Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 2015


Ulysses Programme


Q1: Is the Ulysses scheme open to registered research students or confined to

Staff in HEIs?

A1: The Ulysses scheme is open to academic research students and staff. However as per the guidelines, applications must be submitted by a person authorised by their institution to hold responsibility for research grants.

Q2: Does the Ulysses Scheme also apply to academic institutions outside the

Republic of Ireland and France?

A2: No Ulysses is only open to academic researchers in eligible institutions in the

Republic of Ireland and France.

Details on eligible Republic of Ireland institutions can be found here:

Q.3: Should specific post-doctoral fellows and doctoral students who will participate in the project be named in the application?

A3: The application form allows listing by name of ‘other participants in the project’ on page 2. We also advise applicants that a CV should be attached for all team members.

Q.4: Do the post-doctoral fellows need to be at the same institution as an applicant?

A4: We don’t explicitly state they have to be from the same HEI but as only one HEI endorses the application it would not be appropriate for participants to be from several institutions.

Q.5: On the application form for the Ulysses programme on the IRC website there is an option to identify the project research area as belonging to the humanities or social sciences. However, on the page for the French partner the

call is for scientific or technological projects. Could you confirm if the Ulysses programme is open to projects in the social and political sciences?

A5: As per the guidelines the Irish Research Council will fund applications across all fields of research, except clinical medicine.

Q.6: Can previous awardees apply again?

A6: In the terms and conditions section under eligibility it refers to the following criteria for previous awardees: c) Applicants who are also past awardees under this scheme must include with their application a short synopsis (maximum 1 page) outlining the current status of the cooperation, the outputs already obtained and those anticipated in the future. d) Applicants who are past awardees under this scheme must highlight new French partners, and/or new areas of research with respect to previously funded applications. e) Applicants who are past awardees under this scheme on three or more previous occasions will be considered only if the budget is not be fully allocated.

However priority will be given to new applications.

Q.7: As a current holder of a Ulysses award, is it possible to apply in 2015 with the same partner but on a different project?

A7: Applicants who are also past awardees under this scheme must include with their application a short synopsis (maximum 1 page) outlining the current status of the co-operation, the outputs already obtained and those anticipated in the future.

Applicants who are past awardees under this scheme must highlight new French partners, and/or new areas of research with respect to previously funded applications.

If any of the applicants in the proposed collaboration have received Ulysses funding in the past 5 years, a synopsis of previous funding under Ulysses should be attached to this form (max 1 page).

Q.8: I have recently made a valuable connection with a French researcher which I would like to develop via the Ulysses scheme. The researcher is employed at a research institute in France, but is temporarily based in Chile as part of a French initiative to develop research links there. Can I apply for Ulysses funding as it would allow me to develop links with the French researcher and also take advantage of her connections in Chile?

A8: This is permissible as the researcher is registered with a French Institute.

However it is important to note that the maximum allowable under the fund is €2,500 so applicants must be cognisant of this. There is no additional funding.

Q.9: Is there is an expectation that there would be more than one person on each team?

A.9: As stated in the guidelines, an application form submitted by the Irish research partner(s) to the Irish Research Council must be matched by an application form submitted by the French research partner(s) to Campus France, otherwise it will not be considered. There are no advantages or disadvantages to applications that have a partner on each side (Ireland and France) or more than one partner on each side

(Ireland and France).

Q.10: Is there is a limit to how much can be spent on living expenses and accommodation?

A.10: The guidelines set out what the financial rules are: The award made by each agency is up to a maximum of €2,500 to cover travel and living expenses. These awards are simultaneously receivable. Overnight subsistence rates for researcher(s) based in Ireland travelling to France must be calculated in accordance with Irish civil service rates.

Q.11: Is it possible to send in the hard copy of the submission after the closing date if the digital version is received before the closing date?

A.11: As per the guidelines the deadline for receipt of both the soft and hard copies of the submission is Midday on Friday 11 th September 2015. No extensions will be given.

Q.12: I have been an awardee on three occasions. Last year was the third time but it was with a new partner. If I was to apply with the same partner as last year is this considered a second application?

A.12: No, this would be considered a fourth application.

Q.13: How many applications were received in 2014?

A.13: 52 eligible applications and 16 were funded in 2014.
