Cell Test A cell has a true nucleus and membrane bound organelles

Cell Test
1. A ________________ cell has a true nucleus and membrane bound organelles.
a. Eukaryotic
b. prokaryotic
c. virus
d. bacteria
2. This system of folded membranes is attached to the outside of the nucleus and is where
proteins and lipids are made. The _____ sends protein to the Golgi Bodies using
a. Ribosomes
b. Endoplasmic Reticulum
c. Cell Membrane
3. The outside of the nucleus is covered by a ______ ________ that separates the contents
of the nucleus from organelles and cytoplasm.
a. Cell Membrane b. triple membrane c. nuclear membrane
d. golgi body
4. Chemicals found inside of _________ help the cell to digest large molecules of food or
break down dead cell parts that need to be disposed of.
a. Ribosomes
b. lysosomes
c. chloroplasts
d. the cell membrane
5. All living things are composed of ________.
a. Organs
b. cells
c. chloroplasts
d. air
6. A photoautotroph is a __________ that uses light as its energy source to feed itself.
a. Trophic level
b. herbivore
c. producer
d. consumer
7. Which animal cell organelle uses oxygen to release the energy stored in glucose?
a. Ribosome
b. golgi apparatus
c. mitochondria
d. nucleus
8. ________, also known as DNA, is inside the nucleus of a cell.
a. Leukoplasts
b. endoplasmic reticulum c. cytoplasm
d. genetic material
9. During cellular respiration the cell produces ______ as a waste product that is then
transferred to the lungs to be expelled from the body.
a. Mitochondria
b. oxygen
c. carbon dioxide
d. heat
10. __________ cells contain only a single cell and have no true nucleus, they also
sometimes have flagella and pilli to aid in movement.
a. Eukaryotic
b. prokaryotic
c. plant
d. prison
11. Archaea and _________ are 2 examples of types of prokaryotic cells.
a. Plants
b. animals
c. bacteria
d. humans
12. This is an example of a carbon sink
a. tree
b. factory
c. humans
d. animals
13. Plants release oxygen into the air as a result of photosynthesis. Which of these do plants
need for photosynthesis?
a. carbon
b. oxygen
c. nitrogen
d. hydrogen
14. How are plant and animal cells similar?
a. Both have flagella
b. both have a nucleus
c. both have an eyespot
d. both have chloroplast
15. These are used by the cell to store water and sometimes chemicals or food. They can
shrink when water is pulled out of them to be used by the organism.
a. Lysosomes
b. water balloons
c. golgi bodies
d. prokaryotes
16. Found in plant cells, and not animal cells, the ______ ________ helps add structure and
support to the outside of the cell.
a. Nuclear membrane
b. cell wall
c. great wall of China
d. chloroplast
17. Which of the following is not a renewable resource?
a. River
b. trees
c. solar
d. natural gas
18. Even though energy cannot be destroyed, it is possible to lose the ability to _______
a. use
b. consume
c. manufacture
d. demolish
19. Which statement best explains the reason muscle cells have more mitochondria than
skin cells?
a. Muscle cells use more energy than skin cells
b. Muscle cells have fewer proteins than skin cells
c. Muscle cells have a smaller nucleus than skin cells
d. Muscle cells have more excess water than skin cells
20. A _______ cell contains 2 copies of each chromosome, that means it has _____
a. Diploid/23
b. haploid/46
c. diploid/46
d. haploid/23
21. The ________ is where cellular respiration takes place and where ATP is produced. It is
shaped like a kidney bean.
a. Ribosome
b. golgi bodies
c. mitochondria
d. nucleus
22. This is the generic name for any part of a cell that has a specific role or function to play
in the cell.
a. Organelle
b. ribosome
c. cytoplasm
d. niche
23. The second stop for protein in the cell, this is where it gets packaged and processed so
it is ready for the cell to use. Or this organelle ships the protein out of the cell to be used
a. Ribosomes
b. golgi apparatus
c. nucleus
d. a factory
24. Concentrated biomass, living things that have died and are pressurized by the earth, is
a. rock
b. the earth’s core
c. fossil fuel d. decomposers
25. How does cigarette smoke contribute to an asthma attack?
a. By decreasing blood pressure
b. by causing mutations in cells
c. by irritating the respiratory tract
d. by reducing insulin levels
26. The smallest of the cell organelles __________ are used to make proteins.
a. Lysosomes
b. vacuoles c. ribosomes
d. nucleus
27. The cell theory states that cells can only be produced by
a. Chemical reactions
b. other cells
c. sunlight
d. laboratories
28. This is the name of the process used to replicate cells and create 2 new identical cells.
a. Prokaryotic
b. metaphase
c. cellular respiration
29. This organelle contains DNA and is the control center for the cell.
a. Nucleus b. cytoplasm c. vacuole
d. ribosome
30. What is the role of cytoplasm in a living cell?
a. Fight infections
b. digest proteins
c. surround organelles
d. pass on genetic information
31. What kind of energy does a cell use?
a. Heat
b. electrical c. chemical d. solar
d. mitosis
32. Which of the following is NOT an example of a eukaryotic cell?
a. Animal
b. human
c. plant
d. archaea
33. Which interaction illustrates a terrestrial-aquatic food web relationship?
a. A bear eating a fish in a river
b. a turtle burying eggs in the sand
c. a fish eating plankton in the ocean d. a bird laying eggs in a nest in a tree
34. What is the reason cells undergo cellular respiration?
a. To make friends b. to produce ATP c. to create new cells
d. to get rid of CO2
35. Where is the majority of the earth’s freshwater located?
a. Clouds
b. Pacific Ocean
c. polar ice caps
d. rivers
36. What is one way the government of the USA is attempting to reduce pollution in the
a. Create new desalination plants
b. discontinue sewage treatment programs c.
increase oil and gasoline production d. enforce laws limiting trash dumping
37. A haploid cell contains ______ the number of chromosomes as a regular body cell. This
means that is has _____ chromosomes.
a. Double/92
b. exactly/46
c. half/23
d. none of/0
38. During this late stage of cell division, the cell divides the cytoplasm and copied
organelles equally into the 2 new daughter cells.
a. Metaphase
b. prophase c. cytokinesis
d. alignment
39. Controls should _____________ during an experiment.
a. not change
b. sometimes change
c. always change
40. If something has the ability to do work it has
a. carbon
b. motion
c. energy
d. excitement
41. How many cm are in 3.2 meters?
a. 32,000
b. 320
c. 3,200
d. 0.320
b. be varied
42. The cell pictured below is a ______ cell.
a. Eukaryotic
b. prokaryotic
c. plant
d. animal
43. In the picture above, what is the line underneath the number 1 pointing to?
a. Nucleus b. ribosome c. flagella
d. vacuole
44. The following cell is most likely a _____ cell.
a. Animal
b. plant
c. prokaryotic
d. tree
In the diagram above, label the following cell parts using the 6 answer choices below ( you will only use 4
answers, for AB fill in both the A and B bubbles on your scantron for that question)
45. The organelle the # 3 line is pointing to
46. The organelle the # 11 line is pointing to
47. The organelle the # 7 and 9 lines are pointing to
48. The organelle the # 6 lines are pointing to
49. The organelle the # 10 line is pointing to
a. Nucleus b. golgi apparatus c. mitochondria d. ribosomes ab. Cytoplasm
ac. Cell membrane
50. Which factor in an ecosystem is abiotic
a. Trees
b. jaguars c. sunlight
d. fungus
Short Answer Questions : Answer on the back of your scantron sheet
51. What kind of cells are animals, plants, and humans composed of?
52. Name 1 negative effect on your body from
a. Eating too much sugar
b. Not getting enough sleep
c. Smoking cigarettes
d. Drinking alcohol
53. A strand of DNA inside your body is known as a __________. (one word answer)
54. Name at least 3 things produced during cellular respiration.
Extra Credit : (can answer up to 4, one point each)
Does a plant or animal cell have more lysosomes?
Sugar is addictive in the same way as which illegal drug?
How many hours of sleep a night should the average teen be getting?
What are two organelles found in plant cells that animal cells do not have?
T/F : Cells are the smallest unit of life.
6. Why are vacuoles larger in plant cells than in animal cells?
7. What variable do you put on the y-axis of a graph?
8. What kind of energy does an ornament on a Christmas tree have?
9. How many chromosomes does a somatic cell have?