
A Mathematics & Computing Specialist College
Shipwrights Drive, Thundersley, Benfleet, Essex SS7 1RQ
Tel: 01702 558284 Fax: 01702 555636 Email:
Website: Headteacher: Dr M M Wilson, MBA, MSc, BEd, FRSA
Year 11 Raising Achievement Evening – Thursday 8 October 2015
September 2015
Dear Parent / Carer,
Re: How to support your child in preparing for their GCSE examinations
We are holding an informative and supportive session on helping parents, carers and
students to prepare for their GCSE examinations in 2016.
The support clinic will be held in the main school theatre from 5.45pm on Thursday 8
October and will last for approximately one hour.
The pressures of the final year in Key Stage 4 are felt by parents, carers and
students, therefore, this evening will hopefully provide some solutions to a wide
range of topics covering: A timetable for the year including exams, parents’ evenings and data drops
 Attitude to learning – showing how important this is to learning
 The home environment in terms of study, revision and learning
 Suggestions for home strategies in supporting learning
 Planning for revision and revision techniques
 How parents can support the school in maximising their child’s potential
Copies of all powerpoints used will be available on the night to all parents and
carers. Subject flyers and questionnaires asking if you would find subject specific
sessions beneficial for parents and carers throughout the year will also be available.
As this is the first time we have held such an evening please could you complete the
return slip so we can prepare for the number of parents and carers attending (hard
copies of this letter will be printed for students to bring home).
We hope that the evening will be the start of a specific dialogue throughout the year
between home and school in maximising students’ potential. We also hope that the
evening will be informative, practical and engaging.
The KJS Academy Trust T/AS The King John School
A Company limited by guarantee and Registered in England and Wales. Registration Nu: 7559293
Registered office: The King John School, Shipwrights Drive, Thundersley, Benfleet, Essex SS7 1RQ
The KJS Academy Trust is an ‘exempt’ charity
School, students and home need to work together for real impact especially as there
are approximately 24 school weeks, 120 school days, to the first written examinations
– the English IGCSE examination
We would like to thank you for your anticipated support.
Yours sincerely,
Mr T. Rider.
Deputy Headteacher.
Mr R. Sweeney
Asst. Headteacher
Please return to Mrs Copeland, Student Support Officer for year 11.
Year 11 Raising Achievement Evening – Thursday 8 October 5.45pm
I will be attending the evening and will require ……………… seats (including student)
Student name: ……………………………………………………………….
Tutor group: ……………………….