Citation - Midwest Archives Conference

Minutes of the
Midwest Archives Conference Annual Members’ Meeting
Friday, April 23, 2010, 4:30PM
Doubletree Hotel Chicago Magnificent Mile
Chicago, IL
Reports from individual committees and ex-officio Council are available upon request from Secretary
Joshua Ranger
Agenda moved and seconded. Passed. Approval of the minutes from the May 1, 2009 Members’
Meeting were moved and seconded. Passed.
President Zanish-Belcher told the members that this year’s Members Meeting would be streamlined
without individual reports from officers and ex-officio position holders. Instead, she will summarize
the highlights from their reports in her State of MAC address.
Presentation of the Outstanding Service Award
Past President and chair of the committee, Steve McShane, presented the Outstanding Service Award
on behalf of himself and former presidents Elisabeth Wittman, and Dennis Meissner. The MAC
Distinguished Service Award is given in recognition of significant contributions to the Midwest
Archives Conference (MAC) and/or to the archival profession in the Midwest by an active MAC
member. McShane announced that this year’ recipient was Janet Olson, of Northwestern University.
Midwest Archives Conference Outstanding Service Award
Presented to
Ms. Janet Olson
April 24, 2010
McShane read the following statement: “The MAC Presidents’ Award Committee believes that Janet
represents the spirit, drive, and commitment to our profession that we seek in nominees for the MAC
Distinguished Service Award. Indeed, her nomination was impressive for her many outstanding
contributions to the archival community in the Midwest, especially her numerous and significant
activities resulting in successful MAC meetings in the City of Chicago; her efforts to revitalize and
sustain the Chicago Area Archivists organization; for serving as a mentor to new members of the
archival profession; and her overall commitment to and passion for high quality educational
programming and service for all members of the archival profession.”
Janet accepted the award and thanked MAC and the many friends she has made as a member.
Presentation of the Emeritus Membership Award:
David McCartney, Chair of the Membership Committee, presented the award. McCartney noted that
MAC’s special emeritus member status is awarded to a retired MAC member who has contributed
substantial service to MAC and who has been a member for 10 or more years. Nominations are
approved by the committee. McCartney then announced the recipient of this year’s award as Dr.
Frederick Honhart of Michigan State University.
Dr. Frederick Honhart, MAC Member Emeritus 2010
McCartney read the following statement: “Fred was nominated by Bill Maher of the University of
Illinois, and Dennis Meissner and James Fogerty of the Minnesota Historical Society. Fred completed
his undergraduate work at Wayne State University and earned graduate degrees in history at Case
Western Reserve University. His entire professional career has been dedicated to archives and history
in the Midwest. He devoted substantial time to improving the profession by serving on multiple
committees, task forces and working groups including not just MAC, but also MAA, SAA, and ICA,
as well as serving as a founding member of the CIC (Big Ten) University Archivists Group. Among
his many contributions to the profession was his support of the MicroMARC:AMC software for
personal computers throughout the 1980s, an expansion of cataloging software that benefited many
small repositories in the MAC region. In his letter of nomination, Bill Maher wrote, “Throughout his
career, Fred Honhart has been a steady, consistent, and ever-present voice for openness, careful
deliberation, and equitable treatment of professional colleagues within MAC as well as nationally and
internationally. He has never hesitated to speak up for the cause of archives and the good of the
Dr. Honhart thanked MAC, the committee and his nominators, and commented on his experience in
the organization.
Acknowledgments and Recognition
Zanish-Belcher began her recognitions by announcing the winners of the MAC scholarships. The
winner of the Archie Motley Memorial Scholarship for Minority Students Committee were Yung Hua
Nancy Ng Tam of New York University and Susan Gehr of San Jose State University. Winning the
Louisa Bowen Memorial Scholarship for Graduate Students in Archival Administration Committee
was Virginia Corvid of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Angela Manella, of Cuyahoga
Community College, was awarded the Emeritus Scholarship for First-time MAC Meeting Attendees
Zanish-Belcher thanked Nominating Committee members Dennis Meissner (chair), Colleen
McFarland, and Gary Cox for their work in producing the slate for the 2010 MAC Election. She then
announced the winners: Vice President - Mark Shelstad, University of Texas-San Antonio; Treasurer Anke Voss, Champaign County (IL) Historical Archive; Council - Michael Doylen, University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Dina Kellams, Indiana University; and Nominating Committee members Alexis Braun Marks, Wright Museum of African American History and Erik Nordberg, Michigan
Technological University.
Zanish-Belcher thanked the student interest group that worked with the Chicago LAC and its chair,
Noah Lenstra, who helped organize the student poster contest and other activities to promote MAC
amongst archives students. The President then announced that the winner of the student poster contest
was Amanda Haldy, University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa. Haldy’s poster was on her research on
copyright orphan works. Amanda thanked MAC for the support.
Zanish-Belcher then acknowledged the Local Arrangement Committee members and its co-chairs,
Janet Olson and Morgen MacIntosh Hodgetts for their hard work to make the Chicago meeting a great
success, noting that MAC broke attendance records with 450 attendees. Zanish-Belcher then thanked
Program Committee co-chairs, Janet Carleton and Bart Rykbosch, and their committee for their efforts.
President Zanish-Belcher asked the membership to acknowledge the dedicated work of several exofficio Council members and committee chairs who were completing their terms: Anke Voss, PIO;
Shari Christy, Vendor Coordinator; Bowen Scholarship Committee chair, Hillary Bober; and Motley
Scholarship chair, Kimberly Neuenschwander.
She then made a special recognition to outgoing Council Members Matt Blessing and Martha Briggs
for their service to MAC.
Zanish Belcher thanked outgoing Vice President, Douglas Bicknese for his leadership and asked him
to make a short report on upcoming meetings. Bicknese thanked the many committees he has worked
with preparing and executing MAC’s Annual Meetings and Symposia. Bicknese reminded the
members of the locations of up-coming meetings. Bicknese announced that the 2011 Symposium will
take place Sioux City, IA and will cover the topic of the preservation of magnetic tape.
Financial Report for MAC
Tanya Zanish-Belcher recognized and thanked Craig Wright for his two terms as Treasurer. Wright
reported that the state of MAC’s finances and financial practices were good. And that by updating
contacts and permissions, MAC was able to secure an investment account totaling $39,000. Wright
explained that the Memberclicks Web services company MAC employed now allows for credit card
payments for membership dues and meeting fees. Wright then presented the budget. Member Bill
Maher asked about the “NCS-Boles” contribution. Wright explained that there was an additional
contribution in the memory of Frank Boles’ son.
State of MAC Address
For her report President Tanya Zanish-Belcher presented her State of MAC address. She began her
remarks by stressing her commitment to the role of President. She then made a call to service,
emphasizing the work of its many volunteers. She stated her desire to place every member who wishes
to donate their time and skills to MAC in a position or committee.
She then reviewed many of the features of Memberclicks calling it the best investment MAC has made
in some time. MAC is able to employ the Memberclicks services because of MAC’s secure financial
She noted that MAC gained 35 new members over the previous year, marking a reversal of a ten-year
decline. 70 new members were attending that evening’s new members' dinner. She made a special
note for the many students who attended the meeting: stick with MAC in your career. She reviewed
what a great deal MAC membership is, not requiring a dues increase despite adding new services. She
thanked the membership task force and their volunteers for contacting lapsed members regarding their
Zanish-Belcher announced that the Education Committee has mounted a list of archival education
programs in the Midwest on the MAC Website. The Education taskforce is also looking at the future
and where MAC might improve and expand on its educational offerings. Ellen Swain is heading that
effort and needs feedback from members. The taskforce wants attendees to take part in a survey about
workshops and education and that they should consult their packets for information.
Archival Issues has a new issue due to be printed soon. Reminded members to submit papers and that
the editorial board was ready to work with authors to get them published.
Two new working groups have been created that will report in the fall. The first, a development
investment taskforce will be reviewing how best MAC should handle its investments and how best to
fund its scholarships long term. It will also investigate what MAC should be asking for in its
development activities. Second, a marketing tools taskforce will examine how MAC can promote itself
among archivists, allied professionals and students.
In conclusion Zanish-Belcher challenged all members to invest in MAC so that the organization can
continue to grow and improve.
MAC Constitution and Bylaw Amendments
Secretary Ranger reviewed the need to amend the Constitution and By-laws to permit electronic
decision making by Council and the membership. Through these amendments, Council would be able
to make binding decisions by email and other electronic means. It would also permit MAC to hold
elections via Memberclicks or other electronic means.
Ranger read the first Amendment:
To Amend the Constitution (Articles VIII and IX) and By-Laws (Articles
II, IV, VI) by removing all references to paper voting and notifications, striking the words
regarding activities associated with mailing and replacing them, when necessary, with general
Ranger asked for questions or comments, hearing none he called for a voice vote. The amendment
passed unanimously
Ranger read the second Amendment:
To Amend the By-Laws (Article VI, section 4) by removing all references to "signed consents",
replacing them with general terms.
Ranger asked for questions or comments. There was one question asking for an example. President
Zanish-Belcher stated that currently Council actions taken outside of meetings are required to be
signed by all members and kept with the secretary and that this is inefficient. Hearing no other
questions, Ranger call for a voice vote. The amendment passed unanimously .
Memberclicks Overview
Secretary Ranger presented a demo prepared by Webmaster Moore of the new Memberclicks-based
MAC Website, showing the features including the availability of forums, receipts for payments and the
improved membership directory.
Vice President Bicknese introduced Shari Christy and Colleen McFarland, both of the planning
committee for the Fall Symposium, 2010. Christy and McFarland conducted the drawing for prizes
drawn from Dayton-area cultural institutions.
Vice President Bicknese then introduced Ann Kenne co-chair of the Annual Meeting, 2011 LAC.
Kenne acknowledged her co-chair, Karen Spilman, and the entire committee and presented a short
program on St. Paul history and information on the meeting location.
MAC Membership, 2004-2010
Membership 2004
*Includes emeritus and complimentary
Adjournment of the meeting was moved, seconded, and approved by the members. The meeting was
adjourned at 5:25 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Joshua Ranger