Tyronne L. Martin 759 Oak Walk, Apt. K Goleta, Ca. 93117 tyronnemartin@gmail.com tmartin@bren.ucsb.edu EDUCATION Sept 2011 – Present, University of California, Santa Barbara Ph.D. Student in Environmental Science & Management (ESM) Sept. 2010 – Present, University of California, Santa Barbara M.A. Student in Economics - Emphasis: Business Sept. 2006 – Present, University of California, Santa Barbara Ph.D. Student in Chemistry & Biochemistry (transferred to Bren School of Envir. Sci. & Management’s Ph.D. Program and the Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry’s M.S. Program – Fall 2011) Sept. 1998 – Dec. 2005, California State University Los Angeles Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry. EXPERIENCE 2006-Present Graduate Student, Chemistry and Biochemistry, UC Santa Barbara 06/08-08/08 02/06-04/06 INSET (Interships in Nanosystems Science, Engineering, and Technology) Mentor, California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) & Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships (CSEP) at UCSB Mentor community college undergraduates in scientific investigation and collaborative research Support and train students in research methods, data analysis, and presentation skills Intern, Four Star Chemical Co, Los Angeles Ca. 10/01-05/06 Advisor: Hunter Lenihan (04/2011 – Present), Bren School of Environment Science and Management Faculty and the Center for Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology (CEIN) Project Leader. Phytoplankton Cell Culturing, Ecotoxicology, Nanomaterial Toxicity, Fluorometry, and PAM Fluorometry Advisor: Leslie Wilson (06/2007-03/2011), Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology (MCDB) Department Faculty. Microtubule Dynamics and Stability, Drug Interaction, Mammalian Cancer Cell Culture, Flow Cytometry, Chemotherapeutics and Cell Assays Advisor: Barbara Harthorn (06/07-09/10), Director of the Center for Nanotechnology in Society (CNS). STEM-Social Science Fellowship. Facilitator of public deliberations and information sessions dealing with the perception of risks and benefits regarding nanotechnology. Presenting at conferences and NSF site visits Teaching Experience: Biochemistry and Intro Biology lab courses, and discussion sections in Biochemistry, Cancer, Pharmacology, and Physical Biochemistry. Quality Control and R&D in Aerosols Developed and tested new compounds and propellants Deformulation of finished competitive products Student Researcher, Cal State Univ. L.A., MBRS-RISE Synthesis and design of transition metal catalysts. Various inorganic chemistry and biochemistry lab techniques and procedures. Attend seminars and give presentations on research PUBLICATIONS Chen, Xiaoli; Emery, Nathan; Garcia, Elizabeth; Hanan, Erin; Hodges, Heather; Martin, Tyronne; Meyers, Matthew; Peavey, Lindsey; Peng, Hui; Sainz, Jaime; Uyeda, Kellie; Anderson, Sarah; Tague, Christina. Perspectives on disconnects between science and management in post-fire treatment in the Western Us. Environmental Management 2013 Jennifer Rogers-Brown, Christine Shearer, Barbara H. Harthorn, and Tyronne Martin. Different Uses, Different Responses: Exploring Emergent Cultural Values Through Public Deliberation. The Social Life of Nanotechnology. Eds. Barbara Herr Harthorn and John W. Mohr.Routledge Studies in Science, Technology and Society 2012 Barbara Herr Harthorn, Jennifer Rogers, Christine Shearer, Tyronne Martin. Debating Nanoethics: US Public Perceptions of Nanotech Applications for Energy and Environment. In Debating Science: Deliberation, Values and the Common Good, an Anthology, 2nd Edition. Eds. Dane Scott and Blake Francis. Prometheus Books 2011. Alexis D. Ostrowski, Tyronne Martin, Joseph Conti, Indy Hurt, Barbara Herr Harthorn. Nanotoxicology: Characterizing the Scientific Literature, 20002007. JNR 2008 Gordon Research Conference, Science and Technology Policy: Governing Emerging Technologies. Aug 17-21 2008 Big Sky, Mt. Poster AWARDS, SCHOLARSHIPS, AND FELLOWSHIPS Michael J. Connell Memorial Fund Fellowship, Bren School ES&M, UCSB (2013-2014) Decker’s Outdoor Graduate Student Fellowship (Fall 2012) Partnership for International Research and Education at UCSB in Electron Chemistry and Catalysis at Interfaces (PIRE-ECCI) participant and Dalian Summer Insititute (Sept 2012) UCSB Graduate Division Central Fellowship: Graduate Opportunity Fellowship (Fall 2011- June 2012) Partnership for International Research and Education at UCSB in Electron Chemistry and Catalysis at Interfaces (PIRE-ECCI) participant (2008-09) Center for Nanotechnology and Society (CNS) Fellowship, UCSB (2007-10) UCSB Chem. Dept. Outstanding Service Award for Grad. Recruitment (2007) Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) Fellowship, UCSB (2006-present) Altadena Kiwanis’s Club Scholarship (2002) California State University, Los Angeles, Academic Scholarship (2001) Louis Stoke Alliance for Minority Participation, CSULA (2000-2001) Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), CSULA (1998-2000) Scholarship from Baptist Alliance (1998) Bridges to the Future, CSULA (Summer 1998) CONFERENCES, ORGANIZATIONS, AND ACTIVITIES UC CEIN Writing Workshop, Instr. Josh Schimel, UCLA (Jan 2014) UC CEIN Student/Postdoc Leadership Workshop, UCLA (Oct 2013) UC CEIN Nano EH&S Forum, UCLA (May 2013) Mentor to 3 undergraduate students on UC CEIN projects (04/2012-Present) UC CEIN NSF Site Visit Poster Presentation, UCLA (April 2012) Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) Workshop, Howard Univ. (June 2011) SREB Institute on Teaching and Mentoring, Tampa, Fl. (Oct 2010) Advisory Committee on Graduate Student Diversity, UCSB (March 2009) Mentor, John Muir High School, Pasadena Ca. (Nov 2008-9) HUTEP Postdoctoral Workshop, Howard Univ. (Sept 2008) McNair Program Discussion Panel, UCSB (Spring 2008 & 2009) NanoDays Volunteer, Sponsored by CNSI, CNS, & Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara Ca. (Spring 2008, 2009, and 2012) Graduate Student Needs Panel, UCSB (Winter 2008) Black Pioneer Renaissance Organization (BPRO) Dir. of Education, UCSB (2007-9) Alliance for Graduate Education & the Professoriate Society (AGEP), Vice President, UCSB (2007-9) Graduate Student Panel for Onsite NIH Visit, MORE Programs, CSULA (Sept. 2007) Graduate Student Information Panel, MBRS-RISE, CSULA (Aug 2007) Graduate Student Panel, Organized by UCI, UCLA (Aug 2007) Graduate Student Info. Panel, Graduate Division, UCSB (2007) Chemistry Club member, CSULA (2005-2006)