Autumn Newsletter 2015 - Rhosddu Primary School

Welcome back to school. The school has an ‘Open Door’ policy and staff are willing to
discuss any concerns with parents. Could we please ask you to make an appointment either
before or after school and not during the school day unless regarded as urgent.
Mrs. M. Young
Deputy Headteacher
Mrs. L. Baker
Management Team
Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Price, Mrs. Jebb
Early Foundation Phase:
Mrs. C. Douthwaite Mrs. D. Grindley
Miss K. Williams
Mrs. J. Czulowski
Miss A. Williams
Miss J. Ellis
Miss S. Shone
Miss E. Valentine
Mrs. L. Hughes
Miss. K. Jones
T.A. (mornings)
T.A. (afternoons)
T.A. (mornings)
Nursery Plus
Mrs. Hughes and Miss Jones (mornings)
Upper Foundation Phase:
Class A Year 1
Class B Year 2
Class C Year 1/2
Miss Roberts (Teacher), Miss Hemmings (T.A.),
Mrs. Roberts (Teacher), Mrs. Purcell (T.A.),
Ms. K. Jones & Miss A. Williams (T.A.) p.m.
Mrs. Price (Teacher), Mrs. Bate (T.A),
Miss Stott P.P.A
Miss Stott P.P.A.
Miss Stott P.P.A.
Class D Year 3
Class E Year 4
Class F Year 3/4
Class G Year 5
Class H Year 5/6
Class I Year 6
- Miss Jones (Teacher), Mrs. Shone (T.A.), Mrs. Aldridge P.P.A.
- Mrs. Edwards (Teacher), Mrs. Belton (TA) Mrs. Usai P.P.A.
- Miss Sumner (Teacher)
Mrs. Morris P.P.A.
- Mrs. Jones (Teacher), Miss Samuels (T.A.) Mrs. Aldridge P.P.A.
- Mrs. Jebb (Teacher and SENCO)
Mrs. Aldridge P.P.A.
- Mrs. Baker (Teacher), Mr. Whittaker (Teacher)
-Mrs Koswaththage (T.A.)
Mrs. Morris, and Mrs. Usai (Teachers) will be taking various groups/classes throughout the
The number of children in all classes is 30 or under.
School Hours
Nursery a.m.
Nursery p.m.
Foundation Phase
Juniors (Key Stage 2)
9.00 a.m.
12.30 p.m.
9.00 a.m.
9.00 a.m.
11.30 a.m.
3.00 p.m.
3.00 p.m.
3.15 p.m.
Foundation Phase
We have a large number of pupils and we wish to ensure that they go home safely with an
appropriate adult. Could we ask parents to be patient with us at the end of day. We would
ask please, that any parent wishing to speak to a member of staff, waits until all the children
have been handed over safely.
Rhosddu Cares Club
Manager/Registered Person Supervisor
Mrs. J. Czulowski
Miss K. Williams
Opening hours
8.15 a.m.
3.00 p.m.
Information packs are available from the Rhosddu Cares Club.
9.00 a.m.
5.30 p.m.
Once classes have gone inside school, any pupils arriving late should go to reception. In line
with our school Attendance Policy children arriving after 9.10 a.m. will be recorded as late
which means they do not have an attendance mark for that session.
It is vitally important that your child does not miss any school sessions as there will not be
the opportunity for them to ‘catch up’ with lessons that they miss. If your child is ill the
school needs to be informed by telephone that morning. If you are unable to telephone, an
explanatory note would be required on the child’s return.
The Local Authority’s Attendance Support Officer regularly monitors pupil attendance and
punctuality. The Officer may make a home visit or report it to the Authority if necessary.
If your child needs a medical appointment during school time, the school requires written or
verbal notification from a parent. For dental appointments, the school requires a dentist’s
appointment card. Where possible appointments should be made out of school time.
If your child suffers from or develops asthma in the future please inform your class teacher
so that they can be added to the asthma list. This is to ensure that all members of teaching
staff are aware.
If your child has diarrhoea and/or vomiting, they will need to be kept away from school for
48 hours following the last episode.
Authorisation of holidays taken during school time are at the discretion of the Headteacher.
It was lovely to see how smart the children looked in their full school uniforms. Please label
all your children’s clothing and shoes. Training shoes should only be work at break times
for football/netball etc. (If genuine difficulties occur, please see the Headteacher). Please
ensure that your child is equipped with suitable clothing for colder weather i.e. a warm coat,
hat, scarf gloves etc. NB Please note that jewellery is not allowed in school as earrings,
necklaces, rings, bracelets etc can be a safety hazard.
P.E. Kit
P.E. Kit for all pupils is white T-shirt and blue/black shorts with black plimsolls for indoor
use. If your child does not have plimsolls for indoor use they will need to be barefoot (to
avoid injury to other children from trainers). The same kit with the additional of training
shoes can be used for outdoor use in warm weather and with the addition of jogging
bottoms and sweatshirt for colder weather.
School Meals
The cost of school meals is £2.20 a day (£11 per week) for infants and £2.25 a day (£11.25
per week) for juniors. Would parents place the money in an envelope with your child’s
name and class clearly marked and send it on a Monday or Friday when Mrs. S. Jones is in.
If your child has any special dietary requirements or allergies please see Mrs. A. Jones (Cook)
via Mrs. Pearce. NB Please ensure that school dinners are paid for weekly as it is very easy
to build up a debt. Debts which remain unpaid will be passed onto the local Authority.
Reminder – Whole School
We are trying to encourage healthy eating habits amongst the children and although crisps
and chocolate bars are acceptable in lunch boxes we would ask that you do not include
sweets e.g. jelly sweets, chewits etc in your child’s packed lunch as children can sometimes
choose to eat these in preference to their lunch. No products containing nuts please as we
have some pupils with nut allergies. We do appreciate your help.
As usual we have hired pools at Waterworld for the teaching of swimming. Children from
Year 3 will be going this term. Year 4 will go in the Spring Term and Year 5 in the Summer
Term. Year 1 & 2 will also be going in the Summer Term.
Again this year we are fortunate to have been able to hire Queensway Gym and a
gymnastics coach each Monday afternoon. Classes E and I will be going this term. Classes G
and H will go in the Spring Term for eight weeks and Classes D and F will also attend the
gym for eight weeks in the Spring Term.
School Yard
The main Price’s Lane gate is padlocked during infant break and lunchtime. At other times
when it is unlocked could parents please ensure that they close the gate on entry and exit
to/from school. N.B. Parents picking up children from nursery at 11.30 a.m. need to
vacate the school yard as soon as possible as we need to lock the gate to ensure the
safety of infant children during lunch time.
The Governors would like to remind parents that dogs (with the exception of guide dogs)
should not be brought onto the school yard due to health and safety reasons (neither on a
lead or carried).
The Governors would like to remind parents that the staff car park (from 8.15 a.m. –
3.30 p.m.) is purely for use of STAFF AND OFFICIAL VISITORS ONLY. We understand it is
very busy outside school at the start and the end of day so parents need to be vigilant. Also
we want to be a ‘good neighbour’ to consider the residents. Our PCSO makes regular checks
on the parking situation.
Smoking is not permitted in any part of the premises, entrances or grounds at any time, by
any persons regardless of their status or business with the school. The Smoke Free Policy
extends to the use of the building outside of school hours. It also includes the use of ecigarettes. The smoke free environment at Rhosddu School is in accordance with the Welsh
Government legislation and Wrexham County Borough Council Smoke Free Policy Guidance
(2006). We are also part of the Smoke Free School Gates Programme.
Pupil Voice
A panel made up of representatives from the Year 6 prefects, school council and ecocommittee are involved in the Welsh Government ‘Little Voice Shouting Out’ programme.
Their findings will directly inform the Committee for the United Nations Rights of the Child
in Cardiff. The programme is being implemented by Bangor and Swansea Universities.
Children have been involved in electing members of the School Council. The children in Year
6 are currently involved in selecting their peers as Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy
and Deputy Head Girl.
Acorns Playgroup
Acorns Playgroup meets on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9.15 a.m.
to 11.45 a.m. in term time at The Community Church, Price’s Lane. If you have pre-school
age children, you are especially welcome to come along and see what playgroup is all about.
Acorns Playgroup caters for children from the age of 2.5 years to admission at Nursery
School and provides Early Years Funded Education for 3 year olds. Acorns Parent and
Toddler Group meets as the same place on a Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. in term
time and caters for children, with a parent/carer, from birth to 2.5 years. For more
information call Susanna on 07516254623.
National Literacy and Numeracy Testing
We are required to administer these tests during May 2015. The data is collected
nationally. Please note that absences during this period will mean than we will be unable to
give your child a progress score. Also absences preceding these tests could have a
detrimental effect on their results. Dates for administering the test are 3rd to 10th
May, 2016.
Welsh Birds of Prey
Welsh Birds of Prey will be visiting the school on Wednesday 7th October, 2015. They will
bring seven birds – a selection of owls, hawks and falcons native to this country and other
parts of the world. The cost of this visit will be funded by the P.T.A.
H. Tempest – Photography
The school photographer will be at school at 8.15 a.m. on Tuesday 20th October, 2015 to
take photos of Individuals and Families.
Wear Dots Day – supporting people with sight loss for RNIB
On Thursday 22nd October, 2915 we will be asking the pupils to wear ‘Dots’ and bring in a
small donation in aid of RNIB. By wearing dots we’ll be celebrating braille and helping
support the 100 children and adults in the UK that every day start to lose their sight. Louis
Braille invented his system of dots for communication back in 1837 and RNIB are today
embracing this to combine learning, creativity and fun. It would be great if you could
support your child to dress in dots and make a donation to help. You can find out more at
Parents Evening
Parents evening Wednesday 21st October, 2015 and Thursday 22nd October, 2015 from
3.30 p.m. onwards. Parents of pupils with an IEP will have letters for the week
commencing 12th – 16th October, 2015
Don’t Touch Tell
‘Don’t Touch Tell’ will be visiting the school on 4th November, 2015. This is funded by
Healthy Schools in the Authority. Yr. 1 & Yr. 2, Yr. 3 & Yr. 4 and Yr. 5 & Yr. 6.
P.TA. – Annual General Meeting was held in Tesco Community Room on Tuesday 15th
September. A new committee was elected:
Charlotte Roach
Sam Timmins
Vice Chair
Carrie Hunter
Vice Chair
Karen Edwards
Sally Griffiths
Christmas Concerts
Upper Foundation
Upper Foundation
Early Years Concert Yr. 3 and Yr. 4 ConcertEarly Years Concert Yr. 3 and Yr. 4 Concert-
Wednesday 2nd December
Thursday 3rd December
Monday 7th December
Tuesday 8th December
Tuesday 8th December
Wednesday 6th December
1.30 p.m.
6.30 p.m.
1.30 p.m.
1.30 p.m.
6.30 p.m.
6.30 p.m.
Tickets on sale from Tuesday 24th November, 2015 – 2 per family. A member of the PTA will
be selling the tickets in the reception area.
Coverdale Puppets
Coverdale Puppets will be visiting school on Friday 4th December, 2015. The PTA are kindly
covering the cost.
Christmas Dinner
Christmas Dinner for the children will be on Thursday 17th December, 2015. Any child
requiring a special diet please see Mrs. A. Jones (Cook).
Nant B.H.
Pupils from Year 6 will visit Nant B.H. from Wednesday 8th June to Friday 10th June, 2016.
The cost for the trip is as follows:Accommodation
£ 12.50
School will be paying for the transport
Therefore, parents will pay only for the accommodation. Full payment will be required by
Wednesday 13th April, 2016. We will be operating pay by instalment system (4 equal
Pupils from Year 5 will visit Pentrellyncymer from Wednesday 8th June to
Friday 10th June 2016. The cost for the trip is as follows:Accommodation
£ 9.50
School will be paying for the transport
Therefore, parents will pay only for the accommodation. Full payment will be required by
Wednesday 13th April , 2016. We will be operating pay by instalment system (4 equal
NB Letters to follow for all above notices
After School Clubs
I.C.T. Club
Film Club
Yr. 5 & Yr. 6
Mr. Jones & Mr. Whittaker
Miss Jones
Mrs. Jones
Mrs. Jebb & Mrs. Price
Advanced Diary Dates
Tuesday 20th October, 2015
Wednesday 4th November, 2015
Thursday 19th November, 2015
Thursday 26th November, 2015
Friday 27th November, 2015
H. Tempest Photography
‘Don’t Touch Tell’
Yr. 5 – Educational Visit to Erddig
Yr. 6 – Educational Visit to Erddig
P.T.A. Christmas Fayre at school
Academic Year Dates
Please see attached Academic Year Dates from Wrexham County Borough Council
Mrs. M. Young