Grade One - Medium term plan - Science

Grade One- Medium term plan - Science - Summer Term
Date and Focus
Content covered
This term we will cover two topics. We have already begun
Previously covered
to look at plants but we will continue to do this in the
 Life cycle of an insect
summer term. The children have discussed what they
 Life cycle of an animal
already know and what they want to get out of the topic
 Life cycle of an human
plants. They have also looked at parts of a plant and their
 Life cycle of an plant
functions. Following this we will look at seasonal changes
 Living and non-living things
around the world, and compare them to the seasonal changes
 Animal classification
in the UAE.
 Labeling parts of a plant.
To be covered
 Basic structure of a tree
 Experiment focusing on the growth of a plant
 Things a plant needs to stay alive
 Analyse the experiment and write a conclusion
 Children will look at seasons in Abu Dhabi and UK
 Explore facts about the sun.
 Look at sun at different times of the day
 Discuss the changes in length and position of a shadow
 Discuss what month belongs to which seasons.
 Weather that can happen in season around the world and
talk about how animals migrate
 Explore the myth that the sun disappears at night.
12th April
Pupils begin to recognise similarities and differences between
We will identify the basic structure of a tree
plants and trees.
We will look at the function of a tree and discuss the
Explore the parts of both and pupils will discover the main
similarities and differences with a plant.
differences i.e. bark, trunk, twigs etc.
Pupils use the language of bulb, twig, plant, tree, trunk,
Grade One- Medium term plan - Science - Summer Term
Pupils will walk around the school exploring the various trees.
They will discuss why they are important to us. What they are
used for and who else they are important to. We will explore
the colours of the tree in art.
19th April
Focus: Plants
Create an experiment focusing on the growth of a plant and
make a prediction.
Plants two flowers one to stay in the dark and one to stay in
the light.
26th April
Discuss the things a plant needs to stay alive and talk about
how they help us.
Pupils to briefly identify the things a plant need to grow. The
children will set up an experiment to predict what will happen if
one of those things is taken away i.e the sun.
The children will make the prediction in this lesson and plant
the seeds.
Pupils use the language of Water, Soil (nutrients), Sun (light),
warmth, plant, grow, alive, living.
We will discuss the four main components of how to grow a
Soil (nutrients)
Sun (light)
We will discuss that we get oxygen from plants.
3rd May
To analyse the experiment and write a conclusion.
The children will return to their prediction and analyse what
has happened and why they think there is differences.
Grade One- Medium term plan - Science - Summer Term
Discuss the differences in the plants
Children will have had prior lesson on what a plant needs to
grow to support this.
Write and evaluation of what has happened to each plant and
were their predictions correct.
10th May
Focus:Seasonal change
Children will look at seasons in Abu Dhabi and Britain and
compare the seasonal changes.
17th May
Focus: Seasonal change
Children will explore facts about the sun.
24th May
Seasonal change
Children will look at sun at different times of the day and
discuss its apparent move across the sky.
Children will have misconceptions of seasonal changes as not
many take place in this country.
They will talk about the difference in weather here in summer
and winter as it is harder to distinguish spring and autumn.
The children will then explore the weather in the UK and talk
about similarities and differences.
Children will explore facts about the sun :
 The sun is a star
 The closest star to earth (that’s why it so big)
 Never look at the sun! Wear glasses
 Without the sun the earth would have no heat or light so
nothing could live on it.
They will explore the sun at different times of the day. Explain
that it is the earth that is moving not the sun.
Sun rise, sent set, midday.
Link with times of prayer.
Grade One- Medium term plan - Science - Summer Term
31st May
The children will discuss the changes in length and position
of a shadow
Prior knowledge of suns apparent movement. We will look at
shadows and how they are different at different times of the
Discuss that this is how people used to tell the time.
7th June
The children will touch upon associating seasons with months.
Seasonal change
Seasonal change
The children will discuss what month belongs to which
Summer – May, June, July, August.
Spring – March, April, May
Autumn – September, October
Winter – November, December, January
14th June
21st June
Assessment week
Seasonal change
‘We will look at the weather that can happen in season
around the world and talk about how animals migrate
28th June
Seasonal change
Children will explore myths of the sun ‘disappears at night
Transition to Grade 2
Revise ready for assessment week
Assessment week
Some animal require certain things to survive, if these are
taken away or lessened they move to a place that can
Earth moves around and axis. Sun appears to disappear and
moon rise.
Make Paper-Mache solar system