Q. Genetics is the study of

2.5.1 - 4 Genetics 1 FMQuiz Homework Solution
Q. What term is used to describe differences within
a population with respect to features such as
A. Variation
Q. Name a carbohydrate that is a component of
A. Ribose or deoxyribose
Q. What does the ‘m’ stand for in mRNA?
A. Messenger
Q. Explain the term species.
A. Interbreeding results in fertile offspring
Q. True or False. Organisms of the same species
can usually produce fertile offspring.
Q. Give one cause of genetic variation.
A. Sexual reproduction; Gene or chromosome
mutation; Genetic engineering
Q. Genetics is the study of ...
A. Inheritance or heredity
Q. Name the complementary base in RNA for
A. Guanine
Q. True or False. Chromosomes are made of DNA
and lipid
Q. Name a component of a nucleotide that is
neither a carbohydrate nor a nitrogenous base.
A. Phosphate group
Q. Explain briefly what is meant by a gene?
A. Unit of heredity or code for protein or section of
Q. What is a chromosome?
A. Structure found in nucleus composed of DNA or
genes or hereditary material
Q. Give one example of an inherited human
A. e.g. Eye colour
Q. Give one example of a non-inherited human
A. e.g. Ability to roller skate
Q. What is meant by genetic screening?
A. Testing people for the presence of a specific
Q. Explain what is meant by the term DNA
A. Examining DNA for a pattern or band to
Q. Give two applications of DNA profiling.
A. Forensic science / paternity / medical
Q. True or False. RNA is not found in ribosomes.
Q. What is meant by non-coding DNA?
A. Does not code for a protein
Q. Name the four bases that are found in DNA.
A. Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine
Q. Give one structural difference between DNA and
A. DNA contains thymine or RNA contains uracil
Q. The bases in DNA form a triplet code. What is
meant by a triplet code?
A. Three bases code for one amino acid
Q. What are the two main events in the replication
of DNA?
A. DNA opens (unzips) & New strands made
Q. Name the complementary base in RNA for
A. Uracil
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