
Tennis Rules
Opponents stand on opposite sides of the court. The player who delivers the ball to start the point is called the server. The
player who stands opposite and cross-court from the server is the receiver.
 To decide who serves, receives, or chooses sides, or give the opponent these choices is decided by a toss of (Paper Rock
Scissors) a coin or racquet. If the choice of service or receiver is chosen, the opponent chooses which side to start.
 The server shall stand behind the baseline on the court within the boundaries of the singles court when playing singles and
within the doubles sideline when playing doubles. (We will only have one court type set up.) The server will not serve until
the receiver is ready. If the server misses his target twice, he loses the point. If the ball hits the net and goes in the correct
service box, another serve is granted. If the server steps on the baseline before contact is made, the serve is considered a
fault. Players must serve cross-court from behind their baseline, into the service box of their opponent.
 The receiver can stand where he likes but must let the ball bounce in the service box. If the ball does not land in the service
box, it is considered a fault and a second serve is given. If the ball is hit by either opponent before the ball bounces, the
server wins the point.
 The server always calls his score first. If the server wins the first point, he gets a score of 15. Love means zero in tennis.
The second point is called 30. The third point is called 40 and game is won when the score goes back to love. If the score is
40-40, also known as deuce, one side must win by two points.
No point - “Love”
First point - “15”
Second point - “30”
Third point - “40”
Fourth point - “Game”
 If each player/team has won three points, the score is “Deuce”. After “Deuce”, the score is “Advantage” for the player/team
who wins the next point. If that same player/team also wins the next point, that player/team wins the “Game”; if the
opposing player/team wins the next point, the score is again “Deuce”. A player/team needs to win two consecutive points
immediately after “Deuce” to win the “Game”.
 The first to win 6 games, by two, wins the set. The first to win 2 sets wins the match. If the score is 6-6, a tie-breaker is
 During a tie-break game, points are scored “Zero”,“1”, “2”, “3”, etc. The first player/team to win seven points wins the
“Game” and “Set”, provided there is a margin of two points over the opponent.
 The player whose turn it is to serve will serve the first point of the tie-break game. The following two points will be served
by the opponent(s) (in doubles, the player of the opposing team due to serve next). After this, each player/team will serve
alternately for two consecutive points until the end of the tie-break game (in doubles, the rotation of service within each
team shall continue in the same order as during that set).
 A match can be played to the best of 3 sets (a player/team needs to win 2 sets to win the match) or to the best of 5 sets (a
player/team needs to win 3 sets to win the match).
 If the ball goes into the net, or outside the boundaries of the court, the player who hit that ball loses the point. If the ball hits
the net during the point and goes into the opponents court, the ball is in play. A player loses the point if he touches the net,
drops his racquet while hitting the ball, bounces the ball over the net, hits a part of the surroundings such as the roof, or a
tree, the ball touches him or his partner, he deliberately tries to distract the opponent.
 A let is called during the point if a ball rolls on the court or there is a distraction from someone besides the players on the
 A ball that lands on the line is good.
 At the end of each game, the receiver will become the server and the server will become the receiver for the next game.
The players will change ends at the end of the first, third and every subsequent odd
game of each set.
 In doubles, the team that serves in the first game of each set will decide which player shall serve for that game. Before the
second game starts, the opponents will decide which player will serve for that game. The partner of the player who served
in the first game will serve in the third game and the partner of the player who served in the second game will serve in the
fourth game. This rotation will continue until the end of the set.
 Men's matches can be played up to a maximum of best-of-5 sets, and women's to a maximum of best-of-3.
 Tennis is divided into games, sets and matches. A game is won by the player who scores four points the quickest, although
a game must be won by a minimum of two points. The scoring for a game progresses at love, 15, 30, 40 and game, with
love designating zero points and game designating the final point. In the event that the score becomes tied at 40-40, both
players must continue until one player is ahead by two points. The first player to win six games wins the set, though again
the player must win the set by at least two games. Each match consists of a number of sets, which is predetermined
beforehand. The player that wins the most sets wins the match.