOOL HOLD A SCHOOL FESTIVAL PRIOR TO ZONES: ________________ IF YES, HOW MANY PLAYS WERE INVOLVED: __________ IF YES, HOW MANY TOTAL STUDENTS WERE INVOLVED: ____________ IF YES, NAME OF SCHOOL LEVEL ADJUDICATOR: ________________________________ 16 SCHOOL 2: NAME OF SCHOOL: _______________________________________________________ TEACHER CONTACT: ____________________________________________________ DID THIS SCHOOL HOLD A SCHOOL FESTIVAL PRIOR TO ZONES: ________________ IF YES, HOW MANY PLAYS WERE INVOLVED: __________ IF YES, HOW MANY TOTAL STUDENTS WERE INVOLVED: ____________ IF YES, NAME OF SCHOOL LEVEL ADJUDICATOR: ________________________________ SCHOOL 3: NAME OF SCHOOL: _______________________________________________________ TEACHER CONTACT: ____________________________________________________ DID THIS SCHOOL HOLD A SCHOOL FESTIVAL PRIOR TO ZONES: ________________ IF YES, HOW MANY PLAYS WERE INVOLVED: __________ IF YES, HOW MANY TOTAL STUDENTS WERE INVOLVED: ____________ IF YES, NAME OF SCHOOL LEVEL ADJUDICATOR: ________________________________ SCHOOL 4: NAME OF SCHOOL: _______________________________________________________ TEACHER CONTACT: ____________________________________________________ DID THIS SCHOOL HOLD A SCHOOL FESTIVAL PRIOR TO ZONES: ________________ IF YES, HOW MANY PLAYS WERE INVOLVED: __________ IF YES, HOW MANY TOTAL STUDENTS WERE INVOLVED: ____________ IF YES, NAME OF SCHOOL LEVEL ADJUDICATOR: ________________________________ SCHOOL 5: NAME OF SCHOOL: _______________________________________________________ TEACHER CONTACT: ____________________________________________________ DID THIS SCHOOL HOLD A SCHOOL FESTIVAL PRIOR TO ZONES: ________________ IF YES, HOW MANY PLAYS WERE INVOLVED: __________ IF YES, HOW MANY TOTAL STUDENTS WERE INVOLVED: ____________ IF YES, NAME OF SCHOOL LEVEL ADJUDICATOR: ________________________________ 17 SCHOOL 6: NAME OF SCHOOL: _______________________________________________________ TEACHER CONTACT: ____________________________________________________ DID THIS SCHOOL HOLD A SCHOOL FESTIVAL PRIOR TO ZONES: ________________ IF YES, HOW MANY PLAYS WERE INVOLVED: __________ IF YES, HOW MANY TOTAL STUDENTS WERE INVOLVED: ____________ IF YES, NAME OF SCHOOL LEVEL ADJUDICATOR: ________________________________ SCHOOL 7: NAME OF SCHOOL: _______________________________________________________ TEACHER CONTACT: ____________________________________________________ DID THIS SCHOOL HOLD A SCHOOL FESTIVAL PRIOR TO ZONES: ________________ IF YES, HOW MANY PLAYS WERE INVOLVED: __________ IF YES, HOW MANY TOTAL STUDENTS WERE INVOLVED: ____________ IF YES, NAME OF SCHOOL LEVEL ADJUDICATOR: ________________________________ SCHOOL 8: NAME OF SCHOOL: _______________________________________________________ TEACHER CONTACT: ____________________________________________________ DID THIS SCHOOL HOLD A SCHOOL FESTIVAL PRIOR TO ZONES: ________________ IF YES, HOW MANY PLAYS WERE INVOLVED: __________ IF YES, HOW MANY TOTAL STUDENTS WERE INVOLVED: ____________ IF YES, NAME OF SCHOOL LEVEL ADJUDICATOR: ________________________________ SCHOOL 9: NAME OF SCHOOL: _______________________________________________________ TEACHER CONTACT: ____________________________________________________ DID THIS SCHOOL HOLD A SCHOOL FESTIVAL PRIOR TO ZONES: ________________ IF YES, HOW MANY PLAYS WERE INVOLVED: __________ IF YES, HOW MANY TOTAL STUDENTS WERE INVOLVED: ____________ IF YES, NAME OF SCHOOL LEVEL ADJUDICATOR: ________________________________ 18 SCHOOL 10: NAME OF SCHOOL: _______________________________________________________ TEACHER CONTACT: ____________________________________________________ DID THIS SCHOOL HOLD A SCHOOL FESTIVAL PRIOR TO ZONES: ________________ IF YES, HOW MANY PLAYS WERE INVOLVED: __________ IF YES, HOW MANY TOTAL STUDENTS WERE INVOLVED: ____________ IF YES, NAME OF SCHOOL LEVEL ADJUDICATOR: ________________________________ SCHOOL 11: NAME OF SCHOOL: _______________________________________________________ TEACHER CONTACT: ____________________________________________________ DID THIS SCHOOL HOLD A SCHOOL FESTIVAL PRIOR TO ZONES: ________________ IF YES, HOW MANY PLAYS WERE INVOLVED: __________ IF YES, HOW MANY TOTAL STUDENTS WERE INVOLVED: ____________ IF YES, NAME OF SCHOOL LEVEL ADJUDICATOR: ________________________________ SCHOOL 12: NAME OF SCHOOL: _______________________________________________________ TEACHER CONTACT: ____________________________________________________ DID THIS SCHOOL HOLD A SCHOOL FESTIVAL PRIOR TO ZONES: ________________ IF YES, HOW MANY PLAYS WERE INVOLVED: __________ IF YES, HOW MANY TOTAL STUDENTS WERE INVOLVED: ____________ IF YES, NAME OF SCHOOL LEVEL ADJUDICATOR: ________________________________ SCHOOL 13: NAME OF SCHOOL: _______________________________________________________ TEACHER CONTACT: ____________________________________________________ DID THIS SCHOOL HOLD A SCHOOL FESTIVAL PRIOR TO ZONES: ________________ IF YES, HOW MANY PLAYS WERE INVOLVED: __________ IF YES, HOW MANY TOTAL STUDENTS WERE INVOLVED: ____________ IF YES, NAME OF SCHOOL LEVEL ADJUDICATOR: ________________________________ 19 SCHOOL 14: NAME OF SCHOOL: _______________________________________________________ TEACHER CONTACT: ____________________________________________________ DID THIS SCHOOL HOLD A SCHOOL FESTIVAL PRIOR TO ZONES: ________________ IF YES, HOW MANY PLAYS WERE INVOLVED: __________ IF YES, HOW MANY TOTAL STUDENTS WERE INVOLVED: ____________ IF YES, NAME OF SCHOOL LEVEL ADJUDICATOR: ________________________________ SCHOOL 15: NAME OF SCHOOL: _______________________________________________________ TEACHER CONTACT: ____________________________________________________ DID THIS SCHOOL HOLD A SCHOOL FESTIVAL PRIOR TO ZONES: ________________ IF YES, HOW MANY PLAYS WERE INVOLVED: __________ IF YES, HOW MANY TOTAL STUDENTS WERE INVOLVED: ____________ IF YES, NAME OF SCHOOL LEVEL ADJUDICATOR: ________________________________ 20 PART C: INDIVIDUAL PLAY INFORMATION PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CHART FOR ALL PLAYS PERFORMED AT THE ZONE FESTIVAL. ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY. Play 1 Play 2 Play 3 Play 4 School Name Play Title Playwright Teacher or Student Director # Students in Cast # Students in Crew Teacher Contact Teacher Contact Home Address Teacher Contact Home Phone Teacher Contact Email 21 Play 5 School Name Play Title Playwright Teacher or Student Director # Students in Cast # Students in Crew Teacher Contact Teacher Contact Home Address Teacher Contact Home Phone Teacher Contact Email Play 6 Play 7 Play 8 22 Play 9 School Name Play Title Playwright Teacher or Student Director # Students in Cast # Students in Crew Teacher Contact Teacher Contact Home Play 10 Play 11 Play 12 23 Address Teacher Contact Home Phone Teacher Contact Email Play 13 School Name Play Title Playwright Teacher or Student Director # Students in Cast # Students in Crew Play 14 Play 15 Play 16 24 Teacher Contact Teacher Contact Home Address Teacher Contact Home Phone Teacher Contact Email