Year 11 Integrated Science General Course 2015 Course Outline Semester 1 UNIT 1 The World Around Us The emphasis of Unit 1 is on biological and Earth systems, focusing on the following main topics: Interrelationships between Earth systems Structure and function of biological systems Ecosystems and sustainability Species continuity and change Week Science Understanding Content 1 Interrelationships between Earth systems 2 Interaction between the hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere are represented by biogeochemical cycles Conservation of matter occurs in cycles in nature 3 4 Natural resources are important in everyday life Human activities and natural processes impact on cycles in nature Teaching Points TERM 1 Hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere and biosphere Interactions between biogeochemical systems Cycles in o o o Suggested Activities Worm farm Nutrients and Plant Growth nature: Carbon Nitrogen Water Impacts on cycles in nature o Human: enhanced Greenhouse effect; Eutrophication Natural: fire Natural Resources o Examples o Renewable and non-renewable o Importance An Inconvenient Truth We are the weather makers Catalyst – Earth on Fire Brian Cox programs Acid Ocean Assessments Science Inquiry – Wiggly Worms DUE – WEEK 8 (15%) Organisation in multi-cellular organisms Systems in a multi-cellular organism: how they interact and effect the survival of the whole organism Cell structure and function – animal and plant Microscopes Microscope license Specialised organelles: o Plasma membrane Osmosis and diffusion Isotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic solutions o Chloroplasts Photosynthesis Chlorophyll Location in leaves and stems Cellulose tubing (diffusion) Egg osmosis Potato diffusion Food colouring Perfume Celery Xylem Activity 7 Specialised cells: o Xylem 8 Specialised cells: o Stomata Comparing Leaf Stomata 5 Structure and function of biological systems The cell is the simplest form of organisation that can perform activities required for life 6 Forms of organisation of multicellular organisms include tissues, organs and systems 9 1 2 Test – Systems and Cells (5%) Catch-up week Revision for test TERM 2 The abiotic and biotic environment Worm farm testing Ecosystems and Sustainability Biological communities interact with each other and their physical environment Effect of physical environment on a biological community o Human effect: Salinity – causes and consequences Salt and Plant Growth activity Extended Response– Salty Sabotage DUE WEEK 5 (15%) Interrelationship between systems assist cellular activity to sustain life 3 Species continuity and change Reproduction and inheritance play an important role in the continuity of species 6 7 8 9 Worm farm - food chains and food webs Food Chains and Food Webs DVD Feeding relationships in local environment Impacts upon food chains and food webs o Extinction, pests, disease 4 5 Food chains and food webs o Producer, consumer, decomposer, carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, predator o Pyramid of numbers o Pyramid of biomass Change in physical environment leads to eventual change in biological characteristics of a species Asexual and sexual reproduction o Advantages and disadvantages o Worm reproduction Vegetative propagation Sexual and Asexual reproduction DVD Reproduction in plants o Structure of the flower o Pollination, fertilisation, germination Flower dissection Journey into Life documentary The Human Body (Life Story/An Everyday Miracle) DVD Unlocking the Mystery of Life documentary Reproduction in plants cont. o Pollen dispersal o Seed dispersal o Structural adaptations Seed dispersal – Structure and Function activity Reproduction in animals o Internal and external fertilisation o Looking closer at worm reproduction Adaptations to change in environment o Structural, behavioural, physiological eChalk Variation Activity SPICE resources Adaptations to change in environment cont. o Examples (Australian: kangaroos, banksia cones, bird beaks) 10 eChalk Adaptation Activity Test – Ecosystems and Reproduction (5%) Catch-up week Revision for test 11 Science Inquiry – Unit 1 Workbook (10%) End of Semester 1 Semester 2 UNIT 2 Term 3: Kitchen Chemistry Term 4: Rocketry The emphasis of Unit 2 is on the chemical and physical world, focusing on the following main topics: Atomic structure Chemical reactions Mixtures and solutions Forms of energy causing change Motion and Forces Week Science Understanding Content Atomic structure 1 Atoms consist of a nucleus of protons and neutrons and are surrounded by electrons Teaching Points Term 3 Atomic structure – protons, neutrons and electrons Properties of elements, compounds and mixtures States of matter Suggested Activities Atom cookies Kitchen examples of elements, compounds and mixtures; states of matter Assessments Extended response – The Weird World of Molecular Gastronomy DUE – WEEK 7 (15%) The properties of elements, compounds and mixtures determine the use of substances Chemical reactions 2 3 4 Rearrangement of matter occurs during chemical reactions to form new substances Physical vs. chemical change Energy causes physical and chemical change - heat Evidence of chemical reactions o Change of colour, state or temperature; gas evolved; odour given off; precipitate formed Physical or Chemical? Kitchen Lab Honeycomb Sherbet Chemical reactions involve energy; different types of reactions are used to produce a variety of products Rate of reaction o Factors that affect the rate of reaction Heat transfer o Convection, conduction, radiation Cooking potatoes Cooking pasta Dissolving sugar Heat transfer in the kitchen Energy Energy transformations o Electrical, thermal, radiant, mechanical, chemical Fermentation o The role of microbes in fermentation o Respiration o Uses of fermentation o Properties of acids and bases Energy transformations in the kitchen Fermentation cont. o Food examples of fermentation: bread, cheese, yoghurt and beer o Beer production o Lactose fermentation and lactose intolerance Ginger ale Other fermented foods fact sheet and questions Sour milk products fact sheet and questions Mixtures o Homogenous and heterogeneous mixtures o Separation techniques (distillation, chromatography, evaporation, filtration) Homogenous or heterogeneous? Activity – fruit cake, orange juice, dry cake mix, milk, noodle soup Coke distillation Energy has different forms: kinetic, potential and heat, which can cause change 5 6 Mixtures and solutions 7 Mixtures, including solutions, contain a combination of pure substances that can be separated using a range of techniques What effects yeast growth? Instant cottage cheese Red cabbage indicator Science Inquiry – Coke Distillation DUE WEEK 9 (15%) Mixtures cont. Salt water evaporation Food colouring chromatography Putting it all together o Synthesis of learning to analyse the chemistry behind making pancakes and cakes Putting it all together o Synthesis of learning to analyse the chemistry behind making pancakes and cakes Catch-up week Revision for test Pancakes 8 9 10 Baking cakes Test – Chemistry (5%) Term 4 1 2 Motion and forces Laws of Motion Motion activities Linear motion of an object is unidirectional and can be determined mathematically Forces in Flight – weight, lift, drag, thrust o Forces that act on an aeroplane o Forces that act on a rocket Aerofoils Reducing drag Balloon rockets The Laws of Motion can assist in predicting the motion of objects History of Rocketry o Major people, scientific discoveries and events in the development of rockets History of Rocketry webquest Teabag rockets Water bottle rocket launch Rocketry o Rocket design o Rocket flight Model rocket launch 3 4 Forces can be exerted by one object on another by direct contact or from a distance Test –Rocketry (5%) Catch-up week Revision for test Science Inquiry – Unit 2 Workbook (10%) 5 End of Semester 2 Science Inquiry Skills Content Construct questions for investigation; propose hypothesis; and predict possible outcomes Plan, select and use appropriate investigation methods, to collect reliable data; assess risk and address ethical issues associated with these methods Conduct investigations safely, competently and methodically for the collection of valid and reliable data Represent data in meaningful and useful ways; organise and analyse data to identify trends, patterns and relationships; qualitatively describe sources of measurement error and use evidence to make and justify conclusions Interpret a range of scientific and media texts, and evaluate the conclusions by considering the quality of available evidence Use appropriate representations, to communicate conceptual understanding, solve problems and make predictions Communicate scientific ideas and information for a particular purpose, using appropriate scientific language, conventions and representations Science as a Human Endeavour Content The use of scientific knowledge is influenced by social, economic, cultural and ethical considerations The use of scientific knowledge may have beneficial and/or harmful and/or unintended consequences Scientific knowledge can enable scientists to offer valid explanations and make reliable predictions Scientific knowledge can be used to develop and evaluate projected economic, social and environmental impacts, and to design action for sustainability Embedded in Unit 1 and Unit 2 content