Frizlands Lane, Dagenham, Essex RM10 7HX
Telephone:(020) 8270 6506/ 6596
Headteacher: Mrs G Massar
Friday 20 th November 2015
Dear parents and carers,
Over the next three weeks, the children will be partaking in a home-learning project based on our IPC topic this term entitled “The Great, the brave and the bold”.
The children have been encouraged to research leisure pursuits of the people of Ancient Greece and
Ancient Rome. As drama and theatre was a popular past time, we have asked the children to create
“Theatre Masks”. These masks could also be based on the Greek Gods and Goddesses that we have been learning about through this topic.
Please encourage and support your child with their efforts using recycled material, e.g. newspapers for paper mache.
Below are a series of pictures which we hope will motivate and inspire the children to have a go.
The projects will need to be completed on Wednesday 9 th December 2015.
All entries will be displayed in and around our year 5 classes as well as on our year 5 website page.
Yours Sincerely,
Year 5 Teachers