NHPCB Minutes January 2015 - NH Prevention Certification Board

Board of Directors
State of New Hampshire Prevention Certification
January 26, 2015
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Tim Lena, Mary Forsythe-Taber, Elena VanZandt, Marissa Carlson, Katy
Shea, Bob Thompson, Valerie Morgan (BDAS), Karen Paddleford (administrator)
The meeting was called to order at 8:35am with a moment of silence.
1. December meeting minutes were reviewed. Mary motion to accept, Bob
moved to accept & Tim seconded, all approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report – Elena reviewed both Dec. & Jan. reports. Given
increased specificity in reporting, she is comfortable with
reviewing/approving in her absence at future meetings. Elena clarified
GoDaddy accounts, and clarified previous confusion about other domain
registries that were actually for the NH Providers’ Association. Our 2
domains expire in 2 years, and website hosting in 5 years. In addition, the
Quickbooks transition has been made, and Elena will present the differences
in detail soon. Last quarter invoice has just come to Karen as of Friday, so
she will pass that along to Elena. Mary made motion to approve 2 months of
reports as amended, Marissa to accept, Bob seconded, all in favor.
3. Consultant Report – Karen. Lots of applications in process, 5 new
certifications on the way, 3 CEUs processed & approved. See report for
responses from other states about ethics & testing conditions. Clarification
on P&P test costs: $70/test plus $20 total S&H for the order. Many survey
responses so far, and Karen will be sending out a reminder for more
responses soon. Survey was sent to CPS list, but also encouraged recipients
to send it along to others. We’ll have more formal reaching out planned at
the Feb. meeting, but in the meantime, committee chairs will reach out to
those interested so far.
4. Testing update –Marissa. All 5 testers in the difficult Dec. conditions passed,
so we did not have to take any next steps to make up for the conditions,
provide retests, etc. Marissa will check with Donna about proctoring with
Bob as a backup
5. Peer Review – Tim. Lots of cases that have been worked on for a while, good
progress being made. See consultant’s report for more info. Tim will talk at
the next PRC call about the pros/cons of including the narrative section of the
6. Education Committee – Bob. Committee is currently reviewing various
application/manual materials. Bob & Katy met about changes, and Abby &
Marissa will be reviewing that before the next meeting, can send it out
electronically if finished before the Feb meeting. Aiming for clarity for BA &
non-BA candidates, plus making the change from disciplines to domains.
Change will impact a lot of materials beyond just app & manual – e.g. website,
quick guide. Ed. Comm will be meeting to figure out a dissemination
plan/schedule for the rest of the board. Tim raised the question of the
narrative having been reinserted back into the manual/application. Miniessays about each domain is included – was it ever pulled? There were
questions about the subjectivity of scoring in the past. Once Ed Comm is all
on the same page, Ed Comm will reach out to Peer Review to schedule a joint
meeting. Valerie asked for clarification around BA requirements and CEU
credits. Some programs/certifications put you back on HS status after 10
years beyond getting a BA.
7. Old Business
a. Retreat follow-up
i. Tabled voting on new fee structure until Elena has new and
more clarified reports on costs via Quickbooks
ii. Recruiting & Nominating Comm – we don’t have members on
this committee yet. Bob raise questions about our capacity to
lead the committees.
iii. Professional & Consumer Protection Comm – Katy would be
interested in co-chairing that, perhaps once the current Ed.
Comm project is done.
iv. Bob would like to discuss voting timelines. Bob motioned to
nominate Donna as President, Tim seconded. Her period of
service would be finishing out Tim’s term from now through
June, then she would start her own 3-year term in June. Bob
feels that many of the concerns that informed delaying the vote
have been improved and/or resolved through improved
functioning of the Board as a whole. Mary moved to vote, all in
favor, none opposed. Donna elected President. Bob nominated
Mary for VP, Katy seconded. Mary has reservations about
committing past June to the role, given her work concerns.
New motion: Bob motioned to nominate Mary to serve as VP
just until June, Elena seconded that. Elena moved to vote, all in
favor. Mary elected VP until June.
8. New business
a. NHADACA training – webinar about the certification process.
i. Questions raised by Tim about whether it makes sense to give
up potential revenue from a cert. webinar that would then just
go to NHADACA instead. Elena said we had already said we
had wanted to do trainings, so would we want to decide more
about our training protocol to make a decision on this. Karen
wondered if there’s a potential cost-share option. Mary & Bob
advocated that it be a collaboration. Valerie mentioned that
this is a contract requirement for NHADACA by the end of June.
Does it need to be a Board member presenting the training?
Either Donna or Mary will get back to Kim about the cost
collaboration aspect and checking with Kelley H. about
presenting, since she has done that live in the past.
ii. IC&RC focus group on process & requirements will soon be
completed and can be used in the presentation,
9. Citizens’ Comments –
a. Valerie has requested a sole-source review & amend contract for the
next year. There will be an increase from $5,000 to $10,000, increased
monthly reporting requirements (including how fees are coming in
and increased use of money). Valerie & Karen will talk later discuss
the reporting requirements of the new contract. Part of reporting will
be demonstrating an increase in the marketing of the certification.
There will soon be another RFP related to professional mentoring that
either could be applied for by the Board, or at least should work in
collaboration with us if not coming directly from us.
b. Tim said the first regional SAP meeting has taken place.
10. Next meeting: February 23, 2015, CHI, 501 South St., 2nd Floor, Bow, NH at
11. Mary moved to adjourn, Bob motioned, Elena seconded, all were in favor.
Adjourned at 10:07am.