apr2010.p1.Multicenter Trials Committee

Multicenter Trials Committee
Purpose: The multi-center trials group is open to all members of the WTA and was
formed in order to review and/or research areas of trauma care where large numbers of
patients are needed to answer clinically relevant questions. Studies performed and
published by this group have a very high citation index in the Journal of Trauma.
Chair: Krista Kaups, MD (kkaups@fresno.ucsf.edu)
MEMBERSHIP: Open to all Members of the WTA
MEETINGS: Semi-annual
Winter: Tuesday at 6:00 during Annual Meeting
Fall: During AAST Meeting
25 published, 1 in press and 2 in submission.
(Click to view pages 2,3)
(Click to view)
1. A Multicenter Retrospective Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of LMWH
in VTE prophylaxis in patients with brain injury. (PI: Steve Ross).
IRB documentation and data sheets
2. Prospective Observational Multicenter Study of the Management of Stable
Patients with Anterior Abdominal Stab Wounds. (PI: Walt Biffl).
Protocol, algorithm, and data sheets
3. Enteral feeding in the patient with open abdomen (PI: Clay Cothren Burlew)
Please note that this is a continuing analysis from the study presented at the 2010
WTA meeting.
Protocol, algorithm and data sheets
4. Significance of blush on CT scan for splenic and hepatic injuries. (PI:
Rosemary Kozar)
Protocol and data sheets – coming soon.
5. Tracheostomy in spinal cord injury. (PI: Mitch Cohen)
Protocol and data sheets – coming soon.
6. Gunshot wounds and blast injuries to the face: outcomes and management
(PI: Steve Shackford)
Protocol and data sheets – coming soon.
7. Paraspinous rib block catheter for pain management with rib fractures (PI:
Mike Truitt)
Protocol and data sheets – coming soon.
8. Registry of advanced hemostatic dressings (PI: Paul Harrison)
Protocol and data sheets – coming soon.