The Queen's Consulting Association is excited to introduce a great opportunity to experience management consulting from a perspective beyond campus. Accenture Accelerated Engagement Program offers up to seventy-five students in Commerce and Engineering at Queen's University the chance to interact and learn from industry professionals at one of the world's largest consulting firms: Accenture. By now, you will have heard a lot about Management Consulting: What it is, What a day in the life looks like, What types of problems we solve, How we solve them etc. The Accenture Accelerated Engagement Program will give you a first-hand experience of what our Management Consultants do every day. GOAL Create a “real” consulting experience by weaving together everything you’ve heard with the skills you’ve learned at Queen’s to solve a real problem from a real Accenture client. ACTIVITY With the help of an Accenture Project Lead, you will have 2 hours to come up with a recommendation and final presentation. BENEFITS Better understand the management consulting process Develop abilities to make decisions and create and present deliverables Learn about Accenture’s specific approach to working in teams and solving problems Become better prepared for Day One in consulting! FRIDAY, JANUARY 30st, 2015 3:00PM – 4:00PM 4:00PM – 6:00PM 6:00PM – 8:00PM Case introduction and workshop (Goodes Room 120) Accenture client case ‘Get to know Accenture’ social There is absolutely no cost to attending this event. The application is attached to this document. Applications will be sent along with your resume to Accenture for review. If you have any questions about the event or the application, please contact Jake Dancyger (Consulting Resources Coordinator) at Please make note of the following important dates: APPLICATIONS ARE DUE AT 11:59PM ON JAN 18th, 2015 ____ Accenture Accelerated Engagement Program Page 1 ACCENTURE ACCELERATED ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM 2015 APPLICATION Please follow the following instructions. Your application will be disregarded if you do not follow these instructions exactly. 1. Submit the completed application as an attachment electronically to 2. Save the file as a PDF titled: First Last – Accenture Accelerated Engagement Program Application [Year of Study] [Faculty].pdf, for instance, Yifan Zhou – Accenture Accelerated Engagement Program Application [4] [Commerce] 3. On the same email, attach your updated resume as a separate PDF titled: First Last – Resume.pdf, for instance, Yifan Zhou – Resume.pdf 4. Note that applications will be evaluated by Accenture and QCA. QCA will be collecting application materials, forwarding them to Accenture, and then contacting the successful applications. Name: Faculty: Graduating year (underline one): 2018 2017 2016 2015 Q1: Why does consulting appeal to you? (100 words max.) Q2: What do you hope to learn from the Accenture Accelerated Engagement Program this year? (200 words max.) APPLICATIONS ARE DUE AT 11:59PM ON JAN 18th, 2015 Accenture Accelerated Engagement Program Page 2