RTI Interview

Barta 1
Report of Administrative Interview
Houston Baptist University
Diagnostic and Prescriptive Teaching for Exceptional 5311
Fall 2015
Maria Elena Barta
Barta 2
1. Collect a district’s procedures/forms for special education referral from a school
a) Intervention Assistance Team (IAT) Forms
Houston Independent School District (office of Student Support Services and Office
of Special Education Services 2006-2007
b) Notice of Procedural Safeguards (March 2015) www.esc18.net Texas Education
Agency (TEA)
2. Write a brief summary of the district procedures for RtI implementation:
a) RTI team roles
*An individual who is legally responsible for the child’s welfare such as a biological
parent, an adoptive parent, a foster parent if allowed by state requirements, a
guardian, an individual acting in the place of a biological or adoptive parent
(including a grandparent, stepparent, or other relative). He or she provides the child’s
health history.
*The RtI committee such as the child’s general teacher, special education teacher, and
school administrator. They determine whether the child qualifies for special education
and related services. They also develop, review, and revise the child’s individualized
educational program (IEP), and determine the child’s educational placement.
The ARD committee and the IDEA is available from the child’s school in a
companion document Parent’s Guide to the Admission, Review, and Dismissal
Process: http://framework.esc.18net/
b) What data is collected?
*Parental Consent: The school must obtain the child’s informed consent before it may
carry out certain processes.
*Initial Evaluation: Before conducting an initial evaluation of the child to determine
if the child qualifies as a child with a disability under the IDEA, the school must give
the parents prior written notice of the proposed evaluation and get the parents’
informed consent.
*Initial Services: The school also needs the parents’ informed consent to provide
special education services to their child for the first time.
*Reevaluation: The school must get the parents’ consent to reevaluate their child
unless it can demonstrate that it took reasonable measures to obtain their consent and
the parents failed to respond.
*Override Procedures: If the child is enrolled in the public school and the parents
refuse to give consent for an initial evaluation or a reevaluation, the school may, but
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is not required to, pursue the child’s evaluation or reevaluation by using the mediation
or due process hearing procedures.
*Teacher interventions: The child’s teacher collects data such as interventions,
observations, students’ work, and parents’ communication forms.
c) What forms are used?
*Intervention Assistance Teams Forms (Academic Task Analysis, Team
Development Decisions Form, Team Operations Evaluation Form, Problem-Solving
Team Request for Assistance Form, Problem-Solving Team Meeting Documentation
Form, Action Plan: Intervention Form, Problem-Solving Team Follow –Up Report
*Contact Information Form
*ARD/IEP Notice to Access of Medicaid Reimbursement
3. Interview an RtI team member regarding:
a) Their role
Mrs. Indu Raman is the Special Education – Speech Therapist from Hines-Caldwell
Elementary School. According to Mrs. Indu Raman her role in the RtI is to provide
strategies and interventions for the teachers prior to having the referral made. If a
teacher or the parents have a speech language concern about a child then her goal is to
provide services to help the child overcome his/her disability.
b) Their understanding of the RtI process
Her understanding of the RtI is that when a child is performing below grade level
then she wants to have the child receive different strategies and interventions before
just doing a full evaluation.
c) Their professional opinion of RtI
She believes that “it is very good if the strategies and interventions are provided to
the child.” She thinks that “they can work and if they are not successful then the child
can get the extra help from his/her teacher” (Mrs. Indu Raman).
4. What is your opinion of RtI?
As an educational diagnostician, I am responsible to understand and inform the campus
administrators and the child’s parents about the process of RtI. For example, I should get
parental consent, provide evaluation processes, and special education services such as
procedures and interventions to inform the child’s parents. Besides that, I must
understand laws that protect children with special need such as Section 504.
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Raman, I. (2015, November 11). RtI team member interview [Personal interview].