SDC Table 1. Clinical characteristics of patients with biopsies containing ≥15 eosinophils/hpf after second review but not pathology report Pathology report count (eosinophils/ hpf) Second review count (eosinophils/ hpf) Initial or follow-up endoscopy EoE diagnosis 1 0 17 Follow-up Yes Yes, lansoprazole 15 mg/day Elimination diet, food trialing 2 2 16 Follow-up Yes Yes, lansoprazole 15 mg/day Elemental diet, food trialing 3 3 26 Follow-up Yes No, on ranitidine at time of initial diagnostic endoscopy Elimination diet, budesonide 4 3 22 Follow-up Yes Yes, unable to determine dose Elimination diet, food trialing Continued to reintroduce foods Elimination diet No changes to treatment Patient #1 PPI confirmation at diagnosis, dose Treatment at time of listed endoscopy Treatment change after listed endoscopy Endoscopy considered normal, continued to reintroduce foods Endoscopy considered normal, continued to reintroduce foods Discontinued budesonide but had active EoE in subsequent endoscopies and resumed budesonide treatment 5 4 32 Follow-up No No PPI at time of diagnosis but on PPI at time of listed endoscopy (lansoprazole 15 mg 2X/day) 6 4 41 Follow-up Yes Yes, lansoprazole 30 mg/day Fluticasone propionate Weaned lansoprazole, decreased fluticasone propionate dose 7 5 15 Follow-up Yes Yes, lansoprazole 15 mg/day Elemental diet, food trialing Continued to reintroduce foods 8 7 20 Follow-up Yes Yes, lansoprazole 15 mg/day Elimination diet, food trialing 9 7 20 Follow-up Yes Yes, lansoprazole 15 mg 2X/day Elimination diet 10 7 15 Follow-up Yes Yes, lansoprazole 15 mg/day Elemental diet 11 8 16 Follow-up Yes No Self-directed avoidance of foods2, oral prednisone Discontinued prednisone 12 8 18 Follow-up Yes Yes, unable to determine dose3 Elemental diet, food trialing Current diet maintained Elimination diet Continued to eliminate foods No changes to treatment, planning to reintroduce food No changes to treatment, considering tapering lansoprazole No changes to treatment, considering reintroducing foods 13 9 16 Follow-up Yes No PPI at time of diagnosis but on PPI at time of listed endoscopy (omeprazole 20 mg/day) 14 9 21 Follow-up Yes Yes, lansoprazole 30 mg 2X/day Elimination diet, fluticasone propionate Increased fluticasone propionate dose 15 9 16 Follow-up Yes Yes, lansoprazole 15 mg/day Elemental diet Continued with elemental diet, considering reintroducing foods 16 10 27 Follow-up Yes Yes, lansoprazole 15 mg 2X/day Elimination diet, budesonide No changes to current treatment for reflux and EoE 17 10 35 Follow-up Yes Yes, omeprazole 20 mg/day Elimination diet, fluticasone propionate Discontinued fluticasone propionate and began elemental diet 18 10 38 Follow-up Yes Yes, lansoprazole 30 mg/day Elimination diet, fluticasone propionate No changes to treatment 19 10 16 Follow-up Yes Yes, lansoprazole 15 mg/day Elimination diet, food trialing Endoscopy considered normal, continued to reintroduce foods 20 10 24 Follow-up Yes Yes, unable to determine dose3 Elimination diet, food trialing Continued to reintroduce foods 21 12 42 Follow-up Yes Yes, lansoprazole 15 mg 2X/day Elimination diet No changes to treatment 22 14 25 Initial No No None Began lansoprazole but had no subsequent endoscopy at CCHMC 23 14 55 Follow-up Yes Yes, omeprazole 10 mg/day Fluticasone propionate No changes to treatment 24 14 58 Follow-up Yes Yes, omeprazole 20 mg/day Elimination diet, food trialing Discontinued current food trial 1 De-identified number assigned to patient on the basis of increasing eosinophil count in pathology report 2Avoidance 3Dose of foods based on patient preference, not physician- or skin prick test–directed not listed in electronic medical documents CCHMC, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center; EoE, eosinophilic esophagitis; hpf, high-power field; PPI, proton pump inhibitor; 2X, twice