Appendix 30 - KSF framework - Cardiff Metropolitan University

Appendix 30
Aims (KSF indicator)
The placement aims to provide
opportunities for the student to
Develop effective and appropriate
communication skills with a range of
people, ages and contexts
Outcomes (KSF applications)
By the end of all the placements the student
will be able to demonstrate the ability to
1: Communication
KSF core dimension, level 1
Begin to modify own verbal and non verbal
communication with clients, carers and others
Identify how and why SLTs adapt their
Develop knowledge and skills
Introduce reflective practice
2: Personal and people development
KSF core dimension, level 1
Take responsibility for personal development
by setting objectives and monitoring progress
Respond to feedback and begin to implement
Develop awareness of type, extent
of manner of information SLTs share
with others to appreciate the wider
context of SLT intervention
Seek and share information with others (e.g.
placement educator and peers)
Consider what SLTs do to enhance others’
knowledge and understanding
(e.g. clients, carers, other professionals),
why, and how they do it
Examples of Evidence
Reflect on informal interaction
with a client
Use an observation checklist
to record how and why SLTs
modify their communication
with different people (e.g.
clients, carers and others)
Experiences and Expectation
ABCD placement objective
PDP form
Reflect on and record
effectiveness of own
interactions with clients, carers
and with placement educator
Self completion of placement
report half way through
Placement educator’s
comments on placement report
Ask placement educator
appropriate questions
Verbally summarize
observations made
State key features of a
Explain the rationale of a
therapeutic approach observed
to peers
Clinical appraisal assignment
Introduce students to the
importance of health, safety and
security for self and others
3: Health, safety and security
KSF core dimension, level 1
Be aware of some risks to own and others’
health, safety and security
Attendance certificate of H and
S training (and any further
Trust training as required)
Negotiate safe travel
arrangements with placement
educator if required
Appendix 30
Introduce the student to
departmental checklists (informed
by e.g. Trust policies, procedures
and guidelines)
4: Service improvement
KSF core dimension, level 1
Completion of all relevant placement forms
Present CRB form in first
placement session to
placement educator (if
Complete student self-audit
section of RCSLT National
Standards for Practice-based
Completed placement
evaluation forms
Begin to understand some clinical
administration processes
Introduce the student to teamwork
Introduce the student to
professional conduct issues
5: Quality
KSF core dimension, level 1
Have some awareness of:
* some clinical admin. procedures (e.g.
referral, waiting lists, DNA)
* constraints on the service
* the placement educator’s competing duties
of care
Placement induction e.g. block
Preserve client confidentiality
Clinical appraisal assignment
Appreciate the importance of teamwork and
multiprofessional collaboration in client care
Tutorial case discussions
6: Equality and diversity
KSF core dimension, level 1
Begin to understand some ethical and moral
Explanation to peers how a
client was referred and the
involvement of others
Clinical appraisal assignment
Demonstrate non-discriminatory and
respectful conduct
7: Assessment & care planning to meet health and wellbeing needs
KSF specific dimension, level 1
Appendix 30
Develop knowledge of
assessment principles and
their application to clinical
decision making
Observe a case history/ initial
appointment and comment on
some key issues
Develop knowledge regarding
different assessment
approaches and begin to
understand how assessment
findings and other data inform
clinical decisions
Devise and use an observation checklist outlining
clients’ communication and other relevant factors,
environmental or contextual considerations (e.g.
client mood)
Discuss process of case history / initial appointment
(weekly or block placement) and type of information
gained (e.g. clinical/attitudinal etc.)
What is the client’s agenda and what is the
placement educator’s agenda and why?
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of formal
and informal assessments with placement educator
Discussion and where possible interpretation of data
obtained from observation / own participation,
clinical notes and assessment
Develop analytical skills
Develop an awareness of the
broader clinical context and
appreciate how this
influences speech and
language therapy intervention
Understand aspects of the
management process
What theoretical knowledge
influences clinical decisions
Begin to understand the
process of setting objectives
and outcome measures
Develop knowledge of a
range of therapeutic
techniques and assist in the
delivery of therapy
Use observation checklist and share findings with
placement educator and peers
Make and interpret
observations re client and
clinical context
8: Health and wellbeing needs intervention
KSF specific dimension, level 1
Identify key personnel who
Explain to placement educator/ peers the structure
might be involved in the client’s within the placement setting e.g. head teacher,
teachers, classroom assistants, families etc and their
Recognise the opportunities and
constraints within the setting
Observation sheet includes ‘bigger picture’
considerations, e.g. dynamics, values and beliefs,
Understand the key stages in a
environmental factors
care pathway
Describe to peers a department’s referral, waiting
Demonstrate knowledge of
lists, DNA procedures etc (CQ3 chap 6)
disorders of communication,
models of working, resources
Case presentation outlining key elements of the
disorder, how assessment and other clinical and
Extract key information that
theoretical data informed clinical decisions
informed what objectives were
set and how by the placement
Share with peers what objectives were set
(qualitative/functional and quantitative), who was
Gain an overview of an episode involved and why
of care
Describe key components of a session, e.g.
Evaluate how sessions are
opening/closing, discussion with carers, task
progression, etc
Undertake some therapeutic
techniques and evaluate their
Be flexible
Reflecting on personal experiences (e.g. did you feel
comfortable and/or confident in this delivery?)
Reflecting on own effectiveness (e.g. what could be
modified and how?)
Ref: A Speech and Language Therapy Competency Framework to Guide Transition to Full RCSLT membership for newly
qualified Practitioners (2005) is available at:
Appendix 30
Aims (KSF indicator)
Outcomes (KSF applications)
The placement aims to
provide opportunities for the
student to
By the end of all the placements the student will be
able to demonstrate the ability to
Interact with a range of
clients, carers and
professionals in an
appropriate manner
Disseminate information
Develop knowledge and
skills, reflective practice
and self monitoring skills
Provide information to
others to enhance their
knowledge and
understanding, and to
help them support the
SLT intervention
Examples of Evidence
1: Communication
KSF core dimension, level 2
Adapt communication (oral and written) to
context and needs of clients, carers and
Video of session with client
Written report on a client using
appropriate style and content
Seek and share information with a
Verbal summary of key points following a
team discussion
2: Personal and people development
KSF core dimension, level 2
Identify own strengths and weaknesses /
Experiences and expectations form
areas to develop,
ABCD placement objective setting
set appropriate objectives,
PDP form
monitor effectiveness and progress
Tutor visit/video
implement some changes
Weekly session plan (self evaluation),
documenting and reviewing what and how
behaviours have changed
Self completion of placement report half
way through placement
placement educator’s and tutors’
comments on placement report forms
Develop some autonomy with decreasing
reliance on the placement educator
In/dependence rating on placement report
Consider the type, extent and manner of
information to be shared with others (e.g.
clients, carers, other professionals)
Adapt information for teacher and for a
parent, outlining how and why style
and/or content are different
Clinical tutorial discussion / case report
Provide placement educator with a journal
article regarding a disorder / intervention
3: Health, safety and security
KSF core dimension, level 2
Appendix 30
Ensure adherence to
Trust and Cardiff Met
health and safety
Work in a way that minimises risks to own
and others’ health, safety and security
Attendance certificate of H and S training
(and any further Trust training as
Read Trust guidance on care of personal
and Trust belongings
Modifying equipment e.g. selecting larger
items for child who ‘mouths’ objects
Ensure equipment is sterile e.g. toy cup
cleaned after used for symbolic play
Be aware of relevant SLT
departmental checklists
(informed by e.g. Trust
policies, procedures and
4: Service improvement
KSF core dimension, level 2
Adhere to relevant departmental, professional
body and university checklists as required
Present CRB form in first placement
session to placement educator (if
Complete student self-audit section of
RCSLT National Standards for Practicebased Learning
Complete all Cardiff Met placement forms
Completed placement evaluation forms
Begin to understand
some clinical
administration processes
and how the quality of
work is maintained
5: Quality
KSF core dimension, level 2
Record client activity appropriately
Placement induction
Write up case notes using appropriate
style and content
Maintain a clinical diary
Understand the processes for referral to and
on from SLT, waiting lists, review, discharge
and DNAs
Undertake relevant clinical administration
e.g. write a report following assessment,
review or discharge
Understand the role of clinical audit
Attend a case note audit
Begin to manage time
Be organised and begin to use time efficiently
Set realistic targets to prepare for clinical
Understand the roles of
other team members
Describe the role of another team member
Shadow another professional
Understand some ethical
and equality issues
relating to the caseload
6: Equality and diversity
KSF core dimension, level 2
Demonstrate non-discriminatory practice
Discuss potential or real issues arising
from the caseload with the placement
educator e.g. culture, religion, age, sexual
orientation, socio-economic status etc
7: Assessment & care planning to meet health and wellbeing needs
KSF specific dimension, level 2
Appendix 30
Develop knowledge
experience and decision
making in selection and
delivery of assessments
with non-complex clients
Begin to rationalise selection of assessments
in line with individual needs and available
Begin to rationalise assessment approaches
Choice of assessments used rationalised
in case report assignment
Include in the above rationale,
consideration of
* assessment approaches used
(case history, formal/informal,
observation, discussions with
client/carers, checklists)
* methods (direct/indirect)
* equipment
Observe an acquired case history / initial
appointment and participate in some aspects
of assessment
Observation of placement educator during
block and where possible administer
aspects of client assessment e.g. case
history; assessment; checklists
Liaise and interact with others
Discuss client’s abilities and needs with
Begin to use client data to make and justify
holistic and specific clinical decisions
Analyse client data e.g. transcription,
conversational analysis, LARSP
Score and interpret test results
8: Health and wellbeing needs intervention
KSF specific dimension, level 2
Appendix 30
Consider how
theoretical models of
intervention (e.g.
social, education,
medical) are applied
to practice
Understand the opportunities and
constraints within the context
(environmental / organisational /
cultural), and how SLT can be most
effective within the setting
Appreciate others’
beliefs and values.
Gain experience of the
process of setting
objectives and
outcome measures
Contribute to the
planning and
implementation of
therapy with clients,
involving relevant
Develop realistic, achievable and
measurable long and short term goals
Demonstrate functional change
Recognise how impressions and
hypotheses informed rationales for
Rationalise decision making
Structure sessions appropriately
Understand and use a range of
intervention strategies and therapy
Share information with relevant others
and consider their views
Work effectively within an episode of
care Manage time
Monitor and modify
Critically evaluate effectiveness of intervention
Show flexibility
Case note record of discussions with other
professionals, e.g. teachers, LSA, health
Attending information sharing session
with key people/colleagues e.g. school
Treatment plans show appreciation of the
school curriculum
Record of discussions / correspondence
with client/key others in determining
goals ABCD objectives for clients
Stages of intervention plan to reach goals
Discussion of goals within multidisciplinary
Record therapy outcomes against
Report on assessment findings and
intervention plan
Decision making process and options
discussed with placement educator,
developed in session plans and case
Case notes
Timing of tasks within sessions and in
relation to overall plan
Hierarchy of task complexity
Opening and closing of sessions
Video or audio recording of
explanations to a client/ carer,
discussion with teacher
Track why and how and why treatment
plans have been adapted to meet client’s
Reflections on own performance from
Record of feedback discussions with
placement educator on effectiveness of
Documentation of discussions with others
Discharge report
Understand departmental discharge
Discharge client /
refer on as
Ref: A Speech and Language Therapy Competency Framework to Guide Transition to Full RCSLT membership for newly
qualified Practitioners (2005) is available at:
Appendix 30
Aims (KSF indicator)
The placement aims to
provide opportunities for the
student to
Initiate and maintain
interaction with a range
of clients, carers and
Disseminate information
Develop knowledge and
skills, reflective practice
and self monitoring skills
Provide information to
others to enhance their
knowledge and
understanding, and to
help them support the
SLT intervention
Outcomes (KSF applications)
By the end of all the placements the student will be
able to demonstrate the ability to
1: Communication
KSF core dimension, level 3
Adapt oral communication to context and
needs of others
Adapt written communication to context and
needs of others
Examples of Evidence
Explain intervention to a client/carer/other
Case notes using appropriate style and
Two reports on the same client, adapted
for different readers’ needs
Proactively seek and share information and
collaborate with others (e.g. colleague /client
/carer) to support holistic client management
Present information at an inter/intra
professional meeting e.g. educational
review, multidisciplinary discharge,
discussion with support worker
2: Personal and people development
KSF core dimension, level 3
Identify own strengths and weaknesses /
Experiences and Expectations form
areas to develop,
ABCD placement objective setting
set and refine objectives,
PDP form and tutorial notes
monitor effectiveness and
Reflective tutorial
take responsibility for making changes
Weekly session plans (self evaluation)
Self completion of placement report half
way through placement
Work with increasing independence
In/dependence rating on placement report
Make decisions regarding appropriate type,
extent and manner of information shared
with others
(e.g. clients, carers, other professionals)
Adapt information for a recipient (considering
e.g. learning style, ability, needs) use and
modify materials appropriately (e.g. written /
oral / pictorial)
3: Health, safety and security
KSF core dimension, level 3
Summary of SPPARC video analysis to
facilitate language modification between
client and carer
Diagram to explain dysphagia for carer
Produce a handout of key factors of a
condition for a client/carer/SLT dept.
Summarise a journal article regarding a
disorder / intervention and give copy of
original to placement educator
Appendix 30
Ensure adherence to
Trust and Cardiff Met
health and safety
Work in a way that minimises risks to own
and others’ health, safety and security
Attendance certificate of H and S training
(and any further Trust training as
Read Trust guidance on working with
behaviours that challenge
Modify environment e.g. seating for
stroke patient, wheelchair straps/brakes
Appropriate selection, use and hygiene of
equipment e.g. ensuring a toothbrush is
sterile after being ‘mouthed’/ dribbled
Use where appropriate
relevant SLT
departmental checklists
(informed by e.g. Trust
policies, procedures and
4: Service improvement
KSF core dimension, level 3
Adhere to relevant departmental, professional
body and university checklists as required
Present CRB form in first placement
session to placement educator (if
Complete student self-audit section of
RCSLT National Standards for Practicebased Learning
Attendance at a case note audit
Complete all Cardiff Met placement forms
Completed placement evaluation forms
Understand some clinical
administration processes
and how the quality of
work is maintained
5: Quality
KSF core dimension, level 3
Record client activity appropriately
Placement induction
Write up case notes using appropriate
style and content
Understand the processes for referral to and
on from SLT, waiting lists, review, discharge
and DNAs
Undertake relevant clinical administration
e.g., prioritise a caseload
Case discussion of client discharge
Effectively manage time
Use time efficiently and effectively before,
during and after sessions
Prepare session plans/tasks and write up
case notes within an realistic timeframe
Work as part of a
multidisciplinary team,
understanding others’
Describe the role of other team members and
their interface with SLT
Attend an intra/inter professional meeting
/case conference/ team discussion
Understand some ethical
and equality issues
relating to the caseload
6: Equality and diversity
KSF core dimension, level 3
Consider how some ethical and moral
challenges could be managed
Demonstrate non-discriminatory practice
Discuss potential or real issues arising
from the caseload with the placement
educator such as culture, religion, age,
sexual orientation, socio-economic status
Placement report
Share experiences with peers in tutorials
of how potential and real challenges
were/could be addressed
7: Assessment & care planning to meet health and wellbeing needs
KSF specific dimension, level 3
Appendix 30
Gain wider knowledge,
experience and decision
making regarding
assessment of more
complex clients
Take a case history
Refine decision making skills
Rationalise selection of assessments in line
with individual needs, characteristics and
available resources
Rationalise assessment approaches taken and
collaborates with a range of others
Interprets data to inform clinical decisions
Understand the advantages and
disadvantages of selected assessments
Adheres to CQ3 guidelines re assessment
Use information from case history to
inform decision making
Explain to placement educator rationales
for choice of assessments used with any
one client
Include in the above rationales
consideration of:
assessment approaches used
(formal/informal, observations, checklists,
discussions with client/carers,
multidisciplinary/joint working),
methods (direct/indirect) and equipment
Data analysis
Critically evaluate one/more assessment
in a self-directed peer tutorial
8: Health and wellbeing needs intervention
KSF specific dimension, level 3
Identify potential model/s Understand the opportunities and constraints
Case note record of discussions with care
of intervention (e.g.
within the context (environmental /
workers, SLT assistant, other
social, education,
organisational / cultural), and work
medical) appreciating
systemically to maximise effectiveness
Organising / attending information
others’ beliefs and values
sharing session with key
Consideration of systemic factors in
treatment plans, e.g. school curriculum,
staff training required, staffing levels,
Identify client potential
Rationalise decisions
cultural attitude to disability
and develop and
Determine and implement the most
Rationales of decisions in treatment plans
implement a therapy
appropriate method/s of intervention e.g.
Therapeutic and management options
management plan with
justified in reflective tutorial
client and relevant others Know of and use effectively a range of
Record of discussions / correspondence
appropriate therapy techniques and
with client/key others in determining
intervention strategies
Share information with relevant others
Report on assessment findings and
intervention plan
Case notes
Adaptation of available resources,
sourcing and sharing information e.g.
from journals / internet searches /
Set realistic, achievable
Work within an episode of care
support groups
and measurable goals
Demonstrate functional change for the client
Reflections on own performance from
and functional outcome
ABCD objectives for clients
Written session plans
Discussion of goals within multidisciplinary
Monitor and modify
Critically evaluate effectiveness of
Record therapy outcomes against goals
Show flexibility
Tracking of how and why intervention has
been adapted to meet client’s needs
Discharge client
Understand departmental discharge criteria /
Modified treatment plans
appropriately and onward policy
Documentation of discussions with others
referral / re-referral
Discharge report to include identification
of future recommendations / re-referral /
onward referrals to others
Ref: A Speech and Language Therapy Competency Framework to Guide Transition to Full RCSLT membership for newly
qualified Practitioners (2005) is available at: