Michigan Assessment Consortium Board of Directors, This message is a quick reminder of the approaching Board meeting, scheduled for Friday, April 19, 2013, from 9:30am until 3:00pm, at the MELG Building. Meeting Technology and Connectivity: Board/Committee Full Board Meeting Remote Participation 9:30am until 3:00pm Professional Development Committee 1:00pm until 2:00pm Assessment Development Committee 1:00pm until 2:00pm Knowledge and Practice Committee 1:00pm until 2:00pm Back-up connectivity Instructions Access to the Board meeting will be available through a Marquette-Alger bridged polycom video confer conference, please share your IP Address with Kristen Perttunen (kristen@maresa.org , 906-226-5131 The full committee is expected to be present at the meeting. If remote connectivity becomes necessar (Please contact Terri Portice, before Friday, if you know this will be a necessity, to allow time to prepar This committee will continue to utilize the polycom video conference for committee discussion. This committee will utilize the conference call account and the MELG conference phone for committee d Passcode: 792039 GoToMeeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/284166389 Meeting Materials: For those participating remotely, the meeting documents will be posted to the Michigan Assessment Consortium wiki: http://michiganassessmentconsortium.wikispaces.com/ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Greetings MAC Board Members The format for this meeting varies from our typical schedule. We will start with presentations. The MI Assessment Literacy Standards (MiALS) Meeting Feedback Protocol is a tool (in addition to an online survey) available for our board members to use with their key stakeholder groups. The presentation by Sara Bryant, is a professional learning opportunity customized for our board. While we anticipate committee work time, it will occur after lunch and be just an hour with an opportunity for whole board committee reports/updates following (chairs will want to plan accordingly). This means the business portion of the MAC Board meeting with treasurer’s report, membership report, any necessary action from Nominations etc. could occur at the 5/21 board meeting. Please note those board members participating in the Lewis Cass Formative Assessment Series would stay to finalize plans for the 4/26 MAC facilitated final session. Two additional items… 1. We will attempt to address the issue of scheduling 2013-14 MAC Board meetings at MELG – those of you with obligations to other organizations that may conflict with MAC – please bring that information 4/19. 2. Attached is a template to complete and return to Jason O’Donnell jodonnell@michiganascd.org with information we could use to post a short bio and photo on the MAC website of our Board members. In February I showed you a sample on the mi-arts wiki, which is the work site for the MI Arts Education Instruction and Assessment Program – the MAC is coordinating. (http://miarts.wikispaces.com/MAEIA+Project+Management+Team) Our topics/draft agenda: • Meeting protocol for gathering feedback on the MAC Assessment Literacy Standards – facilitated by Kathy Humphrey 9:30-10:45 • Special Presentation “How moderated scoring could strengthen the potential use of teacher-developed common assessments used to measure and report student growth in educator evaluation systems” – Sara Bryant, Measured Progress. While Sara will provide a very brief overview of the MAC videoconference aired 4/15/13…MAC Board members will increase the usefulness of interaction with Sara if they can watch the videoconference before 4/19. 11:00 – 12:30 (http://www.mistreamnet.com/catdetail2010.php?cat=assess&sub=all) • Committee meeting work time 1:00 – 2:00 • Committee Reports 2:15-3:00 p.m. Professional Development Assessment Development Knowledge and Practice Nominations (update/get ready 5/21) Planning Lewis-Cass ISD MAC facilitated 4/26 session 3:00-4:00 All the Best, Jason O'Donnell Associate Director Michigan ASCD 1001 Centennial Way Suite 300 Lansing, MI 48917 517.327.9224 517.327.0779 (fax) jodonnell@michiganascd.org