Year 8 Parents Evening 12th March 2015

The Peele Community College
Accept Challenge Achieve Success
Headteacher: Mr Simon Gilman B.Ed (Hons) NPQH
2nd March 2015
Our Ref: SG
Dear Parents/Carers
Re: Year 8 Parents/Carers Evening
I am pleased to invite you to the Year 8 Parents/Carers Evening on Thursday 12th March 2015
from 5.00 pm – 7.00 pm. There will be an opportunity to discuss your son/daughter’s progress from
both a subject and tutoring perspective with all their teachers.
There will be no requirement to book appointments in advance and Parents/Carers can attend
anytime during the evening.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Yours faithfully
Mr S Gilman
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please return this slip to reception by Monday 9th March 2015.
Student Name………………………………………………………………… Form……………………
I will / will not be able to attend the Parent/Carers Evening on Thursday 12th March 2015. No
appointment is necessary and you can attend anytime during the evening.
Signed Parent / Carer …………………………………………………….Date…………………………
84 Little London, Long Sutton, Spalding, Lincolnshire. PE12 9LF
Tel: 01406 362120 Fax 01406 364940