Mr John Harrison address Lancashire Borough Council PO Box 16

Mr John Harrison
Lancashire Borough Council
PO Box 16
52 Derby Street
L39 2DF
Dear Sir,
I wish to object to the 90m Wind Turbine Application, ref 2013/0300/FUL, east of Wrights
Covert, Toogood Lane, Wrightington and my reasons are:
West Lancashire is a relatively developed county area and our limited green belt is
constantly under threat from development. I hope the Council will resist further intrusion by
wind turbines in order to maintain the openness which is the essential characteristic of the
green belt.
Wrightington is an area with characteristics of low hills, ancient countryside, long distance
views from high points, ancient woodlands and a high proportion of pasture providing a
continuous green landscape. The introduction of a tall columnar construction would have a
seriously detrimental effect on this landscape.
There are many footpaths around Harrock Hill which are regularly used by walkers and
runners. The turbine would be a starkly visible and dominant structure for a range of public
rights of way, footpaths, bridleways and byways. The turbine would have a very substantial
adverse effect on the experience of local and recreational users of these facilities because of
its constant active presence and would significantly reduce the visual amenity.
There are panoramic views in all directions from Harrock Hill extending for many miles: the
Pennines to the east, Blackpool and the Lake District to the north, Liverpool and the
mountains of North Wales to the south and the Lancashire Plain to the west. Consequently
the turbine, extending above the top of the hill, will be visible from many locations.
Turbines sited within a few hundred metres of dwellings can have a detrimental effect on
the residents’ quality of life because of light flicker, noise pollution and visual intrusion.
Yours faithfully,
Mr John Harrison
West Lancashire Borough Council
PO Box 16
52 Derby Street
L39 2DF
Dear Sir,
I wish to object to the 90m Wind Turbine Application, ref 2013/0300/FUL, east of Wrights
Covert, Toogood Lane, Wrightington and my reasons are:
The proposed site is in the Green Belt and I hope that the Council will resist this type of
industrial development. The turbine would be a very prominent feature and conflict with
national policy which aims to retain and enhance landscapes and maintain the openness of
the Green Belt.
Wrightington has recognised landscape character and there are public rights of way and
bridleways that are used frequently by local residents and by visitors. These provide
extensive views of the countryside which because of its very varied nature provides a wide
range of experiences. That is enhanced by the remarkably open and largely unspoilt nature
of most of the farmland and these are recognised by West Lancashire Replacement Local
Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance – updated 2007 as being Areas of Landscape History
and County Importance and that its qualities weigh significantly in favour of its
conservation. The turbine would have a very substantial adverse effect on the experience of
local and recreational users of these facilities because of its constant active presence and
would significantly reduce the visual amenity.
The proposed site for the turbine is very close to a number of dwellings. It will seriously
affect their visual amenity and have possible negative health effects due to noise and flicker.
Central Government policy is being developed with the Distances from Residential Premises
Bill which is proposing a minimum distance of 1500m for 50m-100m turbines. Some
properties in Toogood Lane are less than one third of this distance from the proposed site.
I hope that the Council will resist the pressure from central government and not approve
this development which would have a seriously detrimental effect on both landscape and
the lives of residents.
Yours faithfully,
Mr John Harrison
West Lancashire Borough Council
PO Box 16
52 Derby Street
L39 2DF
Dear Sir,
I wish to object to the 90m Wind Turbine Application, ref 2013/0300/FUL, east of Wrights Covert,
Toogood Lane, Wrightington and my reasons are:
West Lancashire is a relatively developed county area and our limited green belt is constantly under
threat from development. I hope the Council will resist further intrusion by wind turbines in order to
maintain the openness which is the essential characteristic of the green belt. The large columnar
structure of a wind turbine will not enhance the landscape and is at odds with the Council’s
requirement to preserve the green belt as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework and
embedded in the West Lancashire Core Strategy.
Wrightington is an area with characteristics of low hills, but prominent and significant in local terms,
ancient countryside, long distance views from high points, ancient woodlands and a high proportion
of pasture providing a continuous green landscape. The introduction of a tall columnar construction
would have a seriously detrimental effect on this landscape and would conflict with the aims of the
West Lancashire Replacement Local Plan – Supplementary Planning Guidance – Updated 2007,
identifying Areas of Landscape History and County Importance.
There are many footpaths around Harrock Hill which are regularly used by walkers and runners. The
turbine would be a starkly visible and dominant structure for a range of public rights of way,
footpaths, bridleways and byways. The turbine would have a very substantial adverse effect on the
experience of local and recreational users of these facilities because of its constant active presence
and would significantly reduce the visual amenity.
There are panoramic views in all directions from Harrock Hill extending for many miles: the Pennines
to the east, Blackpool and the Lake District to the north, Liverpool and the mountains of North
Wales to the south and the Lancashire Plain to the west. Consequently the turbine, extending above
the top of the hill, will be visible from many locations.
I support the search for renewable energy sources but request the Council to refuse applications for
wind turbines near to dwellings and in areas of Landscape History. We should encourage other
technologies such as solar PV cells and ground source heat pumps which are more acceptable to the
population and less destructive of the environment in which we live.
Yours faithfully,
Mr John Harrison
West Lancashire Borough Council
PO Box 16
52 Derby Street
L39 2DF
Dear Sir,
I wish to object to the 90m Wind Turbine Application, ref 2013/0300/FUL, east of Wrights Covert,
Toogood Lane, Wrightington and my reasons are:
Wrightington is an area with characteristics of low hills, ancient countryside, long distance views
from high points, ancient woodlands and a high proportion of pasture providing a continuous green
landscape. The introduction of a tall columnar construction would have a seriously detrimental
effect on this landscape and would conflict with the aims of the West Lancashire Replacement Local
Plan – Supplementary Planning Guidance – Updated 2007.
The introduction of an industrial type of structure such as a wind turbine into a rural area will cause
serious damage to the visual amenity as enjoyed by residents and visitors. There are many footpaths
around Harrock Hill which are regularly used by walkers and runners. I believe that a wind turbine is
an alien structure in the proposed area and will interfere with long distance views. This is particularly
significant because of its eye-catching movement.
West Lancashire is a relatively developed county area and our limited Green Belt is constantly under
threat from development. I hope the Council will resist further intrusion by wind turbines in order to
maintain the openness which is the essential characteristic of the green belt .The large columnar
structure of a wind turbine will not enhance the landscape and is at odds with the Council’s
requirement to preserve the green belt as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework and
embedded in the West Lancashire Core Strategy.
The proposed site for the turbine is very close to a number of dwellings. It will seriously affect their
visual amenity and have possible negative health effects due to noise and flicker. Central
Government policy is being developed with the Distances from Residential Premises Bill which is
proposing a minimum distance of 1500m for 50m-100m turbines.
West Lancashire is being targeted by wind turbine companies because the lucrative feed-in tariffs
produce high returns for the companies and the land owner. I support the search for renewable
energy sources but request the Council to encourage other technologies such as solar PV cells which
are more acceptable to the population and less destructive of the environment in which we live.
Yours faithfully,