Teacher Name : K. Olander Subject : ESL Grade Level : K Building: HTELC Unit Plan Unit Title: K- Step Into School Essential Questions: k – What do families do together? Standards: PA Core Standards, PA Academic Standards/Anchors (based on subject) Grade K 1.1.K.C: Expand oral language through the use of an increasingly robust vocabulary 1.1.K.D: Demonstrate listening comprehension/ understanding before, during, and after reading through strategies such as think aloud, retelling, summarizing, and connecting to prior knowledge 1.1.K.E: Demonstrate accuracy and automaticity in phoneme segmentation, letter naming, letter-sound correspondence and blending (decoding) simple words. 1.2.K.E: Identify and respond to essential content of text 1.4.K.B: Write, dictate, or illustrate to communicate information Summative Unit Assessment: Summative Assessment Objective Students will- k- High frequency word unit test, identify and say a, the, this, is, who, my, and students will complete a weekly Assessment k- Comprehension Unit test, Assessment Assessment Method (check one) _ `___ Rubric ___ Checklist __x__ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment __x__ Other (explain) Write beginning, middle, end story map DAILY PLAN 1 2 3 Objective (s) Students will Learn to read high frequency word Write a high frequency word Publish a shared sentence Review the alphabet Students will Ask and answer questions, give information Review the alphabet Identify syllables Identify family members Students will Develop concept of print Organize Ideas Write words DOK LEVEL Grouping Day Activities / Teaching Strategies 1,2 1,2 Assessment of Objective (s) Word card with high frequency word, kid writing -alphabet cards and pictures Formative- teacher observation, student participation Song, “MY Family” Summative- Practice Masters 2.11, 2.12 Student Self - Assessment- Students will practice and identify syllables in key words Using picture cards, students will ask a partner the question, “Who is this?” “This is_____.” Identify the names of family members Students will listen to the story, “Gio And His Family” Students will review sight words. They will say alphabet letters and sounds Pretend Play Pictures Big book, Gio And His Family” Picture Dictionary, Family, Big Book - sight word cards - alphabet cards Formative- teacher observation, student participation Track print while I read Help create a group graphic organizer Students will review sight words. They will say alphabet letters and sounds Small books “My Family” Teacher model using word card who, use family words in combination with the word who in order to bridge understanding. Say alphabet letters and sounds Who is this? booklet 1,2 Materials / Resources 6 SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Vocabulary Builder and Manipulative, Set 2.3 - sight word cards - alphabet cards - graphic organizer web Formative- teacher observation, student participation SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- 4 Students will Develop Phonological awareness Match sounds Review high frequency words Write labels Students will Review and answer the essential question through writing Using elkonin boxes, students will match sounds Listen to and identify words with the same beginning sound’ They will say alphabet letters and sounds Say and echo /T/ and view pictures that have the /T/ sound 1,2 Students will draw, write, and label a picture to answer the essential question 5 Elkonin boxes and chips Formative- - sight word cards - alphabet cards Tm-t86 Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Sight word cards Say alphabet letters and sounds Formativeteacher observation, student participation Summative- High frequency word cards Student Self - Assessment- 6 Students will Review all letters and sounds Hear and discuss Key words for Students will review sight word and say alphabet letters and sounds Alphabet and Sight word cards Formative- teacher observation, student participation unit 2 My Family Discuss the big question, What do Families Do? K – alphabet/ letter recognition Listen to and retell a story. PM 2.13-2.14, Tab and Her Family SummativeUse Idea Web to show the main idea and details that we read about in Tab and Her Family. Student Self - Assessment-