2016 GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM AGENCY AGREEMENT TO PARTICIPATE Fellowship Applicant: ___________________________________________________________________ Name of Organization: __________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Supervisor Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Telephone: __________________________ Email address: _____________________________________ Although we understand the unpredictable nature of the hiring process and that no guarantees can be made in terms of this student’s candidacy, please answer the questions below to the best of your knowledge at this time: 1. By working with our organization as a graduate fellow, this student is increasing his/her chance at a permanent placement within our organization. _____Yes _____No 2. This organization has hired a recent law school graduate in a permanent capacity within the past 5 years. _____Yes _____No 3. Based on internal and/or budgetary discussions, the need to hire a new employee in 3-8 months is foreseeable. _____Yes _____No I agree to provide work and supervision to the above-named applicant. The Graduate Fellow will work with this organization between the following timeframe: ______________________________________ Supervising Attorney or Agent’s Signature: _________________________________________________ Date _____________ Telephone ______________ Email Address ____________________________ ___ Please complete and mail, email or fax this form to: Anne Elise Doise, Career Specialist Career Development Office University of Houston Law Center 100 Law Center, Houston, Texas 77204-6060 713-743-6717 Fax: 713-743-2091 ardoise@central.uh.edu