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Green Paper on Developing Northern Australia
Questions for draft of Cloncurry Shire Council submission
SECTION A: Profile
1. What are the major characteristics of northern Australia?
Northern Australia is characterised by the land of opportunity. It is where productive people live, but
an area of Australia which has been underdeveloped by Governments, but yet still holds so much
wealth-generating opportunities.
2. How do these characteristics differ across and within northern Australia?
These characteristics differ across and within northern Australia in that Western Australia have the
Ord River Irrigation Scheme for agriculture, the Northern Territory have a high Indigenous
population and Queensland has a strong beef and mining focus.
3. What features of northern Australia are the most important to its current growth and
future development?
The biggest feature of northern Australia that is most important to growth and future development
is the untapped potential.
4. What do the population, demographic, employment and urbanisation trends mean for
northern Australia?
The trends have resulted in northern Australia being ignored and is fast becoming a wasteland.
Unfortunately the population trends are pointing down, with more people urbanising. It can only be
detrimental to Northern Australia. It highlights that northern Australia has been underfunded and
needs to modernise its towns and cities, to give people a better standard of living and make it more
attractive for people to live and work in northern Australia.
5. What are the prospects and major risks for the northern Australian economy over the next
decade? What aspects of the northern Australian economy should be a focus for
The major prospect for the northern Australian economic over the next decade is infrastructure.
Therefore, the government should focus on water, electricity and transport.
SECTION B: Opportunities
1. What are these major global and domestic trends that are creating opportunities for
development in northern Australia?
The North West Queensland Mineral Province is globally recognised, and that is a major opportunity
for development in northern Australia. Our beef, both live export and carton beef are also globally
recognised. Unfortunately, the only people who aren’t recognising these opportunities are the
Australia Government.
Green Paper on Developing Northern Australia
2. What does the rise of Asia mean for Northern Australia? How could new opportunities be
The rise of Asia needs to be put on hold until a significant amount of money is spent in northern
Australia and we are guaranteed Government support. How can we expect them to support us if our
own Government doesn’t support us.
3. What are the prospects to further expand Northern Australia’s mineral and energy
The main prospect to further expand Northern Australia’s mineral and energy sectors are to provide
the big ticket infrastructure needs, such as water storages, power and infrastructure capable of
moving the commodities from northern Australia.
4. What impact does the strategic environment have on northern Australia’s economic
The main impact on northern Australia’s economic development is caused by Government
consulting with people who aren’t familiar with the north and who are not business-orientated.
5. What are the major opportunities to grow education, research and skills development in
the north? What comparative advantages do northern institutions have?
The opportunities for education, research and skills development in the north is that they get a
practical, hands on experience so they can see what they are actually learning about. It is also a safe
environment for international students to learn and experience the real Australia. There is
opportunities for developing centre for learning excellence in northern Australian, which would be
supported by industry.
6. How can Indigenous Australian in the north more actively participate in economic
To be more realistic in their dealings with Native Titles issues, so companies are encouraged, not
discouraged, when dealing with development opportunities.
7. What are the opportunities to diversify northern Australia’s economy? What could be
done to grow established sectors, such as agriculture or tourism?
If the Government wants to diversify northern Australia’s economy, we need reliable water
infrastructure to support diversification. Many examples exist where major infrastructure projects
have shaped Australia’s future, e.g. Snowy Mountain Hydro Scheme and the associated Riverina
Irrigation Schemes. Modern Governments are lacking this type of visit and conviction to nation
building projects.
8. Are the North’s natural assess and resources underutilised? What can be done to realise
the opportunities provided by the region’s unique natural qualities?
Green Paper on Developing Northern Australia
The North’s natural assets and resources are underutilised because we do not have reliable water
infrastructure. To realise these opportunities we need sustainable water supply all year round.
SECTION C: Barriers to development
1. What are the major barriers to further economic development in northern Australia? What
are the impacts on industries and communities?
The major barrier to further economic development in northern Australia is the high associated
costs. This has a major impact on industries and communities and leaves us in a holding pattern
because we can’t get anywhere. The high costs are associated with years of neglect.
2. What are the main factors that attract or deter people from living and working in northern
The three main factors that deter people from living and working in northern Australia are the high
cost of living, the limited accessibility to essential services and the lack of services including health,
education etc.
3. What are the infrastructure limitations across northern Australia?
The main infrastructure limitations across northern Australia are road, rail, power and water. The
lack of these has driven up the cost of living.
4. How effective are the arrangements for accessing and using land in northern Australia?
I can only speak on behalf of Queensland, but Queensland land is tightly bound by Native Title; 51%
of Queensland is under Native Title. The results is all negotiations must include Title holders, further
driving up costs.
5. How effective has investment in water infrastructure and planning been in northern
Australia? What impact has this had on economic development, industry growth and the
To the detriment of the north, there has been no investment in water infrastructure in Queensland
for 40 years. Without new dams and other pieces of critical infrastructure, the cost of water will
continue to rise, crippling small communities. The high cost of water is also crippling industry and
severely impacting the growth of the North West Queensland Mineral Province.
6. What is impeding further business growth, trade and investment in the north? How do
these challenged affect different industries?
Costs are significantly impeding further business growth, trade and investment in the north. Rising
cost affects everyone and every business. It is costly to move food and fuel. On top of that, it is more
costly to travel to and from the North than some overseas holidays.
Green Paper on Developing Northern Australia
7. What are the governance challenges in northern Australia? How do they manifest in cities,
towns and remote communities? How do they affect economic development in the north?
All governments should be given a GPS to find Northern Australia. The main governance challenge in
northern Australia is the lack of confidence. All governments should speak to economists to learn
the importance of the North.