2012 03 - SEA Change CoP

Community and Stakeholder Questions
How to use these questions
The questions shown are for you to adapt. They should help you ask
communities and external stakeholders such as local / national government,
universities, scientists or other NGOs which impacts have already occurred and
which are likely to occur in the future. They are also intended to help you find out
how communities have coped with or adapted to these impacts, or how other
stakeholders recommend communities could do so.
These questions are written as a starting point for you. The list of questions can
never be totally relevant to every country or agency. Add your own questions
and delete or change questions that are not relevant. Refer back to Section 1.4
if you want further guidance.
Some of the questions will be relevant for all stakeholders, but you may also
want to put different questions to different people, and certainly the words you
use and the way questions are framed may change depending on whom you are
talking to.
Use the Sources column to record which communities, stakeholders and internet
sources you intend to consult to answer each of your questions.
How would you define climate change?
What climate change impacts have already
impacted our country / district / location?
• Do you have any evidence / records of these
How would you define environmental
What environmental degradation impacts have
already impacted our country / district / location?
• Do you have any evidence / records of these
Do you have information about past and present
changes regarding the following?
• Annual and seasonal rainfall – amount, duration
• Annual and seasonal average temperatures
• Annual and seasonal average storms – frequency,
severity, eg wind / sandstorms
• Annual and seasonal flooding or sea-level rise –
frequency, severity, area covered
• Occurrences of mudslides and landslides or
• Frequency of drought recurrence
• Changes in the water table (annual records)
• Soil quality / fertility
• Desertification
• Deforestation
• Crop yields / food (in)security / famine
• Decline in biodiversity – plants, fish and animals
(migratory patterns, declining fish and animal
• Fresh water availability and quality, including
details about pollution
• Salinisation of soil
• Availability and quality (eg pollution) of irrigation
• Crop pests and disease carriers
• Land degradation due to chemical fertilisers
• Air pollution levels / acid rain / smog
• Destruction of coastal protection
• Seasons, eg when do rainy seasons or planting
seasons start and end?
• Population movements
• Changes in health risks related to climate change
and environmental degradation
Add your own questions to this list
Do you have information about changes in
extreme events related to the above? (rainfall,
temp, wind etc) increasing or decreasing in
Do you have information about future projected
changes in the above for the next
• 5 years?
• 10 years?
• 20 years?
• 50 years?
Do you have records of which types of people are
being most impacted by any of these changes, eg
in terms of health, mortality rates, livelihoods,
• specific locations
• women
• children
• people living with HIV and AIDS etc