Website proposed changes for IT Appendix 1

Sociology Group web page – proposed
Appendix 1
Sociology Group
Nuffield College has the largest number of sociologists of any college in Oxford,
including the two University Chairs in Sociology. The Sociology Group at Nuffield thus
lies at the heart of Sociology in Oxford. In addition to sociologists, the Sociology Group
in Nuffield includes social statisticians, demographers, and social historians. The principal
specialities of the Nuffield sociologists are analytical sociology, medical sociology,
political sociology, social networks, social stratification, the sociology of labour markets,
family sociology, pro-social behaviour, and sociology of religion. The group is particularly
strong in the development and empirical testing of middle-range social-science theories.
Contact information
Chair: Prof. Nan Dirk de Graaf (linked to profile page)
Administrator: Lin Sorrell (linked to contact page)
Admissions: College Office (linked to contact page)
Working papers
Department of Sociology Working papers (linked)
Economic and Social History Working papers (link to listings)
Seminars (Nuffield College) (link to listings, filtered by relevant seminars)
Seminars (Department of Sociology) (link to listings)
Group members
(N.B. Flexibility of selection criteria for group listings needed. Further consultation may be required on
categorisation, however principle remains of having members listed on one page).
Bob Allen, (‘Role’ field)
Francesco Billari,
Bess Bukodi,
Nan Dirk de Graaf
Geoffrey Evans
Ray Fitzpatrick
Duncan Gallie
Diego Gambetta,
Jan O. Jonsson
Colin Mills
Christiaan Monden
Tom Snijders
Senior Research Fellows
 To be listed
 etc
Research Fellows
 To be listed
 etc
Honorary and Emeritus Fellows
 Names to appear in expandable drop down list (or link to separate page?)
Associate members:
 Names to appear in expandable drop down list (or link to separate page?)
 Names to appear in expandable drop down list (or link to separate page?)
Visiting Fellows
(not to be listed on group page)
Visiting Academics
(can be added to group page by request e.g. if visiting for significant period of time)
Studying Sociology at Nuffield (link)
Useful links
Department of Social Policy and Intervention
Department of Statistics (linked)
Department of Public Health (link to Ray Fitzpatrick dept profile page?) - TBC