College of Human Ecology;

Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Strategic Action Plan 2010-13
College of Human Ecology
ECU Values:
ECU’s College of Human Ecology adheres to the established “enduring values” outlined in ECU
Tomorrow: A Vision for Leadership and Service (2007), ECU’s long-range strategic plan and is
aligned to the Strategic Action Plan, 2010-13 and its corresponding Key Performance Indicators
that advance our Mission.
ECU’s values are outlined below:
Teamwork; and
Commitment to Serve.
ECU Mission:
To serve as a national model for public service and regional transformation by:
Preparing our students to compete and succeed in the global economy and multicultural
Distinguishing ourselves by the ability to train and prepare leaders,
Creating a strong, sustainable future for eastern North Carolina through education,
research, innovation, investment, and outreach,
Saving lives, curing diseases, and positively transforming health and health care, and
Providing cultural enrichment and powerful inspiration as we work to sustain and improve
quality of life.
Approved by the UNC Board of Governors - November 13, 2009
College of Human Ecology Strategic Action Plan 10/24/11
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Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Key Strategic Planning Principles:
Several key planning principles were established to develop this strategic plan:
Support for student success throughout the continuum of their college learning experience;
Adherence to ECU Tomorrow: A Vision for Leadership and Service, 2007 and the ECU
Strategic Action Plan, 2010-13;
Support for effective leadership and professional development;
Purposeful decision-making, moving towards clearly defined goals and measurable
A commitment to institutional effectiveness; and,
Allocation of resources to ensure attainment of established priorities.
GOAL 10:
GOAL 11:
GOAL 12:
Prepare students to be productive citizens within an increasingly global, culturally
diverse, and rapidly changing society.
Enhance the College's commitment to basic, applied and pedagogical research and
creative activity scholarship.
Leverage our accomplishments to foster a culture of access and success in
undergraduate and graduate education.
Ensure that CHE is positioned to address North Carolina's PK-16 education
Advance the University's vision for becoming "The Leadership University."
Generate awareness of CHE faculty, students and staff who excel.
Initiate and support health-related research efforts.
Enhance efforts to expand access to health services.
Strengthen academic programs that support biopsychosocial sciences.
Enhance the knowledge and skills of the labor force involved in human ecology
Partner to enhance faculty and students efforts to discover, develop, commercialize
and transfer knowledge.
Strengthen the role and recognition of CHE as a catalyst for improving quality of life
for eastern North Carolina.
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Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Goal 1:
Prepare students to be productive citizens within an increasingly global, culturally
diverse, and rapidly changing society.
Outcome Objective: Increase efforts to align and support learning opportunities that
enlighten and nurture an understanding of diverse cultures and increase competence to
address global challenges.
 Measure: The college will sponsor a minimum of one cultural/global
speaker/visitor per year to the College and classrooms through 2013.
Goal 2:
Enhance the College's commitment to basic, applied and pedagogical research
and creative activity scholarship.
Outcome Objective: Increase efforts to support student opportunities to engage in
 Measure: Increase the number of students by at least 1% who participate in the
CHE/KON Research Forum or ECU Research and Creative Activity Week by
September 2013. Participation in Spring 2011 Forum will be the baseline data
 Measure: Achieve 90% completion rate of IRB training, including ethical decisionmaking component, for all graduate students
 Measure: Maintain Research and Creative Activity Lab for CHE student research
assistants who have completed IRB training
Outcome Objective: Recognize, reward, and promote faculty's basic, applied, and
pedagogical research and creative activity scholarship.
 Measure: Provide annual public acknowledgment of and awards to faculty with
highest research/creative activity and grant productivity
 Measure: Submit 15 press releases promoting faculty research and creative activity
achievements annually
 Measure: Increase the total number of Faculty-Student research publications,
creative activity, and presentations submitted by five (5) by September 2013. 20102011 is the baseline data
 Measure: Reduce the number of faculty publications in non-ranked journals
Outcome Objective: Continue to support the university's goals in research and graduate
programs that are tied to UNC-GA's and ECU's highest priorities, among them science and
math education.
 Measure: CHE will add 1-2 collaborations and partnerships that promote science
and math education by 2013. Year one will include the creation of a list of
collaborations and partnerships promoting science and math education currently
taking place to be used as baseline data
 Measure: Increase undergraduate submissions for the ECU URCA Awards by two
(2) by September 2013. Submissions in 2010-2011 are being used for the base year
College of Human Ecology Strategic Action Plan 10/24/11
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Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Goal 3:
Leverage our accomplishments to foster a culture of access and success in undergraduate
and graduate education.
Outcome Objective: Partner with Academic Affairs and IPAR to improve student success
and retention.
 Measure: CHE majors will utilize CHE's centralized, comprehensive Student
Services Center for all student advising and guidance
Outcome Objective: Partner with ITCS to increase access to online training for faculty.
 Measure: Faculty utilizing any online teaching method will participate in DE Online
Goal 4:
Ensure that CHE is positioned to address North Carolina's PK-16 education
Outcome Objective: Support partnerships that address North Carolina's PK-16 challenges.
 Measure: Continue support for BK, FACS, and MAEd programs by providing
program coordinators with needed course release time to grow partnerships
 Measure: Increase articulation agreements for PK-16 programs with community
colleges by two (2) by September 2013. Baseline data will be gathered in the 20102011academic year
Goal 5:
Advance the University's vision for becoming "The Leadership University."
Outcome Objective: Infuse the student experience with opportunities for leadership
 Measure: Support CHE student organizations that provide opportunities for
leadership development
 Measure: Institute Student Leadership Academy (CHE 1100) incorporating Student
Life Leadership Workshops as well as a change project by Spring 2012. Enroll at
least 10 students in the first year
 Measure: Increase number of students participating in the CHE/KON Research
Forum or ECU Research and Creative Activity Week by a total of 3 by September
2013. 2010-2011 establishes the baseline data
 Measure: Invite at least ten leaders annually to serve as guest speakers to CHE
students, staff, and faculty
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Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Goal 6:
Generate awareness of CHE faculty, students and staff who excel.
Outcome Objective: Enhance recognition of those who excel in leadership within their
respective areas of study, profession, institution, and/or contribution to the larger
 Measure: Track media placements of press releases that recognize those who excel
in leadership
 Measure: Track awards and media releases for awards
 Measure: Increase awareness of unit-level service learning, student teaching, and
other activities that impact rural communities and underserved populations
through 15 online/posted press releases per year
Goal 7:
Initiate and support health-related research efforts.
Outcome Objective: Continue interdisciplinary approach that integrates clinical,
translational, and community-based health research.
 Measure: By September 2013, increase grant application submissions that support
biopsychosocial health research by 2%. Submissions in 2010-2011 are the baseline
Goal 8:
Enhance efforts to expand access to health services.
Outcome Objective: Continue to promote healthy environments and health services.
 Measure: Increase awareness of how to promote healthy environments by
increasing the number of dissemination outlets (publications, presentations,
workshops, and/or design consultations) to three (3) by September 2013
Outcome Objective: Foster partnerships that integrate health promotion and health care.
 Measure: Continue to allocate resources to support current joint appointments
between CHE and BSOM and collaborations with the Colleges of Health and Human
Performance and Allied Health Sciences and external constituents and partners
Goal 9:
Strengthen academic programs that support biopsychosocial sciences.
Outcome Objective: Provide an educational experience responsive to a changing health
environment to future health providers.
 Measure: Increase internship placements in changing health care environments by
a total of 1% by September 2013. Total internships in 2010-2011 will be used as
the baseline
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Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Outcome Objective: Expand graduate enrollment in programs which foster health and
health care.
 Measure: Increase external funding to support graduate assistantships by 1% by
September 2013
Goal 10:
Enhance the knowledge and skills of the labor force involved in human
ecology fields.
Outcome Objective: Expand course offerings for non-degree and continuing education
 Measure: Increase offerings for continuing education students by 2 by September
Goal 11:
Partner to enhance faculty and students efforts to discover, develop,
commercialize and transfer knowledge.
Outcome Objective: Increase collaborations and partnerships with industry, education,
government, and communities.
 Measure: Develop and implement a system to enumerate collaborations for
internships, service learning, community engagement, and teacher training
Goal 12:
Strengthen the role and recognition of CHE as a catalyst for improving quality
of life for eastern North Carolina.
Outcome Objective: Increase quality of life through community partnerships.
 Measure: Increase support and awareness of special populations and marginalized
groups through CHE programs and CHE faculty teaching and research initiatives
 Measure: Provide two ECU EPA employees to support self-identified community
initiatives in West Greenville
 Measure: Provide care and support for children and families with major health
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