Board of Directors State of New Hampshire Prevention Certification

Board of Directors
State of New Hampshire Prevention Certification
April 28, 2014
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Tim Lena, Donna Arias, Elena VanZandt, Marissa Carlson, Mike O’Bryant,
Mary Forsythe-Taber, Bob Thompson, Valerie Morgan (BDAS), Abby Shockley (by
phone), Cyndi Desrosiers (administrator, by phone)
The meeting was called to order at 8:37am with a moment of silence.
1. March meeting minutes were reviewed. Tim motion to accept, Mary moved
to accept & Bob seconded, all approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report – Elena walked through an updated report design. Elena
recommends considering increasing fees for testing, since it currently just
covers the cost of the test itself. Form 990 due May 15. Elena would like to
set up a separate budget that reflects other income – like testing, recerts, etc.
– besides just the budget that show state contract. Elena will aim to have
that budget ready for May so that it can be voted on for the June annual
meeting. Tim motioned to accept the treasurer’s report, Bob moved to
accept, Mary seconded, all approved.
3. Consultant Report – Cyndi. 3 recertifications, 2 still pending. Still big
number of emails about testing.
4. Peer Review – Donna. 2 recertifications pending, waiting on some
clarifications on the applications from the candidates. Elena raised point that
there’s still need for clarification around supervision hours in application.
Donna said that some confusion arises because of the particular similarities
& differences from the LADC process around supervision & experience hours.
5. Education Committee – Bob – Katy Shea developed description of document
to accompany Google Docs. If people have info on trainings (distance, live,
webinar, etc.), please send it to committee members. Valerie raised concerns
about lack of violence prevention trainings so far. Donna wonders if we
should give applicants the ability to submit courses for review. Tim brings up
whether we could charge applicants for pre-approval? Bob gave some
context for the ways other states get substantial income from CEU preapproval. Would putting pre-approval possibilities at the individual level
undercut future opportunities to increase revenue from the entities
providing the trainings? Valerie gave some context of why the revenue
structure was different back when the state contract was $10,000 instead of
$5,000. Bob recommended considering in-kind donations based on Board
members’ professional time and any of our time donated by our
organizations. Elena wonders if there can be a fee attached to the distancelearning approval process? Mike talked about the pre-approved list of
trainings for LADACs. Marissa raised concerns about people avoiding
individual fees by waiting for Peer Review instead of paying to find out early
– does that create more work down the line? Elena wonders about preapproval fees from NHTIAD – can we get some small cut of participant
registrations? Donna raised that might be a conflict of interest, if we have a
stake in a training running in order to make money at this point in the
process. Plan to talk about fee structure ideas within Ed. & Peer Review
Committees and return to large group. Donna moved to support that plan,
Marissa seconded, all approved.
6. Testing update –Marissa - 2 will be testing in June so far. Bob will be
proctoring with Marissa in June. Donna will be co-proctoring in September.
Marissa will be straightening out login from Rachel at IC&RC. Next year of
testing now up on website.
7. Old business
a. 501(c)(3) update – Tim – It would be $1000 to reapply with the
federal government, with no guaranteed outcome. Lawyer
recommended applying from scratch as a new entity, though not
dissolving the 501(c)(6) until there’s a new approval. Instead, could
we look for an existing 501(c)(3) to act as our fiscal agent, allowing us
to look for funds under them? Bob reminded the Board of when we
explored doing something similar with New Futures. Questions raised
about whether we would have to disband as a 501(c)(6) in order to
qualify for funds. It might be in our best interest to disband. Mary will
ask her lawyer whether there’s any conflict in a 501(c)(6) receiving
funds from a 501(c)(3) fiscal agent, and how much a legal consultant
to help us through a reapplication process would cost. Tim will have
exploratory conversations with CHI, New Futures, etc., about whether
they would be interested. Bob would also be interested in getting
more formal information about the process of becoming a statemandated board – Valerie sometimes gets push-back when the CPS
credential is required in state contracts, and a state statute would
settle that.
8. New business
9. Citizens’ Comments – Valerie reports that a new workforce development
RFP should be released very soon.
10. Entered Executive Session approx. 10:10am. Exited Executive Session at
11. Next meeting: May 19, 2014, CHI, Bow, NH (2nd Floor) at 8:30am.
12. Donna moved to adjourn, Marissa seconded, all were in favor. Adjourned at