Marked Catalog Copy

ECU 2011-2012 Online Undergraduate Catalog
CHE: College of Human Ecology
------------------------------------------1000. College of Human Ecology Freshman Seminar (1) 2 classroom hours per week. P: Enrolled in
first or second semester at ECU with intended major in one of the undergraduate majors in the College of
Human Ecology (CHE). Introduction to student life at ECU with a focus on development of academic
skills, careers in CHE and decision making for student success.
1001. Academic Success Strategies (1) 2 classroom hours per week. P: CHE 1000 or COAD 1000;
completion of fewer than 35 hours; GPA below 2.0; intended major in one of the majors in CHE;
permission of instructor. Focus on development of study skills, strategies for success, and proficient use
of resources at ECU.
1002. Diversity, Leadership and Service: A Model for the Human Sciences (3) P: CHE 1000 or
COAD 1000; intended major in one of the majors in CHE. Series of seminars and service learning
opportunities to acquaint students with leadership, diversity, and engagement within the community.
1100. Seeing, Responding, and Serving: Ethical Leadership (3) Integration of individual, community,
and universal perspectives into a coherent framework around the discipline of leadership studies. The
concept of Servant Leadership will be studied and applied.
2126. Consumer Affairs (3) Decision making, consumption patterns, and trends of marketplace
consumer. Consumer information and protection.
2999. Special Topics (3) May be repeated for credit with change of topic up to 9 s.h. Current issues
and/or applications related to areas in human ecology.
3990, 3991, 3992. Field Experience in Human Ecology (1,1,1) Supervised professional work
experience. May not be substituted for other required internships. P: CHE major or minor; minimum
cumulative 2.0 GPA; minimum 2.5 GPA in CHE; 6 s.h. in applicable human ecology area; consent of
dean. Placement in area of student’s major or minor.
3999. Issues in Human Ecology (3) May be repeated for credit with change of topic up to 9 s.h. Current
topics related to areas in human ecology.
4500, 4501, 4502. Independent Study (3,3,3) May be repeated for credit with change of topic up to 9
s.h. P: Consent of Instructor. Problems in child development, family relations, food, nutrition, hospitality
management, consumer economics, family resource management, apparel, textiles, interior design,
criminal justice, and/or social work.
4521. Readings in Human Ecology (1) Independent study in areas of student’s interests.
5005, 5006, 5007. Special Problems in Human Ecology (1,2,3) May be repeated for credit with different
titles. 5007 same as FACS 5007. P: Consent of instructor. Variable content and special topics in areas of
human ecology.
CHE Banked Courses
4999. Professional Development in Human Ecology (3)
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