Board of Directors State of New Hampshire Prevention Certification

Board of Directors
State of New Hampshire Prevention Certification
November 25, 2013
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Tim Lena, Donna Arias, Marissa Carlson, Mary Forsythe-Taber, Diane
Casale, Bob Thompson, Karen Paddleford (CHI)
Present by phone: Cyndi Desrosiers (administrator), Sarah Sutherland (peer
review), Katy Shea (CHI)
The meeting was called to order at 8:37am with a moment of silence.
1. October meeting minutes were reviewed. Tim motion to accept, Donna
moved to accept & Mary seconded, all were in favor.
2. Treasurer’s Report – Diane. Status quo on the budget. Only October
spending was Cyndi’s contract, postage, and refunding one study guide.
Travel line item has been changed – moved $325 from travel to expenses
based on Cyndi’s input. Tim motion to accept, Donna moved to accept &
Tim seconded, all were in favor.
3. Consultant Report – 1 new certification, 1 recertification, 1 pending new
application. New manual is being presented today. Cyndi would like us to
prioritize her responsibilities that she emailed, which will be discussed
further in new business. Could there be an electronic form for test
registration instead of just the face sheet from the paper application? Diane
agrees that a separate registration form would be helpful.
4. Peer Review – Donna reports that transition to applicant communication
through Bob has been going smoothly. Peer Review will be meeting between
now & the Dec. board meeting, in which they will be reviewing the new
manual. ATOD has been reduced from 50 to 24 hours by IC&RC, and they
will be discussing what NH will do with that. Will also be reviewing
feasibility & acceptability of online ethics training. Reviewing apps has been
going well. There will be 2 new members soon.
5. Testing update – Diane reports that 5 people will be testing in December.
She will pass all testing info to Marissa at the morning of testing. Diane can
complete the reporting process for this testing cohort in January. Marissa
will meet with Diane before/after the December testing session to talk more
about what running testing entails, and be ready to head up testing for
6. Manual & application changes – Karen from CHI reports on update and
streamlining of the manual. Updates include visual, including forms for both
people with & without college degrees, links updated in manual – now they
link to specific parts of the website versus just the homepage, and now all in
the same www. format. Summary has been moved to the front. Requirements
broken down into experience & education. Changed Peer Review description
to rolling review instead of once a month. Karen will provide the documents
in multiple formats. Cyndi has requested an application update to match the
increased polish & branding of the manual. General approval from all in the
room. Bob likes putting this updated manual together with the applications
as appendices - more people will probably read the manual.
Question of whether we can put the manual up on the website before the
June meeting? General consensus that we probably don’t have to wait based
on by-laws.
Donna will review the updated manual with Peer Review.
7. Registration form for testing presented for review. Diane wonders about
possible confusion with paying at time of testing or packets. Bob thinks we
should approve all paperwork together. Diane & Marissa suggested that the
test registration page be separate from any mention of packets. Reminders
can be given about other application logistics about applying at the test.
Mary made motion to take out packet language and match formatting to the
TA request to CHI, Bob seconded.
8. Old business
a. Professional mentoring effort – Tim & Donna designed & submitted a
two-tiered version, one with a budget of about $3500 approved by
BDAS and one without.
b. NH Prevention Specialist Champion – Tabled until next meeting.
c. 501(c)(3) update – Mary has documents from Diane and will be
meeting with MIH’s lawyer in Dec. Tim has a lawyer contact now who
is willing to review our packet as well. Mary will get a copy of the
packet to Tim.
9. New business –
a. GCPxTF training project - Katy Shea reported on Governor’s
Commission Prevention Task Force committee examination of
training opportunities, particularly distance learning. Presented
document as work in progress. Questions of how trainings could get
certified by the board and/or peer review, since we don’t want to
move too much forward without knowing the approval process.
Donna suggested we add a violence prevention tab, since that is a
Bob talked about the background of why GCPxTF is looking at this list as
a big project: new prevention regions, Partnership for Success cohorts,
etc., will be an influx of applicants. Gave an example of the work that CT
has been doing.
Tim talked about the face-to-face vs distance learning requirements, but
there isn’t a limit in the manual.
We already accept other IC&RC boards credits, though other states’
training don’t necessarily have the same domains as us.
Bob would like to have the GCPxTF committee look into what other states
are doing instead of putting that on Cyndi, related to general concern of how
much work is being put on Peer Review & Cyndi. He is suggesting a separate
CEU committee headed up by Bob & Marissa. At some point the GCPxTF will
dissolve and this committee could stay. Bob motioned to create committee
headed by Bob & Marissa and take some of that pressure off Peer Review,
Donna seconded, all in favor.
Diane will email document with committee roles to Donna & Bob for
them to separate out and clearly define roles.
Questions arose about when we might owe second payment to CT
Certification Board for online training.
Tim reminds us that preapproval of CEU’s is a potential source of
income for the board.
b. New Board members – Donna suggests looking further out for new board
members, e.g. injury specialists, court diversion, NAMI, etc. By-laws do not specify
that a board member has to be a CPS, so we are not limited by that. Tim can speak
with an injury prevention person he knows. Bob suggests new regional
coordinators, Abby from the Providers’ Association, Aida from Upper Valley.
Possibly Pam Santa Fe, but she might be too busy with her new position.
Mary would like to see us present at the next prevention coordinators’ meeting.
Perhaps a general invitation to the coordinators to participate in committees, but
more strategic invitations to individuals for BOD membership.
Diane said that current accounting needs are not complex, typically 2-3 hours a
month, but a lot longer at the end of the year. Also requires a typewriter for a very
old-fashioned form that has to go to Cyndi by February.
Voted for Bob to approach Aida & Abby, Tim to approach Deb Samaha (sp?) & Rich
Cram, Donna will ask Elena about her interest in the treasurer position.
Donna will check with Betsy Houde about potential Rotary members who might be
interested in accounting.
Bob would like us to talk via email about names before making an offer.
10. Citizens’ Comments – Sarah Sutherland wanted to clarify change in ATOD
numbers, and would like Peer Review to have access to the new forms.
11. Recognized & regretfully accepted Diane’s resignation. We thank her for all
of her service and wish her the best for her new & increased court diversion
role. Donna moved to have Mary be the interim treasurer, with Diane’s
assistance, Tim seconded, all in favor.
12. Administrator’s task list prioritization – Tim proposes that we rank the list
individually and then compare. Bob reviewed Cyndi’s initial 2010 contract.
12. Next meeting: December 16, 2013, CHI, Bow, NH (2nd Floor) at 8:30am.
13. Bob moved to adjourn, Donna seconded, all were in favor. Adjourned at