Procedures for Academic/Administrative Complaints and Appeals of

Procedures for Academic/Administrative Complaints and Appeals
of TWU Decisions
Academic/Administrative Complaint and Appeal Procedures for Students at TWU
The review procedures outlined below are those which regularly apply to all students who seek review of
decisions made within the University. Texas Woman’s University has traditionally guaranteed students every
opportunity for a fair, prompt, and thorough review of complaints and appeals. It is the intention of the
University to provide adequate internal review. It is the expectation of the University that students will
follow the complaint and appeal procedure to completion before seeking external consideration.
Timeline for Complaints and Appeals
Each type of complaint or appeal below must be submitted via e-mail to each office in the order listed for
that complaint or appeal topic, and students may discontinue the complaint or appeal at any level.
Complaints or appeals at each level must be made via e-mail no later than ten days after the date of the
original decision or decision at the previous level. The ten days for complaints or appeals at each level do not
include weekends, holidays, or days between academic sessions. The faculty member or administrator
receiving the complaint or appeal will respond via e-mail within ten days not including weekends, holidays,
or days between academic sessions.
Undergraduate students with questions about sequence for complaints or appeals, or issues that are not
identified below, should contact the Office of Undergraduate Studies and Academic Partnerships
(; 940/898-2738). Graduate students with questions or issues that are not
identified below should contact the Graduate School (; 940/898-3415).
Please select from the following list of topics to be directed to the appropriate procedures:
(Hold down the control key to select from the choices below.)
6-drop Rule
Admission Decisions
Advising Issues
Commencement Issues
Courses Attempted more than Twice
Degree Requirements
Excess Hours
Financial Aid Issues
Grade Appeals
Late Registration after Census Date
Late Graduation Applications
Medical Withdrawals/Drops
Reinstatement for Financial Reasons
Transfer Equivalency
Transcript Issues
Other Academic Program Issues
Admission Decisions
Advising Issues
Degree Requirements
Excess Hours
Financial Aid Issues
Grade Appeals
Graduation/Commencement Issues
Late Graduation Applications
Late Registration after Census Date
Medical Withdrawals/Drops
Transcript Issues
Reinstatement for Financial Reasons
Other Academic Program Issues
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Sequence of Offices for Complaints and Appeals
Undergraduate Grade Appeals, Advising Issues, & Other Academic Program Issues
1. Faculty Member/Instructor (Grade Appeals only)
2. Chair, Director, or Associate Dean
3. College Dean
4. Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies and Academic Partnerships (Decision is
Graduate Grade Appeals, Advising Issues, & Other Academic Program Issues
1. Faculty Member/Instructor (Grade Appeals only) or Advisory Committee
2. Chair, Director, or Associate Dean
3. College Dean
4. Dean of the Graduate School (Decision is final.)
Undergraduate 6-drop rule, Transcript Issues, Excess Hours, & Courses Attempted more
than Twice
1. Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies and Academic Partnerships
2. Provost (Decision is final.)
Graduate Degree Requirements, Graduation/Commencement Issues, Late Graduation
Applications, Probation/Suspension, Transcript Issues, Excess Hours, Admissions
1. Dean of the Graduate School
2. Provost (Decision is final.)
Undergraduate Transfer Equivalency
1. Director, Office of Admissions Processing
2. Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies and Academic Partnerships (Decision is
Undergraduate Admission Decisions
1. Director, Office of Admissions Processing
2. Admission Review Committee
3. Vice President for Enrollment Services (Decision is final.)
Financial Aid Issues
1. Director, Office of Financial Aid
2. Vice President for Enrollment Services (Decision is final.)
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Undergraduate Probation/Suspension & Degree Requirements
1. Registrar
2. Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies and Academic Partnerships (Decision is
Undergraduate and Graduate Registration, Undergraduate Late Graduation Applications,
& Undergraduate Commencement Issues
1. Registrar
2. Vice President for Enrollment Services (Decision is final.)
Late Registration after Census Date, and Reinstatement for Financial Reasons
1. Registrar
2. Vice President for Enrollment Services
3. Vice President for Finance and Administration (Decision is final.)
Residency Decisions
1. Registrar
2. Residency Appeals Committee (Decision is final.)
Medical Withdrawals/Drops
1. Vice President for Student Life (Decision is final.)
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