Lornshill Academy S1-3 Broad General Education Rationale: Physical Education has the opportunity and responsibility to develop skills for learning, life and work. Ensuring that practical performance is kept to the forefront of all learning and teaching, Physical Education at Lornshill should engage all learners to reach their full potential as well as preparing them for making the next step in life. Mental, emotional social and physical aspects of wellbeing are deeply embedded in our curriculum and we will deliver them as follows. It is important to note that physical aspects will be an overarching element in all our lessons and although we have aligned mental, emotional and social aspects to concepts lessons or blocks do not sit in isolation. Teachers are required to make links across all aspects of wellbeing as well as literacy and numeracy. MESP Table Mental Emotional Level of Arousal Confidence Managing Anxiety Self-Esteem Concentration/Focus Independence Motivation Decision Making Mental Rehearsal Resilience Mental Toughness Self-Belief Social Physical Responsibility Cardio Respiratory Endurance Etiquette Strength Respect Flexibility Leadership Power Cooperation Agility Contributing to a team Coordination Timing Balance Reaction Time Tactical Requirements Skills Aesthetics: Dance Block Target (One-off performance target): “To give a confident and controlled performance” Physical Education Experience and Outcome: As I encounter new challenges and contexts for learning, I am encouraged and supported to demonstrate my ability to select, adapt and apply movement skills and strategies, creatively, accurately and with control. (HWB 3-21a) I can analyse and discuss elements of my own and others’ work, recognising strengths and identifying areas where improvements can be made. (HWB 3-24a) Literacy Experience and Outcome: When I engage with others, I can make relevant contribution, encourage others to contribute and acknowledge that they have the right to hold a different opinion. I can respond in ways appropriate to my role and use contributions to reflect on, clarify or adapt thinking. (LIT 3-02a) Numeracy Experience and Outcome: I can carry out practical tasks and investigations involving timed events and can explain which unit of time would be most appropriate to use. (MNU 2-10b) Health and Wellbeing Experience and Outcome: I understand that my feelings and reactions can change depending upon what is happening within and around me. This helps me to understand my own behaviour and the way others behave. (HWB 3-04a) ICT Experience and Outcome: I can explore and use the features of a variety of familiar and unfamiliar software to determine the most appropriate way to solve problems or issues (TCH 3-03a) Target 1: Demonstrate safe dance practice Success Criteria: Green: Name 5 features of safe dance practice Amber: Name 4 features of safe dance practice Red: Name 3 features of safe dance practice Target 2: Display confidence during warm-up routine Success Criteria: Green: I can remember and perform most skills from the warm-up routine with confidence Amber: I can remember and perform around half the skills from the warm-up routine with confidence Red: I can remember and perform only a few skills from the warm-up routine with confidence Target 3: Demonstrate concentration and focus when learning a Hip Hop routine Success Criteria: Green: Maintain concentration and focus to keep correct positioning, correct timing and apply skills in the correct order Amber: Maintain concentration and focus to keep correct timing and apply skills in the correct order Red: Maintain concentration and focus to apply skills in the correct order Target 4: Maintain motivation when learning a Hip Hop routine Success Criteria: Green: I maintained my motivation for more than 75% of the lesson Amber: I maintained my motivation for between 50%-75% of the lesson Red: I maintained my motivation for less than 50% of the lesson Target 5: Recall 4 Hip Hop skills and identify which is your strength Success Criteria: Green: Recall 4 Hip Hop skills and identify which is your strength Amber: Recall 3 Hip Hop skills and identify which is your strength Red: Recall 2 Hip Hop skills and identify which is your strength Target 6: Seek feedback to correct a Hip Hop skill which is an area for improvement Success Criteria: Green: I have corrected my identified area for improvement following feedback from my partner Amber: I have begun to correct my identified area for improvement following feedback from my partner Red: I have received feedback from my partner but have not yet used this information to correct my identified area for improvement Target 7: Create a sequence to a pre-determined 16-count rhythm Success Criteria: Green: Create a 16-count sequence which closely follows the given rhythm Amber: Create a 12-count sequence which largely follows the given rhythm Red: Create an 8 count sequence which usually follows the given rhythm Target 8: Display creativity when choreographing a short dance sequence Success Criteria: Green: Your short dance sequence is unique and most of it looks completely different from that of others Amber: Your short dance sequence is unique and some of it looks completely different from that of others Red: Your short dance sequence looks similar to that of other groups in the class Target 9: Co-operate with a partner to create a sequence using chance Success Criteria: Green: Contribute to the creation of your chance sequence whilst equally considering the input of your partner Amber: Make little contribution to the creation of your chance sequence whilst heavily relying on your partner’s input Red: Contribute to the creation of your chance sequence whilst paying little attention to the input of your partner/rely completely on your partner to create chance sequence Target 10: Use video evidence to enhance chance sequence Success Criteria: Green: I have made changes to improve my chance sequence after watching a recording of myself and my partner Amber: I have begun the process of making changes to my chance sequence after watching a video recording of myself and my partner Red: I have made no changes to my chance sequence after watching a recording of myself and my partner Target 11: Learn strategies to control nerves when performing Success Criteria: Green: I can name and explain 3 strategies which I can utilise to control my nerves when performing Amber: I can name and explain 2 strategies which I can utilise to control my nerves when performing Red: I can name and explain 1 strategy which I can utilise to control my nerves when performing Target 12: Perform final routine with confidence and control Success Criteria: Green: I can remember and perform most skills in the routine with confidence and control Amber: I can remember and perform around half the skills in the routine with confidence and control Red: I can remember and perform only a few skills in the routine with confidence and control Resources/ Content: Department iPod Boom box S1/2 Hip Hop Block iPad & video copy of Hip Hop sequence Giant dice for ‘Chance’ choreography Assessment Criteria: (to be completed as an authority)